Harry Reid's bodyguard attacks "Crapitalism" author

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
What a shining representative of our state. Ask him a question and get assaulted by one of his bodyguards. I wish this asshole would get run over by a city bus so we can get someone new.

I could not believe he got re-elected. I believe the SEIU must have fixed the voting machines with his name coming up either way. How else could it be explained? The entire state was against him! It is just too strange.
What a shining representative of our state. Ask him a question and get assaulted by one of his bodyguards. I wish this asshole would get run over by a city bus so we can get someone new.

Reid's just a hypocritical skunk! His wealth stinks to high heaven yet he'll work tirelessly to make damned sure that the average, middle class taxpayer "pays his share" to support crack whores, deadbeats, welfare scammers, and illegal aliens. All the while he, the Pelosis, and the Bloombergs of the world live a life of dishonest decadence.

Harry Reid's bodyguard attacks "Crapitalism" author
One of Harry Reid’s bodyguards accosted a conservative journalist for asking a few basic questions about the Senate Majority Leader’s wealth.

Jason Mattera, author of the explosive new book CRAPITALISM: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars, recently caught up with Reid and asked him, “How did you become so rich working in government?” The senator refused to answer.

Mattera, who publishes Daily Surge, followed up. “How does someone on a government salary most of their career accumulate your type of wealth?” Still, there was no answer from Reid.

Suddenly, one of the Majority Leader’s bodyguards intervened. “Are you press?” he asked, before shoving Mattera and then pinning him against a wall.

“What are you doing holding me up like that?” Mattera asked the bodyguard.

After the author identified himself as a member of the press, the bodyguard retorted, “I don’t care if you’re press or not.” The man refused to give Mattera his name.

Mattera wrote CRAPITALISM, he has stated, in order to expose the Left’s phony lies and hypocrisy of claiming to stand up for the little guy, but trampling on them every chance they get. Querying how the United States Senate’s number one Democrat accumulated his wealth, he believes, falls under that category. Harry Reid has spent many hours on the Senate floor decrying the undue influence that the billionaire Koch brothers have had on Republican political campaigns, but there have been many questions raised about Reid’s own use of political power to enrich himself and his family.

With a net worth as high as $6.7 million — and living arrangements that include permanent accommodations at the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C. — Mattera believes taxpayers deserve answers about how Senator Reid made all his earnings while living on a government salary.

“As I detail in CRAPITALISM, Reid’s criticism of the Koch brothers could just as easily be a summary of Harry’s senatorial career,” says Mattera.

Read more at Harry Reid s Bodyguard Physically Attacks Crapitalism Author Jason Mattera Daily Surge Harry Reid s Bodyguard Physically Attacks Crapitalism Author Jason Mattera Daily Surge

One of those questions that aren't supposed to be asked. I thought those guys were his golfing buddies.
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The hypocrisy of the Democratic Party when it comes to the rich is comical. The elitist Democrats motto is "do as we say, not as we do."

The poor Democrats are stupid enough to follow while claiming it's only the Republicans that are for the rich.

What how they justify Reid's wealth and cry about the Kochs' wealth. Reid has stolen from the taxpayers and stupid Democrats will defend him, Pelosi, Obama and other Democrats that made their money off the backs of the working class Americans.
According to one news source at least - Harry Reid got rich off of deals with the Chinese. That was the agenda behind his trying to take the land from that rancher out west -Bundy. His son was in on that deal too. He's not a very honest man. To say the least. What a terrible legacy - to teach your son to become a crook like yourself. I wonder how he lives with that or if he just refuses to look at himself.
The hypocrisy of the Democratic Party when it comes to the rich is comical. The elitist Democrats motto is "do as we say, not as we do."

The poor Democrats are stupid enough to follow while claiming it's only the Republicans that are for the rich.

What how they justify Reid's wealth and cry about the Kochs' wealth. Reid has stolen from the taxpayers and stupid Democrats will defend him, Pelosi, Obama and other Democrats that made their money off the backs of the working class Americans.

He is a communist though. Communists are materialists first and foremost.
I like that he just walks away... It's always amazing because while the Republican party is pretty damn immoral and shitty the Democrat party easily wins when it comes to racism, sexism, hate, lying, stealing and cheating... Yet their lemming peeon's of supporters keep right on voting for them. Yes, lets bitch about Bush and the military while Obama starts another "not war." Lets bitch about racist Republicans with another racist political cartoon showing seemingly stupid intoxicated red neck older white males being stupid.... Lets bitch about Republicans and corporations then hand trillions to them with 0% tax rates to make the economy look like it's moving... Take away the push for welfare and overnight the base of Democrat would turn on their party. Without seeming "compassionate" with other peoples money the base would have to look at how far they have fallen.
Levin just had him on his show. Yowzah. I have to get Mattera's book.

What he's covered in this quick interview just shows how dirty a son of a bitch that old bastard is. I've never minded someone working hard and gaining wealth but this old creep has done the "inside the beltway dirty".

What a bloody hypocrite Reid is. Bitching about the Koch brothers. Give me a break. They discussed corporations like GE as well.

I can't wait to read it.
Rigged elections is the only explanation of how this fuckhead is able to stay in office. NOBODY likes this SOB, yet he still manages to stay in power. Our Constitution has been compromised.
I believe I'll let the cops and the courts decide who's a criminal, not Rush, Glenn and you malevolent gossips/yokels...My understanding was he made a lot in real estate in Nevada, which wouldn't take a genius.
The hypocrisy of the Democratic Party when it comes to the rich is comical. The elitist Democrats motto is "do as we say, not as we do."

The poor Democrats are stupid enough to follow while claiming it's only the Republicans that are for the rich.

What how they justify Reid's wealth and cry about the Kochs' wealth. Reid has stolen from the taxpayers and stupid Democrats will defend him, Pelosi, Obama and other Democrats that made their money off the backs of the working class Americans.

I found this interesting...

Will he attack himself Harry Reid outspends brothers Koch in 2014 midterm run-up
Wonder how many of our public servants are rich just like Reid??

One has to wonder why we taxpayers are being forced to take care of these clowns for the rest of their lives?

These guys should be paying us for the priviledge of being in Congress.

They are assholes one and all.
This IS THE Democrat party folks.

people better wake up and take back THEIR GOVERNMENT
The hypocrisy of the Democratic Party when it comes to the rich is comical. The elitist Democrats motto is "do as we say, not as we do."

The poor Democrats are stupid enough to follow while claiming it's only the Republicans that are for the rich.

What how they justify Reid's wealth and cry about the Kochs' wealth. Reid has stolen from the taxpayers and stupid Democrats will defend him, Pelosi, Obama and other Democrats that made their money off the backs of the working class Americans.

I found this interesting...

Will he attack himself Harry Reid outspends brothers Koch in 2014 midterm run-up
Adelson is the big GOP campaign donor. The Kochs lobby and operate covertly. Read something.

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