Hatred of Trump, or Insane hunger for power, which is driving democrat press coverage of virus?

Which is driving the democrat press to cause panic and hysteria more...

  • Hatred of Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Insane desire for power and control over Americans

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Both in equal intensity

    Votes: 19 95.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?


Dr. Drew: I donā€™t claim to know whatā€™s motivating the media but, my God, their reporting is absolutely reprehensible. They should be ashamed of themselves. They are creating a panic that is far worse than the viral outbreak. The bottom line, everybody, is listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci of the CDC, do what he tells you, and go about your business. Thatā€™s the story.

Thereā€™s not one doctor Iā€™ve spoken to that disagrees with me. Not one. I ran into an agreement with Dr. Oz last night. He was saying the same thing. Weā€™re all telling you the same thing: Stop listening to journalists. They donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.

Listen to the CDC, listen to Anthony Fauci, and do not listen to anybody else. This is the job of those people. Theyā€™re highly trained professionals. They know what theyā€™re doing. Just follow their directions.

You know, I saw a CNN reporter this morning talking to an infectious disease doctor from Vanderbilt, very fine infectious disease doctor but I wanted to scream at him, ā€œTell these people to stop! Tell the press to stop.

They went, ā€œOh, my God, what about the testing? We donā€™t have testing!ā€

And the doctor just simply, calmly went, ā€œNo, no. We have private and public testing. Weā€™re rolling it out. We have the same as other countries.ā€

ā€œOh, but we donā€™t, we donā€™t!ā€

Shut up! We do.

And by the way, you donā€™t test people willy-nilly. The way medical tests are done is you have criteria for the test, doctors determine that criteria, you apply the test.

Testing randomly is called a screening test but then thatā€™s no longer a diagnostic test. You do diagnostic tests when the index of suspicion of the illness is high. Otherwise, you donā€™t test.

If you have an index of suspicion that is moderate, you tell people to stay home. Thatā€™s it.

Itā€™s awful that people get sick. I know. I got H1N1. It sucked. I treated people with it. It was awful. And we have another awful virus circulating around now.

And by the way, if you combine corona and influenza this year, itā€™s still just a moderate flu season. Itā€™s not even a severe flu season.

So all these horror stories about a lack of ventilators and hospital beds being full, that is total B.S. Total B.S.

Do not be alarmed by the word ā€œpandemic.ā€ which the CNN reporter seemed to discover this morning. Let me translate for you the word ā€œpandemic.ā€ ā€œPandemicā€ is a, is a technical term that means (a) a new virus; (b) widespread.

Do you think we have that? Yes, we do.

Can you name for me the last pandemic? Well, we had one about ten years ago. It was the H1N1 and, oh my God, did the world come to an end then?

I actually got H1N1. It was brutal. I donā€™t like the fact that people have to get sick. But we are biological beings and we have these viral outbreaks and weā€™re in one now. We donā€™t have treatments. We donā€™t have vaccines yet, though we will. In the meantime, we have containment and contain it we will. Period.

Wash your hands. Get your flu shot. That should be the story. Wash your hands, get your flu shots. Every sentence should end with that. Because youā€™re way, orders of magnitude more likely to die of the flu than the coronavirus.

We have 18,000 dead from the flu, 280,000 hospitalized so far in this country. We have 26 dead from coronavirus [now itā€™s 48]. Which should you be more concerned about? Tell me that. Just do the math.

If you are over the age of 70, maybe the age of 75, particularly if you have any chronic medical conditions and if you are a smoker over 50, you should be behaving differently than the rest of us. You should be, essentially, staying home for a while. You shouldnā€™t be going to public events. You should do some social distancing. For a couple of weeks, until this thing blows over. And thatā€™s it.

The rest of us? Go about your business. Iā€™m traveling all over the country this week and the planes are full, the airports are full, people are wearing masks, foolishly.

Why is anybody listening to anybody else? This is a medical problem. Did you [the media] hop into the H1N1 epidemic? Were you guys all involved with that? Were you criticizing the CDC and the government during the H1N1 epidemic? That one was worse.

Where were you guys? We couldnā€™t have done it without you. Oh, wait a minute. We did fine. You donā€™t even remember it.

Listen, the story should be, ā€œThe World Health Organization and the CDC and the equivalent agencies in the various countries across the world should be taking a bow. We should be tipping our hats to them for doing an extraordinary job.

We have a new illness. We identified it. We know the epidemiology. We created a test for it. We donā€™t yet have a vaccine and a treatment, but itā€™s underway and, in the meantime, we are containing it. They should take a bow. We should be tipping our hates to them.

Could things have been done faster? Always. Always. Thatā€™s the way medicine is. We contemplate. We think. We try to do no harm before we jump in. This is like saying, ā€œThe surgeon took too long doing the operation. The surgery worked out great but I wish heā€™d been, you know, not spent the last two hours thinking about the risks and benefits of that surgery.ā€

This is insanity. This is a level of insanity that has me angry. This is not, the medical profession is fine with it. Well, yeah, yeah, a little bit faster wouldā€™ve been good, a little more private sector involvement wouldā€™ve been good. Yeah.

Larry Oā€™Connor: In a few weeks, this is going to phase out. Is that just because there is a flu season and you expect the COVID-19 to, sort of, follow the same timeline as your typical flue season?

Dr. Drew: I donā€™t expect it. I guarantee it. Viruses have a life. They come on, they grow, they plateau and they go away. Thereā€™s a time chorus to the life cycle of every influenza, every viral outbreak. And we are in the uptick right now, we are about to hit the plateau, we will contain, and then it will start to die out. It hates heat, it hates humidity, and it will go away.

