Hate Crime in Springfield?...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
Raw video Gang attacks couple in downtown Springfield Local - KY3.com
Give Ferguson some thought before watching this... Then read the news story and ask, why isn't this attack about Race?... Not one mention of Race in that news story. If the Races were reversed in this video Obama would have already spoken on it and Je$$e and $harpton would be leaving Ferguson for Springfield... But it's not the narrative that the White Liberals in the media want and it's certainly something you won't hear Obama saying, "If I had sons, they'd look just like them"... This kind of crap went on in Denver in 2009 for weeks and the media all but covered up for it. And it's going on in cities all across the country. In this case, it's clearly something personal, but that wouldn't have changed anything if it were a group White punks assaulting a Black couple, the White Liberal media would have made this about Race the second they had the footage and not stopped harping on it until there was National Conference on Race Relations held to focus on just how wronged Blacks are by Whites in America every day. It's what they did in Ferguson... Michael Brown caused his own Death regardless of what the Officer did. That "White" Officer wasn't hunting innocent college bound "Blacks" that day. But to see the reaction by the Media and then the Race Pimps and then the Protestors and Looters, you would think that's exactly what the Officer was doing that day. It's all about how the White Liberal media creates the narrative and in the case of this video, they aren't going to create a Racial narrative for obvious reasons.
No need to mention race if video of the incident exists. Article mentions it began as a sexual assault that became a double assault when the woman's boyfriend intervened.
Then why to this day is the Media qualifying Michael Brown as "Black Teen" killed by a "White Officer" when video exists of Michael Brown and the Officer's identity and fucking address are known?...



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