Harry Knocks Biden's Ass OUT....


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Figuratively of course....although Reid was a fly-weight terror amongst the Mormon boys, he's almost a hundred years old now.....but still packs a political punch. Seems Harry has finally had of enough of Biden's senile rants and shouts....and tendencies to deal with the GOP when they approach him.


Harry wants none of that this go-around. Harry is going for the gusto in this "shutdown", his last chance for headlines. Soon Harry will be MINORITY leader and be given the same ration of crap he's been ladling out to his enemes for the last 6 years. So the wee criminal told Biden to step off and Crazy Joe got no help from Barry. Seems Reid is another of the long list of old white men Barry finds both sexy and frightening. :lol:
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