Hannity Demands Seniors, Disabled Vets, and Children with Cancer be put to work

Media Matters? This is the kind of silly shit that R-Derp usually posts.

Occasionally I post from Media Matters, but most of the time, I try to pick from right wing publications or post video from Youtube.

Right wingerteanutcrazybaggers can call me a liar, but they never prove it. They don't even try. We know why. It's difficult to argue with video unless it's been altered. That's something Hannity and other Right wingerteanutcrazybaggers do. But they always get caught because Right wingerteanutcrazybaggers and technology simply doesn't mix. They just don't know enough. They do a poor job and always get caught.

"Occasionally"? Dude, you post from Media Matters and Think Progress RELIGIOUSLY!

I don't refer to you a liar, Deanie...I refer to you as a partisan parrot who hasn't had an original thought in all the time I've interacted with you. You post derivatives of the same silly couple of posts...over...and over...and OVER again!
and he has been doing that since 09.....
Hannity is a fucking lunatic! He should be water-boarded for a solid week and then shipped off to one of Putin's concentration camps forever.

in the end these self entitled white christian parasite pricks who produce nothing like hanity will be swinging by their own entrails, time isn't on their side

I like this comment on the article
"So, Sean, are you saying that all of the lower ranked military members in my community who receive government assistance because their pay scale is so low should clean the streets, too? Way to support the troops"

I know the atmosphere and have seen it what sean was raised in on Long Island, there is a small segment of the irish population know as donkeys who come from low education families where heavy drinking and wife beating is the norm ,sean has no formal education beyond high school an never served in the military so he has to play the clown for his puppet masters as this is the only way he can make the money he does
Hey, wasn't Obama's dad a drunk, and beat his women? So what are calling Obama?
Reagan just made sure everyone could call 911, for emergencies. That's a little different what it has morphed into today.
Who use Media Matters as a source and expects to be taken seriously? Never mind we already know.
Hey Hannity....

How bout we put corporate executives to work sweeping streets to pay off their corporate handouts?

They gunna be out there a long time
What is a "Hannity"? But, on the other hand, nothing wrong with working for your meals or paying off debts, is there? Why all the derisive comments on such a basic American tenet. What is the big problem here?

What liberals who are OUTRAGED by Hannity's comments conveniently forget is that even a liberal icon like FDR put people to work in order to get "handouts" from the Federal Government.
What is a "Hannity"? But, on the other hand, nothing wrong with working for your meals or paying off debts, is there? Why all the derisive comments on such a basic American tenet. What is the big problem here?

What liberals who are OUTRAGED by Hannity's comments conveniently forget is that even a liberal icon like FDR put people to work in order to get "handouts" from the Federal Government.
It is Teapublicans who blocked the public works jobs
What is a "Hannity"? But, on the other hand, nothing wrong with working for your meals or paying off debts, is there? Why all the derisive comments on such a basic American tenet. What is the big problem here?

What liberals who are OUTRAGED by Hannity's comments conveniently forget is that even a liberal icon like FDR put people to work in order to get "handouts" from the Federal Government.
It is Teapublicans who blocked the public works jobs

Now you're blaming the Tea Party folks for GOP opposition to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal Policies? Really, Winger?
Hannity is a fucking lunatic! He should be water-boarded for a solid week and then shipped off to one of Putin's concentration camps forever.

in the end these self entitled white christian parasite pricks who produce nothing like hanity will be swinging by their own entrails, time isn't on their side

I like this comment on the article
"So, Sean, are you saying that all of the lower ranked military members in my community who receive government assistance because their pay scale is so low should clean the streets, too? Way to support the troops"

I know the atmosphere and have seen it what sean was raised in on Long Island, there is a small segment of the irish population know as donkeys who come from low education families where heavy drinking and wife beating is the norm ,sean has no formal education beyond high school an never served in the military so he has to play the clown for his puppet masters as this is the only way he can make the money he does

Well Look at the pot calling the kettle black, no, a simple "I don't agree with Hannity or his view", instead it is all character assassination .......... but hey, at least the rest of us are sure now what kind of a big piece of shit you are ...............................
Media Matters? This is the kind of silly shit that R-Derp usually posts.

Occasionally I post from Media Matters, but most of the time, I try to pick from right wing publications or post video from Youtube.

Right wingerteanutcrazybaggers can call me a liar, but they never prove it. They don't even try. We know why. It's difficult to argue with video unless it's been altered. That's something Hannity and other Right wingerteanutcrazybaggers do. But they always get caught because Right wingerteanutcrazybaggers and technology simply doesn't mix. They just don't know enough. They do a poor job and always get caught.

"Occasionally"? Dude, you post from Media Matters and Think Progress RELIGIOUSLY!

I don't refer to you a liar, Deanie...I refer to you as a partisan parrot who hasn't had an original thought in all the time I've interacted with you. You post derivatives of the same silly couple of posts...over...and over...and OVER again!

Now you are making that up. See what happens when you lay off your meds. Go through my old posts. See how many times I used those two. Occasionally I will post media matters, if they have video to back it up. But I almost never use Think Progress.

And I never claimed to be original. I like to post quotes from Republicans. It's so entertaining. Especially when they call it a lie.

Like this:

I've long since run out of adjectives to describe these folks. The commission can't get answers without subpoena power, and Congress has routinely extended subpoena power to related commissions -- including panels investigating the JFK assassination, the Three Mile Island disaster, and the 9/11 attacks. And yet, Senate Republicans yesterday blocked the authority for the BP commission, and wouldn't say why.

The Washington Monthly

Senate Republicans block BP investigation - Illinois Gas Prices

Or this:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

See what I mean? Republicans are pond scum.
I know the atmosphere and have seen it what sean was raised in on Long Island, there is a small segment of the irish population know as donkeys who come from low education families where heavy drinking and wife beating is the norm ,sean has no formal education beyond high school an never served in the military so he has to play the clown for his puppet masters as this is the only way he can make the money he does

So basically impeachment of ones testimony starts by making one's point out to be a lie and then one knows the rest is just as false ..................
Let's see how hard it will be to impeach you ...................

  1. Sean Hannity
    Television host
  2. Sean Patrick Hannity is an American television host, author, and conservative political commentator. He is the host of The Sean Hannity Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show that airs throughout the United States. Wikipedia
  3. Born: December 30, 1961 (age 52), New York City, NY
  4. Height: 6' 0" (1.82 m)
  5. Spouse: Jill Rhodes (m. 1993)
  6. Education: Sacred Heart Seminary, St. Pius X Preparatory Seminary, New York University, Adelphi University
  7. Children: Patrick Hannity, Merri Kelly Hannity
So no formal education, huh, I wonder how the Prestigious New York University and Adelphi University view your statement ??

Anyways, looks like that is enough to make you out to be an out and out liar!!!

By the way you can go back to your heavy drinking and wife beating now, donkey .................

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