If this gets into the homeless population. . . . Well, if the government would like to spend some of that $8 billion, why donā€™t they go and take care of the most vulnerable population we have in the country, which are people who are immunocompromised, living in concentrated environments, not vaccinated, with no sanitation.

We have 60,000 of them in Los Angeles. If this gets into that population, I will sing a different tune.

Larry Oā€™Connor: But Dr. Drew, I just saw the governor of California take to his Twitter feed and give everyone instructions about how to properly wash their hands. That should solve the problem there in the homeless population, right?

Dr. Drew: Oh, yeah. Thatā€™ll be the end of it. We got no problem. There, they, theyā€™re washing their hands in the LA river with all the excrement and urine and blood that pours off our streets. That should be perfect.
trump golf.jpg
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"
Guns need a person to operate them, same as a virus. Stupid.
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"

Oh...you didn't read the first post....let me help you....

We have 18,000 dead from the flu, 280,000 hospitalized so far in this country. We have 26 dead from coronavirus [now itā€™s 48]. Which should you be more concerned about? Tell me that. Just do the math.


Larry Oā€™Connor: In a few weeks, this is going to phase out. Is that just because there is a flu season and you expect the COVID-19 to, sort of, follow the same timeline as your typical flue season?

Dr. Drew: I donā€™t expect it. I guarantee it. Viruses have a life. They come on, they grow, they plateau and they go away. Thereā€™s a time chorus to the life cycle of every influenza, every viral outbreak. And we are in the uptick right now, we are about to hit the plateau, we will contain, and then it will start to die out. It hates heat, it hates humidity, and it will go away.
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"
Guns need a person to operate them, same as a virus. Stupid.

And you can always use a gun to take the toilet paper away from a democrat party millennial........it will be a good lesson for them on why guns are an important tool....
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"

It isn't even close to 5% you moron.......likely it won't even be as bad as the regular flu...
Roger Kimball gets it right too......

This Is An Emergency! - American Greatness

Well, weā€™ve been through worse before. Remember the panic of 2009 when the H1N1 virus cut a devastating path through the U.S. population? There were 115,000 cases in the United States, 15,000 hospitalizations, 3,500 deaths. [UPDATE: I understated the severity of the 2009 H1Ni flu. According to the CDC, in the US there were some 60.8 million cases, 274,304 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths. This Our entire society ground to a halt. All airplanes were grounded, subways and buses stood motionless in their garages and depots, schools closed, as did restaurants, gyms, and grocery stores. Lawmakers everywhere blamed President Obama for the historic tragedy.

Just kidding. None of that happened, nor should it have. So whatā€™s different this time?

I believe that Donald Trump has shown exemplary leadership during this episode. He banned flight from China at the end of January, just as the House impeachment folly was beginning its denouement. At the time, Joe Biden, among many Democrats, condemned him for his ā€œracismā€ and ā€œxenophobia.ā€ Then the panic got going and they blamed Trump for not taking the crisis seriously enough.

Iā€™ll bet theyā€™re sorry now. Trumpā€™s declaration of a national emergency on Friday sparked the biggest market surge ever: nearly 2,000 points in about an hour. I suspect that the rise was due not so much to the declaration of an emergency as his announced mode of dealing with it: the critical player was not going to be Congress but private enterprise.
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"
Honey, were you screaming at Obama as to why he wasnā€™t declaring an emergency?? He waited until 4000 died! Trump declared it. a couple of days ago and the death count is at 57! Listen to yourselves!
Last edited:
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"
If Don gets re-elected, are you leaving the country?
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"
If Don gets re-elected, are you leaving the country?

We should be so lucky
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"

Well actually, guns aren't all that dangerous. I own a fair number of them and haven't shot anyone, nor have I shot myself.

So in accordance with that, neither is the Chinese Wuhan Virus that dangerous.
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"

Well actually, guns aren't all that dangerous. I own a fair number of them and haven't shot anyone, nor have I shot myself.

So in accordance with that, neither is the Chinese Wuhan Virus that dangerous.
They both need a person to kill ya!
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"

Well actually, guns aren't all that dangerous. I own a fair number of them and haven't shot anyone, nor have I shot myself.

So in accordance with that, neither is the Chinese Wuhan Virus that dangerous.
They both need a person to kill ya!

Winner. It's not like that COVID-19 is gonna jump up off the table and infect someone.
A poll.....

Since the virus is not that bad.......but the democrats see it as a way to get power...which is driving them more....their hatred of Trump, or their insane hunger for power and control?

So the guy who tells us guns aren't all that dangerous is now telling us a virus with a 5% mortality rate isn't that big of a deal.

Hey, look on the bright side, after Trump's incompetence kills tens of thousands of people, you'll have something else to throw out there as "less dangerous than guns!"

Well actually, guns aren't all that dangerous. I own a fair number of them and haven't shot anyone, nor have I shot myself.

So in accordance with that, neither is the Chinese Wuhan Virus that dangerous.
They both need a person to kill ya!

Winner. It's not like that COVID-19 is gonna jump up off the table and infect someone.
Well, I was in a restaurant bathroom one time and someone had written on the wall that the crabs they had their in that bathroom could jump 3 feet!

The sad state of affairs is that anything that is good for America during a republican administration is bad for democrats. The democrat party can only get votes when the Country is in turmoil. When you factor in the reality of a socialist or a brain dead candidate it makes it even more desperate for democrats and they are willing to tear down the greatest Nation in the world to regain power.

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