Have the Democrats Reached Their Stalingrad?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Have the Democrats Reached Their Stalingrad?

January 4, 2020 ~ By Gary Gindler
In a recent article, journalist and historian Mark Ellis wrote that the Democrats are experiencing a "Stalingrad." The article convincingly argues that the current political battle for impeachment resembles a real battle — the Battle of Stalingrad. This refers to the fact that the Democrats, in their battle with Trump, seem to have "reached their Stalingrad."As it is known, the Battle of Stalingrad — the largest battle of the Second World War — served as a point that can be called the beginning of the end of the Third Reich. According to Ellis, Trump's impeachment will mark the beginning of the end of the Democrat Party.
The Democratic blitzkrieg — the hearings in the House of Representatives — was held so Trump was not even given the opportunity to defend himself in any way. His lawyers were denied attendance to the hearings, and not a single witness to the defense was allowed.
In the Battle of Stalingrad, two strains of socialism — German National Socialism and Soviet International Socialism — clashed in the battle to the death. No doubt, they were ideologically like-minded adversaries. On the contrary, the battle for the impeachment in the winter of 2019–2020 is a clash of diametrically different ideologies.
Another difference is that in February 1943, the Soviet command mercifully, under the threat of total destruction of the enemy, invited the encircled German invaders to surrender, and Field Marshal Paulus finally accepted this proposal. Trump certainly will not show such mercy. Judging Trump's fighting mood, the battle for impeachment will be a historic turning point for the Democrats, just as the battle for Stalingrad was a turning point in World War II. The new year 2020 will mark the beginning of a full-scale discrediting; criminal prosecution; and, possibly, total self-destruction of the non-democratic Democrat Party.

Any sane, objective, American voter, regardless of their political slant, can easily and openly determine immediately that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party is self-destructing by its own hands, ideas and failures.
Pelosi loves killing babies, she is worst sought of so-called devout, Roman “Baby Killer” Catholic. She is no more a Roman Catholic, than I am Obama plying my Magic Wand on the surface of the moon and hating the USA, the way Obama has and still is doing today.
The essence of the PMS/DSA Left’s appeal is that they mean well and are trying to help the unfortunate. History however, argues against this but most people have been deprived of and don’t know history. But if people see the real evidence of corruption and selfishness and Malfeasance , it will cripple the PMS/DSA Democrat Left.
Gary Gindler the author, views the current conflict as tactical, with each side making moves. If one side prevails, the game is over. It's not tactical, it is spiritual. One party has fully drunk of a religion of nothingness (Socialism), intent on control over life and death. The other party seeks half that much control. It won’t be over until we are both standing in smoking rubble.
Have the Democrats Reached Their Stalingrad?

January 4, 2020 ~ By Gary Gindler
In a recent article, journalist and historian Mark Ellis wrote that the Democrats are experiencing a "Stalingrad." The article convincingly argues that the current political battle for impeachment resembles a real battle — the Battle of Stalingrad. This refers to the fact that the Democrats, in their battle with Trump, seem to have "reached their Stalingrad."As it is known, the Battle of Stalingrad — the largest battle of the Second World War — served as a point that can be called the beginning of the end of the Third Reich. According to Ellis, Trump's impeachment will mark the beginning of the end of the Democrat Party.
The Democratic blitzkrieg — the hearings in the House of Representatives — was held so Trump was not even given the opportunity to defend himself in any way. His lawyers were denied attendance to the hearings, and not a single witness to the defense was allowed.
In the Battle of Stalingrad, two strains of socialism — German National Socialism and Soviet International Socialism — clashed in the battle to the death. No doubt, they were ideologically like-minded adversaries. On the contrary, the battle for the impeachment in the winter of 2019–2020 is a clash of diametrically different ideologies.
Another difference is that in February 1943, the Soviet command mercifully, under the threat of total destruction of the enemy, invited the encircled German invaders to surrender, and Field Marshal Paulus finally accepted this proposal. Trump certainly will not show such mercy. Judging Trump's fighting mood, the battle for impeachment will be a historic turning point for the Democrats, just as the battle for Stalingrad was a turning point in World War II. The new year 2020 will mark the beginning of a full-scale discrediting; criminal prosecution; and, possibly, total self-destruction of the non-democratic Democrat Party.

Any sane, objective, American voter, regardless of their political slant, can easily and openly determine immediately that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party is self-destructing by its own hands, ideas and failures.
Pelosi loves killing babies, she is worst sought of so-called devout, Roman “Baby Killer” Catholic. She is no more a Roman Catholic, than I am Obama plying my Magic Wand on the surface of the moon and hating the USA, the way Obama has and still is doing today.
The essence of the PMS/DSA Left’s appeal is that they mean well and are trying to help the unfortunate. History however, argues against this but most people have been deprived of and don’t know history. But if people see the real evidence of corruption and selfishness and Malfeasance , it will cripple the PMS/DSA Democrat Left.
Gary Gindler the author, views the current conflict as tactical, with each side making moves. If one side prevails, the game is over. It's not tactical, it is spiritual. One party has fully drunk of a religion of nothingness (Socialism), intent on control over life and death. The other party seeks half that much control. It won’t be over until we are both standing in smoking rubble.

You really are nuts, aren't you?
One of my favorite war movies "Enemy at the Gates" about the "sniper" battle of Stalingrad, or "war of the rats" (Rattenkrieg), was nothing like the 2020 election. Basically the Nazis didn't figure on the Russian winter and all got killed as the Russians encircled them and starved them into surrender.
I'm hoping that Barr and Durham's investigations will make a great movie too.

What a stupid metaphor. This "battle" is far from over and anyone making predictions of the outcome is talking out their ass. This is not an ideological conflict unless "The president is above the law" is now some sort ideology for simpletons. This is a conflict over how much power the president should have. Anything else is smoke and mirrors.

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