Harris Installation Update: DNC to hold unprecedented virtual roll call before the convention

Iā€™m not reading the idiotā€™s posts, but Iā€™m guessing heā€™s so desperate to deflect from the fact that the Dem Elites just disenfranchised millions of their own voters that heā€™s denying that primaries are an election upon which voters elect the presidential nominee.

Soā€¦.tell us again Trump is the threat to democracy? It takes a special type of arrogance to accuse your opponent of that which you are doing - much like Kamalaā€™s imprisoning people for pot while she was smoking it herself.
He's literally been reduced to claiming the 14,000,000 dems that voted in their primaries were not disenfranchised, because primary elections are not elections. Seriously, this is what their cult's bullshit has driven them to.

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