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Hangman, Hangman, Hold It A Little While . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Yes, you are not dreaming—the title of this thread is borrowed from Gallows Pole, an excellent song by Led Zeppelin. Fellow Americans, we are all of us standing up there on the platform dimmed from sunlight by the twin heavy, cold shadows of both the gallows pole and the hangman himself. Only, in all our cases the hangman is not simply one man who can be bribed as easily to spare us as Robert Plant speculated, but is in fact representative of perhaps as many as ten thousand and more power hungry hedonistic American politicians we elected along with their Chinese, United Nations, IMF, WEF and multi-national billionaire masters. But they're all just the tip of the iceberg of Hell on Earth about to grind down on all our heads.

Because, my friends, throughout the darker days incoming and very soon neither our elected leaders, nor globalist billionaires, nor even the Chinese CCP will be coming for us in person to seize the rest of our God given rights, sever our American freedoms and eventually slaughter one in five of us or so. No, the people who will be doing that to us are much more familiar—or at least their uniforms and/or official titles are. So it won't even be our governor's, mayors or county commissioners driving cold dagger blades into our hearts. Nah, those "elected" guys' and gals' hands are too finely manicured (even during COVID) to get blood on them.

The people who will be coming for me, coming for you and coming for all our fellow Americans are cops, paramedics, firemen, state health workers, doctors at our local hospitals (and psychologists) and even our own neighbors, co-workers, spouses and children (in some cases). But for now at least, let's talk local law enforcement. So as some of you already know I am former federal law enforcement myself (DSS) and I run a small business training cops in close quarters combat and intelligence gathering. What that means is one, cops provide my wife and I with a decent chunk of our income—they're my clients. Two, it also means I have great respect for most law enforcement personnel and I even love some of those boys and girls in blue.

That being said and being the case, law enforcement personnel at all levels will enforce genocidal COVID-19 quarantine and lockdown mandates with lethal force and the high majority of them will justify severely harming you and your family quite easily. Want to know why? Because, mainly, they enjoy their positions of power over us, they are a tight knit brotherhood (us versus them mentality), and they will also be out to protect their families at any cost, which will mean harming your family. That's just the way things stand. Of course, some cops really are true believers in following orders no matter the evil of any order given. Some of them truly believe a plain old normal citizen could spread a deadly disease if, when the time comes, they allow them to escape custody or . . . survive.

Same goes for your average paramedic and firefighter; they will become contact tracer informants in a heartbeat if it means serving the cause of so-called public health safety and keeping their jobs. So it also goes for doctors, nurses and any related health field/industry personnel.

So the hangman will come to each and every one of us and he will be wearing hundreds if not thousands of different faces. Many, many politicians, scientists and doctors and others have alluded to the term DARK WINTER. Dark Winter is not a real resurgence of any super flu from Asia, no—Dark Winter means the murder of thousands if not millions of otherwise healthy Americans and the suspension of all rights and freedoms of tens of millions more. And they—all of them from state governors on down will call it necessary to stop the spread of a lethal virus which does not exist in the form they believe it to.

But they'll all sleep just fine and dandy AFTER millions of us have been killed or imprisoned or driven mad or to the point of begging for death. See, all these newly self-crowned teapot dictators—every last one of them—all possess the ultimate get out of jail free card which resides with them in the form of plausible deniability. Remember when I wrote above about how it wouldn't be the people in charge themselves coming to your individual doorsteps? How it will be the cops? Their henchmen? That's right. After all of the dust (or black snow) settles from the coming DARK WINTER, and any sane people still alive in government call for trials to charge these bastards with crimes against humanity, all of our governors, mayors, etc. who ordered up sides of genocide will claim they never harmed a hair on a single American's head. And they'll get away with it too, just like many of the Nazi commanders did, because they'll blame it all on their foot soldiers—say the cops committed all the real atrocities.

So you see, my fellow Americans, you can cry for the hangman to wait all you want; you can cry rivers at the hangman's feet, fill his boots with your tears, but it won't matter. Because the hangman has already pronounced himself innocent of oppressing and killing millions of us, and he has already learned to "live with" our deaths and internments and torture.

The hangman standing by the gallows pole is about to pull that terrible handle on all of us Americans. Will you just stand there, noose around your necks, waiting for the trapdoor to spring open beneath your feet or will you curse your executioner . . . or will you actually resist pleading with him for your lives?

I couldn't get no silver, I couldn't get no gold
You know that we're too damn poor
To keep you from the gallows pole
Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while
Jimmy Page/Robert Plant (Gallows Pole)

Your post is about the silliest thing I ever read.

"Millions of people" aren't going to be killed. You guys are not taking your crushing defeat well at all.

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