Hastings assassinated by US Military Drone Strike?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Top US Journalist Attempting To Reach Israeli Consulate Assassinated

I am looking at this story and wonder if part of it is possible? They say that Hastings was headed to the Israeli Consulate when his car exploded. They claim there is no evidence of crash only an explosion that went outwards - not inwards - the authorities are refusing to allow the car to be inspected independently I've heard from another source - so why the big cover up over Hastings car? What are they hiding?

He didn't work for the govt, he was a private citizen, we have a right to know!
I cannot edit to add this from the story so for those who don't click links, a clip:

Interestingly, this report says, GRU “electronic assets” reporting on the assassination of Hastings were conducting “routine operations” in the Southern California region monitoring the US Navy’s testing of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) known as the ShadowHawk® [see video HERE] [photo 3rd left] manufactured by Vanguard Defense Industries.

While performing what GRU analysts say in this report were “routine night flight observations” of a small fleet of ShadowHawks® at the US Marine Base Camp Pendleton in Southern California during the early morning hours of 18 June, a single ShadowHawk® broke formation and “sped” towards the Los Angeles whereupon it fired upon a vehicle nearing the intersection of Highland and Melrose avenues at around 04:15 PDT destroying it and, presumably, killing its sole occupant Michael Hastings.

Upon the ShadowHawk® destroying this vehicle, described by eyewitnesses as a Mercedes Benz, this report continues, GRU signal intelligence analysts (SIGINT) identified “at least” 4 cellular communications between this vehicle and the Israeli Consulate located at 11766 Wilshire Blvd, and which further GRU GPS and cellular data analysis revealed Hastings was headed towards at a “high rate of speed.”

As the ShadowHawk® attack upon Hastings’s vehicle occurred with his being only 14.3 kilometers (8.9 miles) from his presumed safety under Israeli protection at their Los Angeles consulate, this report says, even at that early hour many residents were awakened by the explosion providing “excellent” eyewitness testimony which “severely” conflicts with Americas mainstream propaganda organs.

Where the US mainstream media is reporting Hastings’s vehicle was destroyed after it slammed into a tree,

read more - click link
You know what this means, don't you? The Israelis have Hastings information. There were at least 4 cellular communications between his car and the Israeli consulate.
You know what this means, don't you? The Israelis have Hastings information. There were at least 4 cellular communications between his car and the Israeli consulate.

Pssssssssssst. The dude you are talking to wants to kill off the Jews. You are probably not going to see eye to eye with him on this issue.
Great website!

I think if you spend more than 20 seconds viewing that shit, it triggers an alarm and Obama sends out a seal team to abduct you. You'd better get into that shelter, bro.

In this case I could care less if Alex Jones reported it so long as the Kremlin can confirm this and the Israelis can confirm it, WHAT DOES IT MATTER???!!! Seal Team Six was murdered because Obama released information that led to their deaths. There. That one was solved in a jiffy! Next?

- Jeri
Can anyone in the LA area confirm that would be the roads he would have been on if he had been heading towards the Israel Consulate? This story can be confirmed independently - I'm sure. Whether the consulate admits being on the phone with him prior to his assassination is another thing. We'll see.
Wonder why he was going there? I read something yesterday that a CIA agent said its very possible for his car to have been hacked since its so new.

That is possible - if it had the black box the manufacturers are required by law to install now. I hate to use a link from a news source I usually wouldn't use but the bottom line is with these stories you'll never find any reporting - they are not going to touch it.

The only thing you can do with some sites is chew the bones and spit out the meat. Sometimes they hit on something. I just wondered is the drone attack scenario possible? Was it light enough at 4:15 a.m. for people to have witnessed that drone strike? Most people are asleep but surely in LA there are people about. So I guess it will unfold on its own.

Someone in LA examined the tree and reported back here to say a car didn't hit the tree. That was burn marks. So this tells us it exploded. No contact with tree it had to have exploded. Car bomb, black box trigger or a drone strike? Which sounds more likely?
You know what this means, don't you? The Israelis have Hastings information. There were at least 4 cellular communications between his car and the Israeli consulate.

Pssssssssssst. The dude you are talking to wants to kill off the Jews. You are probably not going to see eye to eye with him on this issue.

What a moron...where did you get that idea? Laughing Wacko as usual is talking out his ass...

It's become a common response to anything lately. Yesterday it was about MB in the WH and someone blamed Israel somehow again - you just can't make it up. - J.
You know what this means, don't you? The Israelis have Hastings information. There were at least 4 cellular communications between his car and the Israeli consulate.

Pssssssssssst. The dude you are talking to wants to kill off the Jews. You are probably not going to see eye to eye with him on this issue.

