CHEAP FAKES new democrat talking points, except its not new

Remodeling Maidiac was was ex@Magnus
So, you agree that you lying retards knowingly do "cheap fake" videos on Biden? Good, that's a start.

Now, since you claim justification that the Dems do it too... go ahead and prove it. Prove that Dems have done the same to either Trump, Bush, or any other Republican leader.

I know you won't because you are a lying retard but hey, prove me wrong. Go.
give Dan Rather a call.
FN trolling loser ^^^

BTW, my fault for replying to losers like you. Bye bye, sweetie pie. Hah Hah Ha!
Yes, run away as usual while projecting you gayness. Trolling loser describes you perfectly given your disgusting views. GET OVER IT. Joe is mentally deficient and the voters see it.
They did them to Trump for years. Why so upset about it now?

The video in the OP details one instance at 6:35. Made that man look like a fucking zombie. He speaks about many other instances, such as the injecting bleach crap that was fake, too. Heavily edited to make Trump look bad. Wasn't considered a "cheap fake" then. Like when they edited the video of his speech to make it look like he was calling white nationalist nazis "good people." That is but only a couple of examples.
You're wasting your time. A simple clown emoji serves the same point
They did them to Trump for years. Why so upset about it now?

The video in the OP details one instance at 6:35. Made that man look like a fucking zombie. He speaks about many other instances, such as the injecting bleach crap that was fake, too. Heavily edited to make Trump look bad. Wasn't considered a "cheap fake" then. Like when they edited the video of his speech to make it look like he was calling white nationalist nazis "good people." That is but only a couple of examples.
Prove it. Prove with a video that shows the truth and another the fake. Go

You won't because just like the other retard, you are a lying retard. Prove me wrong, Go.
And still...having started a thread justifying Republicans making fake videos on Biden because the Dems do it too... you can't produce any proof even after I have called you out on it.

Now, do you see why I call you a lying retard?

Where are the GOP fake videos of Biden, retard? I'll wait.

You Dim's faked Russian Collusion, Hands up Don't Shoot, Hunter laptop is Russian Disinformation, Mostly peaceful protests, The Covington story and about a dozen more. Everything you do is a lie.
Where are the GOP fake videos of Biden, retard? I'll wait.

You Dim's faked Russian Collusion, Hands up Don't Shoot, Hunter laptop is Russian Disinformation, Mostly peaceful protests, The Covington story and about a dozen more. Everything you do is a lie.
LOL That is the whole thread. Even the retard lying OP who started this thread does not deny that your side created 'cheap fakes' of Biden. Just that the Repubs are doing it because Dems do it. Try to keep up. :itsok:

But sure, you want it? You got it:

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