Hasan Likely to Lose his Beard.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
What great news! :clap2::clap2:
Convicted murderer, Nidal Hasan is likely to lose his long-contested facial ornamentation once he arrives at the Disciplinary Barracks at Leavenworth according to the Austin Statesman;

Fort Leavenworth officials said they could not comment specifically on Hasan, but said in a statement that “All inmates are considered soldiers and are treated as such. All inmates at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks must abide by Army Regulation 670-1 (grooming standards which prohibit beards) unless there is an exception to policy granted.”

Hasan had sought such an exemption last year, but it was denied by Pentagon officials.

Now, I don’t care much about it, other than fact that it seems to mean so much to Hasan, In that regard, I say “Good!”

And I can't think of a worse punishment than being forced to wit for decades for the trip to paradise he seems so anxious to take. Just think – sitting in a cell all alone, confined to a wheelchair, probably with male medics attending to him – knowing what he wants is in the hands of the slowest appellate system in the universe. I hope the slime-bag agonizes every day of what miserable life he has left.

Granny says, "Dat's right - now dey can hang him proper...
Fort Hood shooter Hasan's beard forcibly shaved
September 3, 2013 -- The Army psychiatrist sentenced to death for the Fort Hood shooting rampage has been forcibly shaved, an Army spokesman said Tuesday.
Maj. Nidal Hasan began growing a beard in the years after the November 2009 shooting that left 13 dead and 30 wounded. The beard prompted delays to his court-martial because it violated Army grooming regulations. He was convicted of all charges last month at his court-martial at the Central Texas Army post and sentenced to death. Now, Hasan is an inmate at the U.S. Detention Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, home to the military death row. Lt. Col. S. Justin Platt, an Army spokesman, said in a statement Tuesday that Hasan had been shaved. He did not specify when or provide details, however.

Officials at Fort Leavenworth previously had said Hasan would be subject to Army regulations. Hasan dispensed with all criminal defense counsel and represented himself during his trial. A message left with John Galligan, Hasan's first criminal defense attorney who still represents him in civil matters, was not returned. Hasan said he grew the beard because his Muslim faith required it and was not meant as a show of disrespect. However, Col. Gregory Gross, the original judge presiding over Hasan's court-martial, ordered Hasan to be clean-shaven or be forcibly shaved before his trial.

The dispute over that decision led to appeals that delayed the trial by more than three months before the appeals court ousted the judge. The appeals court ruled that Gross did not appear impartial while presiding over Hasan's case and that the command, not a judge, is responsible for enforcing military grooming standards. Col. Tara Osborn, assigned to replace Gross as the judge presiding over the case, allowed Hasan to keep the beard for the course of the trial last month. However, she warned that although she would not hold the breach of grooming regulations against the 42-year-old American-born Muslim, the military jurors might.

Fort Hood shooter Hasan's beard forcibly shaved - U.S. - Stripes
$5 Million Spent On Nidal Hasan Included Helicopter Rides...
$200,000 Spent On Helicopter Transportation For Fort Hood Shooter, Hasan's Attorney Says 'Unnecessary Funds Were Spent'
Dec 30, 2013 ~ Nidal Hasan, the former Army psychiatrist who shot and killed 13 people in a Fort Hood military base in 2009 has made 21 different requests in the Texas jail he was being held at while awaiting trial, according to the Associated Press.
An NBC News investigation reported an excessive amount of funds spent on Hasan's case alone by the military. A guard was paid to watch Hasan 12 hours a day while he lived in a large ward that could be occupied by more than one person, according to NBC. The cost of helicopter rides from the jail to the Fort Hood courthouse for trials during his jail time was $200,000.

John Galligan who is Hasan's civil attorney called the amount of funds spent by the American government on his case an "overkill," the AP reported. Hasan is now on death row in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Hasan was held at the Bell County Jail for almost four years before being convicted and sentenced to death, the AP reported. "I mean, it's just a bunch of overkill," Galligan told NBC, the AP reported. "Overreach. Unnecessary funds that were spent."

Among his other reported requests, Hasan asked to know where the cheese in his sandwiches was made, as in which company produced it, and asked for a bible and someone knowledgeable about it to whom he could ask "difficult" questions, according to the AP. Records obtained by NBC 5 Investigates show nearly $5 million dollars in expenses, including travel for government lawyers, fees paid to expert witnesses, vehicles and cell phones purchased and major security renovations at the base, NBC reported. "It looked like Gitmo - it was a rat maze. I mean it was all overkill," Galligan said.

According to the army, the costs and expenses were necessary to protect Hasan, but Galligan stated "the Army always justifies this under the rubric of security," according to NBC. Hasan's attorney also stated that though the Army spent massive funds on expenses with the case, the Army did little in aiding Hasan's basic needs, like assistance to use the bathroom after Hasan lost the use of his legs during the shooting, NBC reported. The NBC report also states the Army spent thousands of dollars setting up an office for Hasan after he said he would defend himself in the trial.

$200,000 Spent On Helicopter Transportation For Fort Hood Shooter, Hasan's Attorney Says 'Unnecessary Funds Were Spent'(VIDEO) : News : Headlines & Global News
And they say martial law would be bad for everyone. :) Works for me. If this had all been a civilian issue, he coulda kept his beard. The prison industry has been sued over such things so much that religious exemptions are fairly common now. Glad to see the military still has some common sense.
You're all gonna love this!!!

Nidal Hasan's beard shaved off at Fort Leavenworth Prison
By Larry Shaughnessy, CNN Pentagon Producer
updated 7:09 AM EDT, Thu September 5, 2013
Watch this video [no kink for it]
Jury recommends death for Nidal Hasan

Nidal Hasan is facing the death penalty for Fort Hood shootings
He grew a beard, saying it was because of his Muslim beliefs
Beard does not conform to Army regulations, so was shaved

Washington (CNN) -- The beard that delayed the Fort Hood court martial trial for months is gone. Maj. Nidal Hasan, the former Army psychiatrist convicted of 13 murders and dozens of attempted murders, is clean shaven again.

According to an Army statement about Hasan's incarceration at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, "All inmates must conform to AR 670-1, wear and appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia."

The statement also said, "In keeping with the provisions" of the regulations, "Inmate Hasan has been shaved."

Still awaiting the automatic judicial review and appeal - that will surely fail. He's gonna get the needle sooner or later. At least now he's no longer drawing military pay and benefits.
Why does it matter? They used to shave the heads of condemned prisoners who sat in the hot seat but hair is not a factor with the hot needle. Let him hang himself with his prayer rug if he wants to but let's get this thing settled.
What irks me is that the rules were changed for Hassan. If this had been PV2 Snuffy who refused to shave for a trial, the MPs would have just held him down the first day and shaved him. I understand letting it go so that there would be zero grounds for a dismissal, but it still bothers me that he was able to not shave for as long as he did.

It also bothers me that the handful of Sikhs in the Army get beards and turbans, but that's a different gripe.

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