Has any President ever gone after Fake News like Trump?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The closest I can think of is former Vice President Spiro Agnew categorizing the press as "an efete of impudent snobs that identify as intellectuals" and "the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism". The country loved it when it happened and thousands of people called in to voice their approval. I like the way Trump is calling the press Fake News in live broadcasts, refusing to take questions from them, banning them from his press conferences. It's refreshing to see a President going after the press so brutally. Hopefully Trump brings about a change in the way the President interacts with the press.

Here Trump calls a reporter a rude, disgusting person and calls CNN the enemy of the people. LOL

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I haven't seen it............but it's about time for them to be called out...........and it's crystal clear where they stand now..............They tried to hide it before..........exposed.............good thing.
GOD is by The President's side.

His mission is to drain the Swamp...he is a Hero. :clap:

May he be blessed always!
To be fair, they came after him first.

I would call it self-defense.
Trump has destroyed decades of carefully crafted fake news propaganda and free speech intimidation. The first kick to the groin was Trump daring to speak out on illegal on American crime, illegals killing and raping Americans.

The Fake News immediately attacked him as a racist and declared he was finished as a candidate. That his campaign was toast. Trump flipped them the bird, beat all the GOP primary candidates and mopped the floor with Hillary. :21::21::21::21::21::21:

This is why Dem's and the fake news are freaked out, Trump has proved to Republicans that they don't have to be intimidated into silence. They can kick Dem's and the fake news right in the groin and still win!!
I agree, no president has created fake news as much as Trump has. He's fabricated an entirely new reality, and all of his cult followers are required to pretend they believe in it.

If anyone actually believes Trump, it means they snarfed too many lead paint chips as a child. It doesn't take much brainpower to see that he's always lying. If someone can't see that, that person is a 'friggin moron, and they should stay silent when the adults are talking.
I agree, no president has created fake news as much as Trump has. He's fabricated an entirely new reality, and all of his cult followers are required to pretend they believe in it.

Right you are not an unhinged TDS victim. :cuckoo:
GW Bush never responded to it...so Trump has a clear history of what NOT to do!
The closest I can think of is former Vice President Spiro Agnew categorizing the press as "an efete of impudent snobs that identify as intellectuals" and "the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism". The country loved it when it happened and thousands of people called in to voice their approval. I like the way Trump is calling the press Fake News in live broadcasts, refusing to take questions from them, banning them from his press conferences. It's refreshing to see a President going after the press so brutally. Hopefully Trump brings about a change in the way the President interacts with the press.

Here Trump calls a reporter a rude, disgusting person and calls CNN the enemy of the people. LOL

Fake news?

You mean like this?:

...Fox News said there was a "stand down order", and there was no stand down order…

The Blaze said a Mexican was stuffing an Arizona ballot box, and that Mexican was NOT stuffing an Arizona ballot box…

Breitbart said Chuck Hagel met with Friends of Hamas, and there is no such thing as the Friends of Hamas.

Bill O'Reilly said he was in combat, when he was a thousand miles from combat...

Fox News said the Marines guarding our embassy in Egypt were denied live ammo, and our Marines were NOT denied live ammo…

The right wing media hacks said 93 million people will lose their employer health insurance by the end of 2014, and 93 million people have NOT lost their health insurance…

Laura Ingraham said Obama was going to be impeached within three weeks, and Obama was NOT impeached…

Fox News said you can print ballots at home in Colorado, and you CANNOT print ballots at home in Colorado…

The credulous were told Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren had deleted Hillary from their Twitter accounts, and they did NOT delete Hillary from their Twitter accounts…

The credulous were told Obama was born in Kenya, and Obama was NOT born in Kenya…

The rubes were told Obama demanded to be sworn in on the Koran, and Obama did NOT demand to be sworn in on the Koran…

The credulous were told Obama banned Christmas cards on Military Bases, and Obama did NOT ban Christmas cards on military bases…

Fox News reported Obama banned Nativity scenes by Executive Order, and Obama did NOT ban Nativity scenes…

The credulous were told Obama cut God out of his Thanksgiving addresses every year, and believed it without even…you know…LOOKING to see if that was true, and Obama did NOT leave God out of any of his Thanksgiving or Christmas messages…

Fox News reported Obama used his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during a government shutdown, and Obama did NOT use his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during the shutdown…

World News Daily reported Obama wears a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”, and Obama does NOT wear a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”…

Fox News reported “far more children died last year drowning in their bath tubs than were accidentally killed by guns”, and far more children died from accidental gun deaths…

Fox News reported the Texas School Board of Education is considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution, and the Texas School Board of Education is NOT considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution…

The credulous bleeved Obama banned the Confederate flag by Executive Order

The credulous bleeved Operation Jade Helm was a joint UN/US government takeover of the American southwest…

The credulous fell for a hoax that said Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance

The credulous fell for a hoax about a Bill Clinton rape video

The credulous fell for a hoax that Yoko Ono had an affair with Hillary Clinton

The credulous fell for a hoax about a postal worker destroying Trump ballots

The credulous fell for a hoax that Clinton’s campaign chairman wrote a racist screed that was actually written by a Netherlands nazi…

