Harry Reid's bodyguard attacks "Crapitalism" author

According to one news source at least - Harry Reid got rich off of deals with the Chinese. That was the agenda behind his trying to take the land from that rancher out west -Bundy. His son was in on that deal too. He's not a very honest man. To say the least. What a terrible legacy - to teach your son to become a crook like yourself. I wonder how he lives with that or if he just refuses to look at himself.

Those of us who live in Nevada know that Dingy Harry got rich scamming a whole lot of land deals along with cronies who made lots and lots of $$$$ for him. He's never been anything but a shyster lawyer and politician who's used his offices to make lots and lots of money.
There is one other hypocrisy on his part.

He campaigns as a member of the LDS church "in good standing" but supports many policies his church is opposed to.
BIG ATTACK!!! RW idiocy. And another obvious scumbag cretin making big bucks off you chumps, for hater dupes only...
what the derp are you saying

fucks sake, he allowed his minion to commit a crime b/c he got asked a question he was to much of a pussy to answer
No "attack" at all....just self advertising by an obnoxious lying scumbag...

You functional morons make a perfect lynch mob lol.
Seriously, you can't make this shit up:
"Why does Harry Reid have muscle with him when he walks the halls of Congress? And more importantly, per Mattera’s question, how does a humble, longtime public servant like him pay for it? (Conservatives, and only conservatives, have been asking about that for a long time.) Watch the clip carefully. Mattera doesn’t seem exercised and he doesn’t make any sudden moves towards Reid, as you might fear from a stranger who’s being antagonistic. He just asks the guy an uncomfortable question, then rephrases it — and suddenly he’s up against the wall, physically restrained. In fact, the goon barely waits for a reply to his question “Are you press?” before shoving him."

The best part is Reid trudging along as the confrontation plays out without bothering to look back. I wonder if that’s because he’s used to things like this happening around him or if it’s just an artifact of how powerful, shady people who are accountable to no one behave."

Video Harry Reid aide manhandles Jason Mattera for asking about Reid 8217 s personal wealth Hot Air
Bad behavior for sure.

The goons that follow Boehner around look tough, too.
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BIG ATTACK!!! RW idiocy. And another obvious scumbag cretin making big bucks off you chumps, for hater dupes only...
what the derp are you saying

fucks sake, he allowed his minion to commit a crime b/c he got asked a question he was to much of a pussy to answer
No "attack" at all....just self advertising by an obnoxious lying scumbag...

You functional morons make a perfect lynch mob lol.
so it's ok for a leftist to lay hands on a con

you're a disgrace to humanity
Franko will stick up for any scumbag that has a D next their name

that's just embarrassing. He calls the person asking an ELECTED official in YOUR GOVERNEMT the scumbag and praises the thug hired by Reid

With such devoted people to a party as this. We are hopeless to ever get control of our, "the people's government" ever again. meet your new MASTERS

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