Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

I don't see how Jewish religion and culture did anything but I do agree that "control of Western institutions" prove that "the world really has a serious Jew problem". But the hardest pill to swallow is that Adolf predicted all of it. And he was right! I don't want to draw any other conclusions on his visions but on this subject he was absoltuley right.
The problem with Jewishness or Jews, is the religion and culture, particularly the European, Ashkenazi Jewish version of Judaism and Jewishness. Have you watched the videos that I've embedded of Ashkenazi Jewish rabbis arguing that their Hebrew Bible, Talmud, and Kabballah literature, states that Western civilization, which they call "Esau/Amalek/Edom/Rome" has to be destroyed and how White non-Jews have to be subjugated to Jews? I can embed the videos here if you haven't watched them already.

These Jewish rabbis influence all Jews, whether religious or secular. Unfortunately, secular Jews are also contaminated by these Jewish xenophobic, supremacist ideas. The Jewish religion and culture are extremely ethnocentric, condescending, vindictive, and even hostile towards non-Jews (The Goyim). The only cure for Jews is to stop being Jewish. Stop identifying with that religion and culture and adopt another religion or culture. That's the solution for Jews. Stop being Jewish and become something else.





The Jews tried to destroy Germany, and Hitler stopped it. His mistake was trying to save all of Europe by invading it and going to war with Jewish Bolshevism in Russia. The Eastern Front or his war with Russia, is what defeated Germany. His bad war strategy. These rabbis admit what the Jews did to Germany:

The Jews have demonized Germany through their holocaust gross exaggerations, half-truths and outright fabrications:

More videos and many free ebooks on the Jew-holocaust here:


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With that in mind I have to agree with you but I still think the most serious problem is their control of Western institutions.
That's the worst problem. Having born Jews and Zionists in general (Jewish or non-Jewish), in positions of power and influence in the US and Europe. All Jews and Zionists in general, should be barred from government positions and major social and financial institutions. This right here is destroying America:













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