Hastings assassinated by US Military Drone Strike?

Pssssssssssst. The dude you are talking to wants to kill off the Jews. You are probably not going to see eye to eye with him on this issue.

What a moron...where did you get that idea? Laughing Wacko as usual is talking out his ass...

Oh....did I misunderstand your comments about Hitler a few days ago? Do I have to go find that thread?

Indeed you did. I never said I wanted to kill off jews. I said Hitler did. Shit head.
Did you know Jews were kicked out of EVERY country in Europe over the past 2k years? They were driven out but always found a way back in....you can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out.

Where did I say I wanted to kill jews off? I said YOU can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out. Now. If I had said I would kill all the jews...then that is saying I want to kill jews off...obviously you like taking things out of context and trying to twist them around...you know from the very beginning of that thread I was talking about Hitler not myself.
Can anyone in the LA area confirm that would be the roads he would have been on if he had been heading towards the Israel Consulate? This story can be confirmed independently - I'm sure. Whether the consulate admits being on the phone with him prior to his assassination is another thing. We'll see.

I'm in Los Angeles, actually not far from the Israelie consulate! Or many other consulates too, there's a slew of them on the west side.

If you look at Maps, in order to get to the Israelie Consulate from where the accident occurred, Hastings would have to make a sharp left on Wilshire Blvd, a few blocks from where the crash happened. Of course he was going much too fast to make that turn. This is Los Angeles, he could have been going to the Israelie Consulate as easily as you could say he was going to the Zoo at Griffith Park. Hancock Park is the center of the city. He could have been going anyplace.

You're right. Thanks!
Did you know Jews were kicked out of EVERY country in Europe over the past 2k years? They were driven out but always found a way back in....you can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out.

Where did I say I wanted to kill jews off? I said YOU can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out. Now. If I had said I would kill all the jews...then that is saying I want to kill jews off...obviously you like taking things out of context and trying to twist them around...you know from the very beginning of that thread I was talking about Hitler not myself.

Did you or did you not say tht you agreed with Hitler on the Jewish question?
I said Hitler got the jewish question right....you are losing your argument so you move the goal posts...cute. You do realize by jewish question I mean he knew about the jewish conspiracy against the world....obviously you don't you take it to mean him getting rid of them...I don't. I also said I didn't believe the "official" story of the holocaust so in that way I don't believe he ever intended to kill the jews off. I think he intended to send them to madagascar.
They say that Hastings was headed to the Israeli Consulate when his car exploded. They claim there is no evidence of crash only an explosion that went outwards - not inwards
Well as someone in this thread already pointed out "they" were wrong regarding direction he would have been heading to get the Israeli Consulate.

As far no evidence of a crash, what more evidence of a crash would you need than the car up against a tree that is clearly made contact with? Where is this evidence of explosion every picture I've seen of the car afterwards looks like something that hit a tree then melted.



- the authorities are refusing to allow the car to be inspected independently I've heard from another source - so why the big cover up over Hastings car? What are they hiding?
It is part of an LAPD accident investigation that they likely hasn't been completed, but let's be honest here does that really matter to you? I'm quite sure if they turned that car over to an independent investigator tomorrow you'd have another "source" who has told you the feds worked with LAPD to remove evidence of a bomb first, or a "source" that has discovered the independent investigator is actually part of the coverup. You have a paranoid conclusion and will only interpret reality to fit that conclusion.
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I said Hitler got the jewish question right....you are losing your argument so you move the goal posts...cute. You do realize by jewish question I mean he knew about the jewish conspiracy against the world....obviously you don't you take it to mean him getting rid of them...I don't. I also said I didn't believe the "official" story of the holocaust so in that way I don't believe he ever intended to kill the jews off. I think he intended to send them to madagascar.

Au contraire, you will not be allowed to move the goal posts.

You support Hitler's understanding of the Jewish issue. You wish to snuff out the Jews.

You are genocidal by your own definition.

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