Donald Trump and millions of his Chumps fell for a hoax that John Podesta wrote something about Benghazi that a Newsweek reporter actually wrote…

The credulous fell for a hoax the Oregon mass shooter was on a Russian terror watch list which Obama refused to take…

The credulous fell for
a hoax that the Pope said there is no true religion and there is no hell

The credulous fell for
a hoax about a Hillary body double on 9/11

The credulous fell for
a hoax video about Democratic primary voting fraud which was actually a video of Russian voting fraud which had been deliberately manipulated…

The credulous parroted a lie that Obama was trying to get us all killed by Ebola, and that Ebola was going to kill millions of American last year…

The credulous fell for
a hoax about Obama being snubbed for handshakes

The credulous fell for the “death panels” hoax…

The credulous fell for
a hoax that 70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist party

The credulous fell for a hoax that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo…
Anything which contradicts Trumps thousands and thousands and thousands of lies is "fake news". :lol:
The closest I can think of is former Vice President Spiro Agnew categorizing the press as "an efete of impudent snobs that identify as intellectuals" and "the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism". The country loved it when it happened and thousands of people called in to voice their approval. I like the way Trump is calling the press Fake News in live broadcasts, refusing to take questions from them, banning them from his press conferences. It's refreshing to see a President going after the press so brutally. Hopefully Trump brings about a change in the way the President interacts with the press.

Here Trump calls a reporter a rude, disgusting person and calls CNN the enemy of the people. LOL

well no wonder Agnew called them Fake News just like Pres. Trump... he was corrupt as well! :rolleyes:


Oct 9, 2019
October 10
Vice President Agnew resigns
Less than a year before Richard M. Nixon’s resignation as president of the United States, Spiro Agnew becomes the first U.S. vice president to resign in disgrace. The same day, he pleaded no contest to a charge of federal income tax evasion in exchange for the dropping of charges of political corruption. He was subsequently fined $10,000, sentenced to three years probation, and disbarred by the Maryland court of appeals.

Agnew, a Republican, was elected chief executive of Baltimore County in 1961. In 1967, he became governor of Maryland, an office he held until his nomination as the Republican vice presidential candidate in 1968. During Nixon’s successful campaign, Agnew ran on a tough law-and-order platform, and as vice president he frequently attacked opponents of the Vietnam War and liberals as being disloyal and un-American. Reelected with Nixon in 1972, Agnew resigned on October 10, 1973, after the U.S. Justice Department uncovered widespread evidence of his political corruption, including allegations that his practice of accepting bribes had continued into his tenure as U.S. vice president. He died at the age of 77 on September 17, 1996.
>>>>Has any President ever gone after Fake News like Trump?

No, because they need the media, but Trump found a way around this through twitter. Which is why they keep wanting to supress his tweets.
The closest I can think of is former Vice President Spiro Agnew categorizing the press as "an efete of impudent snobs that identify as intellectuals" and "the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism". The country loved it when it happened and thousands of people called in to voice their approval. I like the way Trump is calling the press Fake News in live broadcasts, refusing to take questions from them, banning them from his press conferences. It's refreshing to see a President going after the press so brutally. Hopefully Trump brings about a change in the way the President interacts with the press.

Here Trump calls a reporter a rude, disgusting person and calls CNN the enemy of the people. LOL

Has any President ever generated as much Fake News as Donald Trump?

What a great reminder of that fantastic GOP role model- Spiro Agnew..........
The closest I can think of is former Vice President Spiro Agnew categorizing the press as "an efete of impudent snobs that identify as intellectuals" and "the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism". The country loved it when it happened and thousands of people called in to voice their approval. I like the way Trump is calling the press Fake News in live broadcasts, refusing to take questions from them, banning them from his press conferences. It's refreshing to see a President going after the press so brutally. Hopefully Trump brings about a change in the way the President interacts with the press.

Here Trump calls a reporter a rude, disgusting person and calls CNN the enemy of the people. LOL

Which politician Trump or Agnew is/was the most corrupt?


"Less than a year before Richard M. Nixon’s resignation as president of the United States, Spiro Agnew becomes the first U.S. vice president to resign in disgrace.

"The same day, he pleaded no contest to a charge of federal income tax evasion in exchange for the dropping of charges of political corruption. He was subsequently fined $10,000, sentenced to three years probation, and disbarred by the Maryland court of appeals."

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents
Sad for MD to have Agnew as a former guv, sadder that the OP chose to use him as an example for Trump! An example of what, how to lose one's office? :laughing0301:
Other presidents both Republican and Democrats were better at not allowing the media to get under their skin. They used more of a speak softly / big stick approach. Reagan was the best at it.
Time was that Cronkite was the "most trusted man ' in the media and the only source of information was filtered through fake media sources. Reagan used to make fun of the media with "there they go again" but he had no defenders on the right. George Bush used to hide from the media and conservatives used to cringe when he made a speech. Trump is the first republican with a set of balls since Reagan and the first president who had a fair and balanced defense in Fox media.

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