Has President Obama made it acceptable to criticize Israel?

Like when? They're always a violent, ignorant, hateful, loudmouth, greedy idiot disaster...
The majority of Americans love and respect the nation of Israel and always have. Not even Hussein Obama can change that.

He is changing it. Make no mistake, the left have always hated Israel. Always. They are now allowed to "come out of the closet" now.

Hollywood, the music industry.

Israel is on the clock and JINOS (Jews In Name Only) ought to be ashamed of themselves.

I will reiterate it again. Most of the left wing Jewish Americans who vote democrat only identify themselves as Jews when it benefits them. They are absolute enemies to their land, they do not do anything that is considered Jewish. They are not kosher, they do not observe anything of the Mosaic Law.

They simply worship whatever version of the golden calf. Such is the way.

It is a predictable display and we are seeing it play out right before our eyes. The left, as they have always been, the true anti-semites as they have always been. The world......is now getting the permission they have been seeking since the Jews became Gods chosen. That is the obliteration of the Jewish people. The true people of God, which include those protected by the blood of the Lamb.

Foolish left wingers, marching on towards their own perdition. Laugh it up lefties. Your time will come.
obama never defied Netanyahu. Netanyahu defied obama. Good thing too. Netanyahu has been described as this generation's Churchill.
Feels more like He set out to make Americans want Iran to kill millions of Israelis but failed and settled for just encouraging criticism......

Just a touch of backlash and He'll do what He does best.....

obama never defied Netanyahu. Netanyahu defied obama. Good thing too. Netanyahu has been described as this generation's Churchill.

Playing Churchill to Obama's brilliant portrayal of Chamberlain! But it won't play out the same way. Netanyahu is too responsible to accept the U.S. presidency (as Churchill became PM after Chamberlain) - even though under present rules there would be no constitutional impediment to his taking charge in DC.
obama never defied Netanyahu. Netanyahu defied obama. Good thing too. Netanyahu has been described as this generation's Churchill.

Playing Churchill to Obama's brilliant portrayal of Chamberlain! But it won't play out the same way. Netanyahu is too responsible to accept the U.S. presidency (as Churchill became PM after Chamberlain) - even though under present rules there would be no constitutional impediment to his taking charge in DC.
Nothing like Churchill, a great man. More like Cheney, a hateful scumbag murderer...
The majority of Americans love and respect the nation of Israel and always have. Not even Hussein Obama can change that.

He is changing it. Make no mistake, the left have always hated Israel. Always. They are now allowed to "come out of the closet" now.

Hollywood, the music industry.

Israel is on the clock and JINOS (Jews In Name Only) ought to be ashamed of themselves.

I will reiterate it again. Most of the left wing Jewish Americans who vote democrat only identify themselves as Jews when it benefits them. They are absolute enemies to their land, they do not do anything that is considered Jewish. They are not kosher, they do not observe anything of the Mosaic Law.

They simply worship whatever version of the golden calf. Such is the way.

It is a predictable display and we are seeing it play out right before our eyes. The left, as they have always been, the true anti-semites as they have always been. The world......is now getting the permission they have been seeking since the Jews became Gods chosen. That is the obliteration of the Jewish people. The true people of God, which include those protected by the blood of the Lamb.

Foolish left wingers, marching on towards their own perdition. Laugh it up lefties. Your time will come.
good post
Hate their RW scumbags like Yahoo, you mean. A charismatic Cheney catastrophe...
Most republicans in this country have a stronger allegiance to Israel than to America.

This coming from the side that supports bringing in Sharia law, using International law to interpret US law, and otherwise putting the UN before US.
To him they are against Christians, hate America, hate Israel, and despise a free market enterprise. Therefore, they are indeed on his side, regardless of what they do to gays or women. They are left wingers. They lie about everything and really do not stand for anything except for the issues I mentioned.
One problem...you can't trust the word of a Palestinian. They lie about their true intentions. Non Starter!

No, they've made their intentions very clear. the zionists stole their land and they want it back.

they've never made any secret about that.

My question is, why do we feel the need to coddle the zionists in their belief a Magic Sky Fairy gave them that land?

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