What a moron...where did you get that idea? Laughing Wacko as usual is talking out his ass...

Oh....did I misunderstand your comments about Hitler a few days ago? Do I have to go find that thread?
What friend? What are you talking about, LL??? Did you look at the Israeli link? That guy is on the ball and telling the facts as he sees them with nothing added. read that one and see what you think. Especially the story he ties in about the Russians being the manufacturers of the Baxter Flu Vaccine and the microbiologist who was fleeing to the exact same consulate when he disappeared and was never found. Very suspicious. The microbiologist told the US Gov we know the flu vaccine is a bio weapon the Russians developed to cause sickness and death to the American people. If you plan on going through with it - we are going to warn the american people. What a story! Was this the story Hastings was working on??! Anyone?
This GRU report does note, however, that Hastings, during this past week, had “extensive contact” with former CIA and NSA whistle blower analyst Edward Snowden whom many considers the “most wanted man in America” for his releasing of top-secret documents detailing Obama’s growing police state.

The significance of Hastings contact with Snowden, this report says, lies in Obama’s being able to assassinate any American he so chooses without charges or trial, and was this past March (2013) confirmed by US Attorney General Eric Holder, who in a letter to the US Congress stated: “President Barack Obama has the legal authority to unleash deadly force—such as drone strikes—against Americans on U.S. soil without first putting them on trial.”

Raising the greatest fears of GRU analysts, this report concludes, is that Hastings assassination is linked to the upcoming “false-flag event” being planned by the Obama regime that many Russian intelligence experts warn is but “weeks, if not days, away.”
Top US Journalist Attempting To Reach Israeli Consulate Assassinated

I am looking at this story and wonder if part of it is possible? They say that Hastings was headed to the Israeli Consulate when his car exploded. They claim there is no evidence of crash only an explosion that went outwards - not inwards - the authorities are refusing to allow the car to be inspected independently I've heard from another source - so why the big cover up over Hastings car? What are they hiding?

He didn't work for the govt, he was a private citizen, we have a right to know!

You are quoting a blog. Get some real sources.
Can anyone in the LA area confirm that would be the roads he would have been on if he had been heading towards the Israel Consulate? This story can be confirmed independently - I'm sure. Whether the consulate admits being on the phone with him prior to his assassination is another thing. We'll see.

I'm in Los Angeles, actually not far from the Israelie consulate! Or many other consulates too, there's a slew of them on the west side.

If you look at Maps, in order to get to the Israelie Consulate from where the accident occurred, Hastings would have to make a sharp left on Wilshire Blvd, a few blocks from where the crash happened. Of course he was going much too fast to make that turn. This is Los Angeles, he could have been going to the Israelie Consulate as easily as you could say he was going to the Zoo at Griffith Park. Hancock Park is the center of the city. He could have been going anyplace.
This story gets more peculiar by the minute.

Here is a video from some paparazzi working freelance.

Dramatic Michael Hastings Car Crash Video Released

From this video, it's pretty apparent that Hastings wasn't on his way to any consulate because he was going the wrong way on Santa Monica to get to the west side! Santa Monica and Wilshire run parallel to one another.

Now if you really want to deepen the mystery, try the Hastings/Snowden connection.

In his final story for BuzzFeed, Hastings wrote in part about the Glenn Greenwald blockbuster Guardian story featuring NSA PRISM program leaker Edward Snowden: “Glenn Greenwald’s exposure of the NSA’s massive domestic spy program has revealed the entire caste of current Democratic leaders as a gang of civil liberty opportunists, whose true passion, it seems, was in trolling George W. Bush for eight years on matters of national security.The very topic of Democratic two-facedness on civil liberties is one of the most important issues that Greenwald has covered. Many of those Dems — including the sitting President Barack Obama, Senator Carl Levin, and Sec. State John Kerry — have now become the stewards and enhancers of programs that appear to dwarf any of the spying scandals that broke during the Bush years, the very same scandals they used as wedge issues to win elections in the Congressional elections 2006 and the presidential primary of 2007-2008.”
Read more at Dramatic Michael Hastings Car Crash Video Released

The witness says that just prior to the crash, the Mercedes became airborne. As you can see from the video, there's nothing in the roadway to make a car become airborne. No one saw a missile strike either.

My bet would be on a bomb attached to the car. The Mercedes was hacked to disable manual control of speed and brakes. When the bomb detonated, the Mercedes became airborne and came to rest at the tree but did not hit the tree which is why the tree does not show signs of collision damage.

Hastings friends all said that Hastings drove like a grandma and didn't speed. Mercedes wants the wreckage so they could examine it for mechanical failure but it hasn't been released.

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