Has anyone been diagnosed with H. Pylori?

Hello guys, I came back to give you all the scoop on the H. Pylori. I went to the ER on 7/30 and after an x-ray and blood tests it was determined that it was the H. Pylori and dehydration. Well, scheduled an appointment with my PCP on 8/3. On 8/2 the pain was unbearable and I was feeling dizzy and vomiting again. I was admitted from this ER visit. From there, I had about 7 CT scans, 2 HIDA scans, an MRI, EKG, along with other scans and biopsies and it has been determined that a tumor was wrapped around my spleen, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines. The tumor was estimated at 6 liters and was so big that it was pushing up against my diaphragm and making it seem that there was a second tumor between my lungs and my chest bone. It hasn't been determined that if it is a carcinoma or not. It is a large celll and the oncologists said that the treatment would take 2 months. I know this is a best case scnario but still that is kinda good considering the odds. What do you guys think?

Wow. Here I was yesterday lamenting over my cat. It takes a wake-up call like your situation to bring reality into focus. People are far more important. My thoughts and prayers will be with you jg.

Not to give you more to worry over, but it does seem odd that your original doc didn't notice a growth while poking around your tummy (which they will always do with any stomach complaint).

Hang in there!!

About 5 years ago after my father died he saw a spot on my chest x-ray and I didn't have a follow-up because if the fear factor. I did smoke at the time and wanted to leave all of my bad habits behind so I went on the healthiest health binge ever in my life. But none of that replaces physical examinations.
Hello guys, I came back to give you all the scoop on the H. Pylori. I went to the ER on 7/30 and after an x-ray and blood tests it was determined that it was the H. Pylori and dehydration. Well, scheduled an appointment with my PCP on 8/3. On 8/2 the pain was unbearable and I was feeling dizzy and vomiting again. I was admitted from this ER visit. From there, I had about 7 CT scans, 2 HIDA scans, an MRI, EKG, along with other scans and biopsies and it has been determined that a tumor was wrapped around my spleen, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines. The tumor was estimated at 6 liters and was so big that it was pushing up against my diaphragm and making it seem that there was a second tumor between my lungs and my chest bone. It hasn't been determined that if it is a carcinoma or not. It is a large celll and the oncologists said that the treatment would take 2 months. I know this is a best case scnario but still that is kinda good considering the odds. What do you guys think?

Wow. Here I was yesterday lamenting over my cat. It takes a wake-up call like your situation to bring reality into focus. People are far more important. My thoughts and prayers will be with you jg.

Not to give you more to worry over, but it does seem odd that your original doc didn't notice a growth while poking around your tummy (which they will always do with any stomach complaint).

Hang in there!!

About 5 years ago after my father died he saw a spot on my chest x-ray and I didn't have a follow-up because if the fear factor. I did smoke at the time and wanted to leave all of my bad habits behind so I went on the healthiest health binge ever in my life. But none of that replaces physical examinations.

What's the word, good man?

A. How are you feeling?

B. Do you know any further information as to what is going on (i.e. biopsy, treatment plans, etc.)?

I hope all is well.
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What's the word, good man?

A. How are you feeling?

B. Do you know any further information as to what is going on (i.e. biopsy, treatment plans, etc.)?

I hope all is well.

Feeling great and doing good. They haven't set me up with a good treatment schedule or as far as the stage if the cancer. But things are going pretty well right now and here are some pics of the procedures that I received since I have been admitted.



You've definitely got an optimistic attitude...that's the first step to a full recovery!

Keep your spirits high! :thup:
I'm praying for ya, J. Here's hoping you heal well from the surgery and get to go home soon. Glad to see you got a port and PICC, too.
You've definitely got an optimistic attitude...that's the first step to a full recovery!

Keep your spirits high! :thup:

Seriously, thanks to you and Emma. I should have known better but I guess you have to get to the point where you realize that you really aren't invincible.
I'm praying for ya, J. Here's hoping you heal well from the surgery and get to go home soon. Glad to see you got a port and PICC, too.

