Harvard Economist: Legalizing Drugs Suits Ideal of American Freedom


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Jeffrey Miron believes that the effects of drug use are grossly exaggerated.

Harvard University professor Jeffrey Miron has advocated the legalization of drugs for decades. In a SPIEGEL ONLINE interview, he explains why prohibition is more dangerous than selling drugs in supermarkets.

Read the full interview @ Harvard Economist Jeffrey Miron on Why Drugs Should Be Legalized - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Surprised that this comes from an Ivy League professor? Wonder if he was “toking” during the inter
view? Maybe he should move to California. And, with the following, it makes good sense.

Mar 1, 2013 (22 hours ago)
Harvard Crimson Warns Conservatives Not to Enroll
The campus newspaper Harvard Crimson, in an attempt to deny reality, published a piece informing conservatives that they are not welcome at Harvard. The Crimson wrote, “If you think Harvard is a revolutionary communist hotbed, don’t apply. If you think Harvard is full of “pinheaded” professors, don’t enroll. And if you think Harvard pollutes the minds of its students, don’t walk out of here with a degree—and certainly don’t get two.”

Read more of this trash @ Harvard Crimson Warns Conservatives Not to Enroll

The campus newspaper Harvard Crimson, in an attempt to deny reality, published a piece informing conservatives that they are not welcome at Harvard. The Crimson wrote, “If you think Harvard is a revolutionary communist hotbed, don’t apply. If you think Harvard is full of “pinheaded” professors, don’t enroll. And if you think Harvard pollutes the minds of its students, don’t walk out of here with a degree—and certainly don’t get two.”

I like it. Yes, sad to say, it would appear that the reality is that all too many conservatives think exactly as they are described here. Who needs Harvard? Home school your college degree.
I like it. Yes, sad to say, it would appear that the reality is that all too many conservatives think exactly as they are described here. Who needs Harvard? Home school your college degree.
So do the liberoidal drug warriors, which is most of them, sanctimonious numbbnutz.
I like it. Yes, sad to say, it would appear that the reality is that all too many conservatives think exactly as they are described here. Who needs Harvard? Home school your college degree.
So do the liberoidal drug warriors, which is most of them, sanctimonious numbbnutz.

Oddball! My Main Man! Long time no insults. Glad to see you are still in the game.

Now pay attention. If you are saying that us "liberoidal drug warriors" are of the opinion that Harvard is a "revolutionary Communist hotbed," full of "pinhead professors" and that it "pollutes the minds" of its students, I suggest you get a grasp on reality. I know quite a few "liberoidal drug warriors." All of them have a high regard for formal education in general and a great deal of respect for Harvard University in particular.

Last time I looked, it was the Cons who have a high degree of disdain for formal education (that means they don't like it), distrust of science, etc. That sort of thing . . .
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Couldn't care less...The communists are just as virulent of drug warriors as anyone else.

Now, go get some illegal off his felony raps on a Miranda technicality.
The ideal of american freedom would be to legalize all drugs and remove all penalties on those who blow them to kingdom come. Making drug users a protected class lopsides freedom.

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