Harris or Trump …. Who do you wish for President of the US

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Then why didn't he invade Ukraine while Trump was in office? I bet it's because Trump would have beat him senseless into the middle of next Tuesday if he did so. Putin knew BiDumbfuck was a pussy.
Fat Elvis would have given him Ukraine had he won in 2020 for his illegal grift on the Biden's.

The pootin considers him a useful idiot. Just look at Fat Elvis actions on NATO and our Democracy.
Fat Elvis would have given him Ukraine had he won in 2020 for his illegal grift on the Biden's.

The pootin considers him a useful idiot. Just look at Fat Elvis actions on NATO and our Democracy.
Why? For telling NATO they have to start ponying up the money they actually owe? And we don't have a fucking Democracy, Communist. Our Constitution forbids that. Scumbags like you want to do away with the protections afforded by the EC so that ONLY the urban shitholes get 100% say in who gets elected POTUS. You fuckers make me want to puke.
Why? For telling NATO they have to start ponying up the money they actually owe? And we don't have a fucking Democracy, Communist. Our Constitution forbids that. Scumbags like you want to do away with the protections afforded by the EC so that ONLY the urban shitholes get 100% say in who gets elected POTUS. You fuckers make me want to puke.
Dude, stop with the lies. Nations in NATO pledge money, but it's not actually a hard commitment. It's a pledge.

Yes, we have a representative Democracy that you wish wasn't. Deal with it.

Our constitution allows anything the people vote on. Why do you not know that?

People vote and their vote counts. Why do you deny that?

i. Harris or Trump …. Who do you wish for President of the US. 240829 {post•19}. HikerGuy83 Aug’25 Shotwd: Trump. •¥•. I may not like him, but I like what he did. •¥¥• Gorsuch Kavenaugh. Barrett. •¥¥¥• I'll be voting for him again. hkrgyN 240829 Shotwd00019

ii. “In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024” 230726 {post•156}. HikerGuy83 Jul’23 230716: the idea that Januay 6th could have actually achieved some alternative outcome has never been convincingly made. hkrgy 230716 Sidomp00156

iii. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230725 {post•9927}. HikerGuy83 Jul’23 Srvwgo: We don't legislate morality. If a state bans abortion, then it bans abortion. hkrgyN 230725 Srvwgo09927

iv. Harris or Trump …. Who do you wish for President of the US. 240903 {post•144}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vhotwd: When a state ba abortion, they are generally white Christian Republican males legislating morality on women. Saint _Hikerguy83 has detached himself from reality on Reproductive Freedom For Women and Trump’s attempted insurrection.

“Who ever heard, you get indicted for interfering in a presidential election where you have every right to do it, you get indicted and your poll numbers go up? When people get indicted, their poll numbers go down," Trump said.​

Do you think Saint_Hikerguy83 that any candidate has a right to interfere in the election and try to overturn it if they lose?

nfbw 240903 Vhotwd00144
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