CHEAP FAKES new democrat talking points, except its not new

According to the left they are videos taken out of context.

So essentially by their own admission it's the EXACT SAME THING they've done to Trump & Bush for decades.

So absurd

Where’s the admission? Sounds like another MAGA lie to distract from Trump’s nosedive in the polls. :cool-45:

LOL That is the whole thread. Even the retard lying OP who started this thread does not deny that your side created 'cheap fakes' of Biden. Just that the Repubs are doing it because Dems do it. Try to keep up. :itsok:

But sure, you want it? You got it:

False, the OP said no such thing. You're lying. Post the OP's quote where he admits the GOP have made fakes of Biden. Also, If there are GOP deep fakes of Biden prove it. Otherwise, more Dim bullshit.

According to the left they are videos taken out of context.

So essentially by their own admission it's the EXACT SAME THING they've done to Trump & Bush for decades.

So absurd

Trump even talked about that in Philadelphia a little while ago. He always includes one or two 'bad' words in his speeches so the dishonest MSM can pluck that out of the entire context of an hour or so long speech and make a huge deal out of it. as if that is the only thing he said. They won't report his policy initiatives, vision, goals unless they distort them into something he never said.

There was one speech that after he concluded and was exiting the stage, he had to do so via a steep wet ramp instead of steps. Not expecting that, he was wearing very slick soled shoes. So he pretty well baby stepped down the ramp holding onto the rail for dear life as any of us would do. And he knew the video of that would be portrayed as his age and infirmity and all that. But he figured it was preferable to him slipping and taking a tumble. :) Of course they didn't show him moments later effortlessly trotting up the long stairway into the plane.
So, you agree that Trump did admit he would be a dictator on day one? Good. That's a start.

So, if Biden claimed that he would be a dictator for a day, shut down the Oil industry, and force everyone to buy EVs, would you be ok with it?

What the fuck does it matter what the reasons for Trump claiming he would be a dictator? The end does not justify the means. What part of that don't you get?

So, lose. The Dems did not do a fake video of Trump claiming to be a dictator on day one. He did say it and he was quoted on it. You may love the reason why he said he would be a dictator but you can't claim the Dems lied about it.

lol…as I thought. In a post talking about context, you all completely ignore context. I knew this would be your response, which is why I said as much. “Oh! He REALLY meant he’d be a dictator!” No he didn’t. It was tongue in cheek and he was talking about executive orders, but the lefty’s jumped on that.

So… I was right, but it wasn’t hard to all have been like this for many years.

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