I Need Help Solving This Math Problem

This is what ChatGPT says :laugh:

To solve the expression 3÷3×3+3, we follow the order of operations, often abbreviated as PEMDAS/BODMAS (Parentheses/Brackets, Exponents/Orders (i.e., powers and square roots, etc.), Multiplication and Division (left-to-right), and Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)).
  1. First, perform the division and multiplication from left to right:
  2. Next, perform the addition:
Therefore, the value of the expression 3÷3×3+3 is 6.


Oh, it's 11.


You did subtraction before division though.

Probably exponents.

Yeah, that's it.

This is what ChatGPT says :laugh:

To solve the expression 3÷3×3+3, we follow the order of operations, often abbreviated as PEMDAS/BODMAS (Parentheses/Brackets, Exponents/Orders (i.e., powers and square roots, etc.), Multiplication and Division (left-to-right), and Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)).
  1. First, perform the division and multiplication from left to right:
  2. Next, perform the addition:
Therefore, the value of the expression 3÷3×3+3 is 6.

6 makes a whole lot more sense but my brain hurts from all of that writing. I'm just going to see what I get from watching MisterBeale's video.
You did subtraction before division though.

Yeah, that's it.

6 makes a whole lot more sense but my brain hurts from all of that writing. I'm just going to see what I get from watching MisterBeale's video.
No. 3/3=1, that is done right after multiplication.

Everything was done in the proper order. I spelled it all out.
This is what ChatGPT says :laugh:

To solve the expression 3÷3×3+3, we follow the order of operations, often abbreviated as PEMDAS/BODMAS (Parentheses/Brackets, Exponents/Orders (i.e., powers and square roots, etc.), Multiplication and Division (left-to-right), and Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)).
  1. First, perform the division and multiplication from left to right:
  2. Next, perform the addition:
Therefore, the value of the expression 3÷3×3+3 is 6.
Yes, but it's 3x3-3÷3+3

Introduction to order of operations | Arithmetic properties | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy​

This makes a whole lot more sense and I wouldn't get five using this system.

No. 3/3=1, that is done right after multiplication.

Everything was done in the proper order. I spelled it all out.

Oh oops, my mistake you're right.

You have to write the equation like this...

(3 × 3) - (3 ÷ 3) + 3

So then simplified it's (9 - 1) + 3

That equals 11

Which a lot of people already said.

Oh yeah!! That's right if there's no parentheses you're supposed to add them.

Order of Operations Definition​

As we discussed above Order of operations can be defined as, a set of basic rules of precedence we use while solving any mathematical expression, involving multiple operations. When a subexpression appears between two operators, the operator that comes first according to the list given below should be applied first. The order of operations, rules are expressed here:

  • Brackets ( ), { }, [ ]
  • Exponents
  • Division (÷) and Multiplication (×)
  • Addition (+) and Subtraction (-)
The above-mentioned set of rules always varies according to the respective given mathematical expressions.

**division goes first in the OP example (3x3-3÷3+3) = ((9) - (1)) + (3) = (8) + (3) = 11
Based on the Order of Operations, addition and subtraction are of equal importance. We must subtract first because the operation of subtraction comes before addition when viewed from left to right. The last step is to add because there is no other operations left.

This is what ChatGPT says :laugh:

To solve the expression 3÷3×3+3, we follow the order of operations, often abbreviated as PEMDAS/BODMAS (Parentheses/Brackets, Exponents/Orders (i.e., powers and square roots, etc.), Multiplication and Division (left-to-right), and Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)).
  1. First, perform the division and multiplication from left to right:
  2. Next, perform the addition:
Therefore, the value of the expression 3÷3×3+3 is 6.

Order of Operations Definition​

As we discussed above Order of operations can be defined as, a set of basic rules of precedence we use while solving any mathematical expression, involving multiple operations. When a subexpression appears between two operators, the operator that comes first according to the list given below should be applied first. The order of operations, rules are expressed here:

  • Brackets ( ), { }, [ ]
  • Exponents
  • Division (÷) and Multiplication (×)
  • Addition (+) and Subtraction (-)
The above-mentioned set of rules always varies according to the respective given mathematical expressions.

**division goes first in the OP example (3x3-3÷3+3) = (9) - (1) + (3) = (8) + (3) = 11
Based on the Order of Operations, addition and subtraction are of equal importance. We must subtract first because the operation of subtraction comes before addition when viewed from left to right. The last step is to add because there is no other operations left.

View attachment 974941

I don't ever remember subtracting before adding in PEMDAS though. 😕
5 is what I get. :)

I figured my answer of 5 was so easy it had to be wrong. LOL

I thought that everybody was going to know the right answer right off the bat but I've seen quite a few different answers on here but I do believe that the correct answer now is 11 after seeing The Duke break it down.

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