Hannity and Coulter says the bomber should have been shot in the boat

You're taking her words out of context. They're referring to the boat he was found on, not a comparable boat to how immigrants arrived here during the melting pot.

Big difference.
Ann Coulter Uses Boston Bombing To Tear Into Amnesty: ?Shows How We Need Better Immigrants? | Mediaite

Just incredible! I guess these two loons are now disappointed that the bomber says he and his brother acted alone. These are great examples of the RW extremist that are killing this country.

You've taken her words out of context. What she said was if they aren't going to read him his Miranda rights why not shoot him. It is was a poor choice of words but she wasn't advocating killing someone.
Ann Coulter Uses Boston Bombing To Tear Into Amnesty: ?Shows How We Need Better Immigrants? | Mediaite

Just incredible! I guess these two loons are now disappointed that the bomber says he and his brother acted alone. These are great examples of the RW extremist that are killing this country.

You've taken her words out of context. What she said was if they aren't going to read him his Miranda rights why not shoot him. It is was a poor choice of words but she wasn't advocating killing someone.

certainly not any worse then having a secret kill list
The left wing loons are disappointed because the bombers didn't do enough. Bill Ayers said he didn't do enough out of all the bombs he used. The bomber brothers just carried on his noble cause. The left believes that they acted alone. The survivor has no reason to lie, does he? In fact, we really don't know what he said, because all we are getting is the official report of what he said and this regime makes it up as they go along anyway.
I heard Geraldo Rivera and O'Rielly say this past week that the kid should fry. (Now that's unacceptable).
right wing extremists ? haaa... :laugh2: it is the fucking left wing fools who are the most dangerous critters in this country, they want and demand "GUN FREE ZONES" so that the other insane liberals can inflict maximum damage in their insane actions, i do not need to list them, but every shooter in the past 30+ years have had "DEMONCRATIC" liberal ties/influence.

if we go back to the time when:
On This Day: Puerto Rican Nationalists Launch Assault on US Congress
On March 1, 1954, Puerto Rican nationalists opened fire on the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen.
Nationalists Attack Congress

Nationalists = LIBERALS, COMMIES, TERRORISTS !! :up: :evil:

Its easy to make fun of fux because they are so uniformly stoopid but, someday, we will see them for the true heroes they are. I mean, imagine how difficult it has to be to work undercover for the Dem party for as long as they have.
Just because he says he was acting alone, doesn't mean he was really acting alone.
I heard Geraldo Rivera and O'Rielly say this past week that the kid should fry. (Now that's unacceptable).

you don't think he should fry? And secondly, he's no damn kid, he's 19 and did a very adult thing. he's no damn kid he's a fucking murderer.
Hannity and Coulter must remain noisy and outrageous to continue attracting the admiration of their right-wing and undereducated followers. That's where their money comes from, and that's who buys their constant supply of new "books."
I know exactly what they were saying! They were advocating that he be shot in the small boat that he was found in. They are both wrong and basically idiots! But the far right loves it and keeps tuning them in, so they will continue to say the outrageous.

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