Happy Birthday Dan



And here it is, the big 21st Birthday!!!!!!!!!! Have a very Happy Birthday, be safe, not too drunk, but have a BLAST!!!!!! may you have many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAY YOU GET LAID MAY TIMES TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Dan!! If your not a beer fan..try a Dr. Pepper..a beer and you drop a shot of ameretto into it and chug it down. Tastes just like a Dr. Pepper!

:beer: :wine: :cheers2: :boobies: :smoke: :alco: :dance: :boobies:
that would be a blast! as you all know, no one ever indulges in the evils of alcohol before they ahve turned 21 right?

:laugh: :tinfoil: :cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2:
It's my Birthday Today Too! Dan and I are twins.


Happy Birthday Brother!
Originally posted by wonderwench
It's my Birthday Today Too! Dan and I are twins.


Happy Birthday Brother!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Dan!!!! hope you have a blast and WW, my guess is that somewhere in the Bay area a party will be rockin!!! Happy Birthday girl!!!
Hey Dan,

Happy birthday Man !!!!! :D

Go out and get drunk and laid for us old married farts who forgot what fun is like !!!

Thanks, guys! I overdid it last night (I went out after 12 AM), so I don't know that I will be drinking at all tonight. We'll see. Happy birthday to you too, WW!!!!
Dan, you were supposed to be going out tonight, not last night!!!!!! Take a drive up here, I will take you out for your Birthday!!!!! we can hit the city!
Dan, you were supposed to be going out tonight, not last night!!!!!!

Well, to tell the truth, I was planning on going out both nights! That doesnt look like it's going to work out too well, though!
Well, I guess one night, even though the wrong night, is better than not at all!
Well, I bought beer for the first time tonight and didn't even get carded!:mad: I'm pissed!

We ended up having a few people over, just a little get-together, nice and fun and quiet.;)
i dont get carded for beer, but let me buy some smokes and they are all about making sure im at least 18
hahahhah - I got carded one time in 7-11 for cigarette's myself. I thought, you gotta be kidding me, but I did.

that is typical Dan, being able to finally get beer on your own, and not get proofed the first time.
Hey, happy belated birthday Dan. Hope you had a great time and you are not too hungover.:puke3:
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Hey, happy belated birthday Dan. Hope you had a great time and you are not too hungover.:puke3:
ok lets not mention hung over... im a hurting pup this morning!

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