Happy Memorial Weekend 2023

Never mind about Biden, he's still a dumbass.

Americans should do themselves a favor and not only honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, but remember the great leaders who encapsulated what is meant to be American. These great leaders ensure that the sacrifices salt of the earth soliders make is with purpose.

One need only listen to old speeches and even debates by Ronald Reagan to understand how important his message of hope was for those living in misery. He was crystal clear and unwavering in his belief in U.S liberty and for all of Mankind. He influenced the world, even Canada.

Now instead of giving a message of hope to those living in misery it seems you are importing misery into your nation. Losing the social battle (we all are). We need another like Reagan right about now.

It's why my first instinct was to see Pompeo lead the U.S. He is just diplomatic enough with his language while also being strong and speaking with conviction at the same time. I could imagine him giving the "tear down this wall speech". Maybe Trump could too simply because he is bold enough.

Those who lost everything for their country deserve to have their sacrifices protected. A better society provided for their children. Do people disregard what their sacrifices were for?

Lest we forget...
I think society is changing. People who want to be solidly middle class know they can only afford one child. Many choose none today. Some have 2. But 2 is tough. Do you understand this? The circumstances have changed. Middle class people can’t afford to have kids.

And with automation and global warming, we don’t need or want them to Have more. So for the next 40 years who’s gonna do the dirty jobs? Immigrants.

Why do you think immigrants and slaves built this country? We didn’t want to do it.

Even my rich friends all have 1 or 2 kids. Or none.

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