Harris Installation Update: DNC to hold unprecedented virtual roll call before the convention

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020

So they want electors pre-selecting Harris before the convention.

No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please

The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

If I were a Democrat voter, I’d feel used, disrespected, and exploited. That hatred of Trump must be a hell of a good drug to keep them satisfied
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So they want electors pre-selecting Harris before the convention.

No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please

The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

"Vote to protect democracy"

So they want electors pre-selecting Harris before the convention.

No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please

The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

Everything is unprecedented here.

It's a new day in America.

and btw, the DNC did not usurp Biden. He controlled the DNC. The DNC is not telling the media what to do. Your weird paranoia and susceptibility to crazed conspiracy theories is hilarious.
and in other news

Harris is killing it.

She really is.

Meanwhile, Trump's pick you all raved about?

headlines July 27 Sunday.png

So they want electors pre-selecting Harris before the convention.

No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please

The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

If I were a Democrat voter, I’d feel used, disrespected, and exploited. That hatred of Trump must be a hell of a good drug to keep them satisfied
Let me know when they send fake electors to DC..

So they want electors pre-selecting Harris before the convention.

No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please

The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

If I were a Democrat voter, I’d feel used, disrespected, and exploited. That hatred of Trump must be a hell of a good drug to keep them satisfied
Nothing to see here! Hey look over there JD Vance insulted Cat Ladies. HAHAHAHAHA We're just fucking over our delegates and voters, staging coups and shit, no biggee. Hey look over there Trump said mean things about Kamala, he's HITLER!!!

So they want electors pre-selecting Harris before the convention.

No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please

The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

If I were a Democrat voter, I’d feel used, disrespected, and exploited. That hatred of Trump must be a hell of a good drug to keep them satisfied
This is nothing new. The Democrats wanted Bernie. The Party said, "Shut the fuck up. You're getting Hillary, and you will like it." And the Democrats responded, "Yes, Masters! Whatever you say! We don't want Bernie now, we want Hillary!"
This is nothing new. The Democrats wanted Bernie. The Party said, "Shut the fuck up. You're getting Hillary, and you will like it." And the Democrats responded, "Yes, Masters! Whatever you say! We don't want Bernie now, we want Hillary!"
This runs afoul of the Democratic process on so many levels. Nominees know who their opponent is by mid-spring, giving them six months to reach their voters and make the case why they are better than their opponent.

It is quite devious and unfair to switch out the opponent a month before early voting starts - so the Dems can slide in their antisemitic, HAMAS-siding, anti-America nominee before the extent of her bias and radical left agenda can be communicated to voters.
This runs afoul of the Democratic process on so many levels. Nominees know who their opponent is by mid-spring, giving them six months to reach their voters and make the case why they are better than their opponent.

It is quite devious and unfair to switch out the opponent a month before early voting starts - so the Dems can slide in their antisemitic, HAMAS-siding, anti-America nominee before the extent of her bias and radical left agenda can be communicated to voters.
As weird as it seems, Democrats don't give a shit about democracy.

So they want electors pre-selecting Harris before the convention.

No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please

The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

If I were a Democrat voter, I’d feel used, disrespected, and exploited. That hatred of Trump must be a hell of a good drug to keep them satisfied
Hmm..if they do it this way, does that mean they could just cancel the convention…since she would already be the nominee?
No vote, no consideration of what democrat voters want, no other candidates please
The DNC coup to usurp Biden and install Harris is in full swing, the DNC avoiding the democratic process once again, and the DNC memos have gone out to the MSM to spin and pass misinformation

IMO, this makes Harris an ILLEGAL candidate and I hope Trump brings this up. I would contest her legality of even being put on the ballot and should she do this then WIN, I would hope someone contested the legality of the election.

Once again, democrats are creating a constitutional crisis. Anything to stay in power. Meantime, if the GOP tried something like this, their heads would be exploding. Now Joe Deadpan intends to challenge the SC trying to amend it to include enough people to allow the democrats to stack it with a bunch more progressives to insure total control of the Fed. Presumably Harris' first rule of order to proceed with once she is installed as new selected commander.

If only Trump hadn't been stupid enough to agree to a June debate.
This runs afoul of the Democratic process on so many levels. Nominees know who their opponent is by mid-spring, giving them six months to reach their voters and make the case why they are better than their opponent.

It is quite devious and unfair to switch out the opponent a month before early voting starts - so the Dems can slide in their antisemitic, HAMAS-siding, anti-America nominee before the extent of her bias and radical left agenda can be communicated to voters.
Liberals hate Jewish people like cats hate mice. Kamala is a Jew hater. She is trying to kiss the ass of Hamas-lovers so she can get their votes.
IMO, this makes Harris an ILLEGAL candidate and I hope Trump brings this up. I would contest her legality of even being put on the ballot and should she do this then WIN, I would hope someone contested the legality of the election.

Once again, democrats are creating a constitutional crisis. Anything to stay in power. Meantime, if the GOP tried something like this, their heads would be exploding. Now Joe Deadpan intends to challenge the SC trying to amend it to include enough people to allow the democrats to stack it with a bunch more progressives to insure total control of the Fed. Presumably Harris' first rule of order to proceed with once she is installed as new selected commander.

If only Trump hadn't been stupid enough to agree to a June debate.
If he refused, the Dems would have said he’s afraid to debate, and they’d be pounding thst into the heads of their useful idiots all the way to September.

Here’s what I was hoping would happen, and expected: That Joe would be a little confused at times, lose his train of thought a bit, mumble indecipherably, but get through it OKish. But even I was shocked at the completely demented man who showed up on that podium, staring into space, mouth hanging open. I see that look all the time at my mother’s ALF, although at least he didn’t drool.

IOW, I wanted him to be NOT SO HORRIBLE that they could dump him.

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