Pshh! That's nothing. I get the brain port Monday moning. It's amazing how many changes that I've aleady felt within since I've been inside having the procedures done. I'm starting to feel like I have the body of a 25 year old again when I wake up until I go to sleep. Trust me, the 10+ years of healthy living wouldn't have shit on 2 months on preventative maintenance on the human body.
I'm praying for ya, J. Here's hoping you heal well from the surgery and get to go home soon. Glad to see you got a port and PICC, too.

Pshh! That's nothing. I get the brain port Monday moning. It's amazing how many changes that I've aleady felt within since I've been inside having the procedures done. I'm starting to feel like I have the body of a 25 year old again when I wake up until I go to sleep. Trust me, the 10+ years of healthy living wouldn't have shit on 2 months on preventative maintenance on the human body.
You'll be in my prayers for Monday, too.

When are they planning to start the chemo? It sounds like you are in very good hands.
I'm praying for ya, J. Here's hoping you heal well from the surgery and get to go home soon. Glad to see you got a port and PICC, too.

Pshh! That's nothing. I get the brain port Monday moning. It's amazing how many changes that I've aleady felt within since I've been inside having the procedures done. I'm starting to feel like I have the body of a 25 year old again when I wake up until I go to sleep. Trust me, the 10+ years of healthy living wouldn't have shit on 2 months on preventative maintenance on the human body.
You'll be in my prayers for Monday, too.

When are they planning to start the chemo? It sounds like you are in very good hands.

My 1st dose of chemo was Thursday and I heard that I had a hard time with that but I was out cold. They decided to change up a couple drugs and after some sodium bicarbonate I was ok. I think my next dose will be either Mon or Tues.
Pshh! That's nothing. I get the brain port Monday moning. It's amazing how many changes that I've aleady felt within since I've been inside having the procedures done. I'm starting to feel like I have the body of a 25 year old again when I wake up until I go to sleep. Trust me, the 10+ years of healthy living wouldn't have shit on 2 months on preventative maintenance on the human body.
You'll be in my prayers for Monday, too.

When are they planning to start the chemo? It sounds like you are in very good hands.

My 1st dose of chemo was Thursday and I heard that I had a hard time with that but I was out cold. They decided to change up a couple drugs and after some sodium bicarbonate I was ok. I think my next dose will be either Mon or Tues.

I hope future doses of chemo are easier on you.
pot brownies will help with the chemo...you will mostly likely have to smoke it a wee bit too...friend of mine did two chemos.....she said the first series was hell...the 2nd her dad...got her some pot and it wasnt nearly as bad.

may fate and the muses be kind to you.
The treatments have gone pretty well so far. The chemo doesn't really have any affect on me besides scrambling my brain a little bit but after a couple of hours I'm able to focus. Next week, I start the 5 day treatments every 2 weeks for 8 weeks and I'm assuming those will have the worst affect on me. After that, it's the maintenance stage and the cancer will be in remission. I'm gonna keep that marijuana suggestion in mind. I've read about some of the side effects and if it helps, I'm gonna have to score.
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The treatments have gone pretty well so far. The chemo doesn't really have any affect on me besides scrambling my brain a little bit but after a couple of hours I'm able to focus. Next week, I start the 5 day treatments every 2 weeks for 8 weeks and I'm assuming those will have the worst affect on me. After that, it's the maintenance stage and the cancer will be in remission. I'm gonna keep that marijuana suggestion in mind. I've read about some of the side effects and if it helps, I'm gonna have to score.

Depending on what state you live in, they may have medical marijuana laws which will allow you to possess an appropriate amount legally.

You would just have to get authorization from your doctor.
o fuck that medical shit....only the state can grow bad pot....get up with the kid on the corner...go for the good stuff....spend the money....
I stay in the bible belt so I'm pretty sure that there is no medical marijuana here. I got a few friends in low places though.:lol:

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