Has Hillary Lost New Hampshire?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
It's a small poll folks but when they did their last Hillary was beating Sanders 44% to 8% and that number has swung a LOT. Again a small poll but maybe just maybe the first crack in the vagina factor.

New Hampshire is white liberal heaven. If and I say IF she has lost or is losing New Hampshire it is a sign the far left is bailing on a liar. A liberal losing New Hampshire is like a conservative losing Texas. It's spells bad road ahead.

Like I said small poll in a small state but loaded with lily white liberals. Vermont is lily white and that is his home state. If she loses in Iowa and then again in New Hampshire she CAN make it up BUT the odds of doing so while having the FBI looking into her and MANY other groups?

She simply cannot afford to lose the far left droolers to anybody. Small poll but a HUGE swing.
Poll shows Clinton trails Sanders in New Hampshire. Should she panic?
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.

Which is the reason I consider paying attention to polls at this time is a waste of time
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Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.

Which is the reason I consider paying attention to polls at this time is a waste of time
I not saying bet the farm, not at all. But this IS the first showing of a crack. And I bet Sanders for one is happy to see it.
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Dean made his scream that ruined him. Edwards was producing another baby while his wife was dying. Kerry was a traitor, and that's the best you could back then. The best you can do now is the criminal and lair named Clinton.
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Dean had a sanity problem. Hillary has a criminal problem.

not really. But I would understand why you would hope that, taking a look at your field.

You might want to be careful what you wish for. If Hillary really falters, the Democratic establishment will find someone to replace her and you guys just spent your time alienating Hispanics and women.
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Dean had a sanity problem. Hillary has a criminal problem.

not really. But I would understand why you would hope that, taking a look at your field.

You might want to be careful what you wish for. If Hillary really falters, the Democratic establishment will find someone to replace her and you guys just spent your time alienating Hispanics and women.
Who else you got, Biden? Lol, this is going to be entertaining.
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Dean had a sanity problem. Hillary has a criminal problem.

not really. But I would understand why you would hope that, taking a look at your field.

You might want to be careful what you wish for. If Hillary really falters, the Democratic establishment will find someone to replace her and you guys just spent your time alienating Hispanics and women.
I think your party has a far bigger problem. How to dump Hillary and not piss of liberal female voters. That's going to take some work.
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Dean had a sanity problem. Hillary has a criminal problem.

not really. But I would understand why you would hope that, taking a look at your field.

You might want to be careful what you wish for. If Hillary really falters, the Democratic establishment will find someone to replace her and you guys just spent your time alienating Hispanics and women.
Who else you got, Biden? Lol, this is going to be entertaining.
I can just see it. Biden and Sanders calling the GOP the party of OLD WHITE MEN. LMAO.
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Dean made his scream that ruined him. Edwards was producing another baby while his wife was dying. Kerry was a traitor, and that's the best you could back then. The best you can do now is the criminal and lair named Clinton.

Okay, a few problems.

Edwards didn't make that baby until much later.

Kerry was a decorated veteran. Now, you might not agree with his activities after he was discharged, but that's kind of your problem. Is there anyone who still thinks Vietnam was a good idea?

But let's concede for the moment that 2004 field was weak. Bush only beat Kerry by 2%. And it was the only election since 1988 where you won the popular vote.

Think about that. You guys had incumbency, a good economy, the war hadn't turned unpopular yet, a weak ticket, and you still only won by 2%.
I think your party has a far bigger problem. How to dump Hillary and not piss of liberal female voters. That's going to take some work.

First, guy, I'm a registered Republican. The only time I voted for the Democrat for President was in 2012, and that's because you shitheads nominated THE MORMON.

Secondly, I don't believe this "scandal" is going to have legs any more than any of the other bullshit you guys have gone on about.

Third, female voters are going to be a l ot more concerned that you guys are going to want to take away their right to choose than Hillary's hurt feelings.
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Dean made his scream that ruined him. Edwards was producing another baby while his wife was dying. Kerry was a traitor, and that's the best you could back then. The best you can do now is the criminal and lair named Clinton.

Okay, a few problems.

Edwards didn't make that baby until much later.

Kerry was a decorated veteran. Now, you might not agree with his activities after he was discharged, but that's kind of your problem. Is there anyone who still thinks Vietnam was a good idea?

But let's concede for the moment that 2004 field was weak. Bush only beat Kerry by 2%. And it was the only election since 1988 where you won the popular vote.

Think about that. You guys had incumbency, a good economy, the war hadn't turned unpopular yet, a weak ticket, and you still only won by 2%.
The media had already turned against Bush. If the media treated Obama the same as Bush in 2012, I doubt Obama would've got reelected.
The media had already turned against Bush. If the media treated Obama the same as Bush in 2012, I doubt Obama would've got reelected.

Oh, please, the Media gave Bush a pass in 2004. They really didn't start questioning him until 2005 when Katrina proved him to be grossly incompetent.
The majority of the problems from Katrina were caused by the utter incompetence and criminality of Nagin.

The media had already turned against Bush. If the media treated Obama the same as Bush in 2012, I doubt Obama would've got reelected.

Oh, please, the Media gave Bush a pass in 2004. They really didn't start questioning him until 2005 when Katrina proved him to be grossly incompetent.
Yeah and that's why Dan rather made up a story about Bush? Trying to help him?
Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.


No point even discussing this with the knuckle draggers.... They have there own clowns to deal with but spend most of their time attacking Hillary. Why? Because that is all they know...

They are the breed in politics which don't want better just that the other side is worse... Bitter negativity... Leave them there....

Don’t argue with idiots. They’ll drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

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