Have you ever walked out of store without paying?

I have driven off without paying for gas, but called then later and told them.......

I've done the same thing. When I went back to pay, the cashier said she wasn't worried, because she knew me and knew I would be back to pay. I figured she had to be at least a little worried, cause if I hadn't come back, she would have had to pay for it.
I did it in a town forty miles away...
I have driven off without paying for gas, but called then later and told them.......

I've done the same thing. When I went back to pay, the cashier said she wasn't worried, because she knew me and knew I would be back to pay. I figured she had to be at least a little worried, cause if I hadn't come back, she would have had to pay for it.
I did it in a town forty miles away...

When I was a teen, me and my friends snuck out a pizza joint without paying. It was crappy pizza.
I was in a Marshall's checking out. There was ONE checkout line open. In front of me was a hispanic family, mom, dad and a number of kids. Behind me was a long line, getting longer. The clerk and this family engaged in conversation - in spanish. And they chatted and chatted. Some people put down their stuff and left. Still they chatted.

I turned to the woman behind me and said "Did you ever get the feeling that you are the last person in the whole city that speaks English?" That stopped the conversation. The clerk loudly said that I had made a racial slur against the children of this family. Mother immediately burst into loud snorting tears at my racism. I told the clerk to just ring up my stuff and I'll leave. The line was now winding around the store. Oh no. The clerk called the manager over to "deal with me". The manager came over and launched into a lengthy lecture on respecting other cultures and gave the wounded family a 10% discount for their suffering. Then he threw my pitiful purchases into a bag and told me to leave and never come back.

I was in my car when I realized that I got thrown out with my stuff without paying. Six months later the whole store was closed.
i did that yesterday at a grocery store.

After stopping to pick up a couple of items, I went to the self checkout. One of the items scanned at a higher price than advertised, and the girl working that area adjusted the price. That’s when I promptly bagged the items and walked out. lol

After realizing I didn’t pay, I went back in and saw the girl talking with another employee. She smiled as I walked up and said “hey... I don’t think I paid for this”. Still smiling, she said “you didn’t”.
We rescanned the items and all was now good.

I later thought about how I could have been accused of shoplifting.

Has anyone here ever done something like that?

I put gas in my car at the Mom-n-Pop last week, drove from the pump to park (so as not to block one of their two pumps), grabbed my coffee and smokes (which I paid for), and left. I forgot to say the gas was mine, and since my car wasn't the one at the pump, the regular clerk didn't ask. She told me the next morning her gas was short so I checked my bank account to confirm I'd driven off without paying. I apologized of course and paid. She was good about it and said it happens every month, always a regular and always an accident.

I was still embarrassed.
I was in a Marshall's checking out. There was ONE checkout line open. In front of me was a hispanic family, mom, dad and a number of kids. Behind me was a long line, getting longer. The clerk and this family engaged in conversation - in spanish. And they chatted and chatted. Some people put down their stuff and left. Still they chatted.

I turned to the woman behind me and said "Did you ever get the feeling that you are the last person in the whole city that speaks English?" That stopped the conversation. The clerk loudly said that I had made a racial slur against the children of this family. Mother immediately burst into loud snorting tears at my racism. I told the clerk to just ring up my stuff and I'll leave. The line was now winding around the store. Oh no. The clerk called the manager over to "deal with me". The manager came over and launched into a lengthy lecture on respecting other cultures and gave the wounded family a 10% discount for their suffering. Then he threw my pitiful purchases into a bag and told me to leave and never come back.

I was in my car when I realized that I got thrown out with my stuff without paying. Six months later the whole store was closed.

I'm guessing you ere more upset about the language than you were about the time.
I don't think I have ever done that.

I don't know.....perhaps as a child....grab some candy while shopping with my mother....

But no, never that I can remember have I done that.
I was in a Marshall's checking out. There was ONE checkout line open. In front of me was a hispanic family, mom, dad and a number of kids. Behind me was a long line, getting longer. The clerk and this family engaged in conversation - in spanish. And they chatted and chatted. Some people put down their stuff and left. Still they chatted.

I turned to the woman behind me and said "Did you ever get the feeling that you are the last person in the whole city that speaks English?" That stopped the conversation. The clerk loudly said that I had made a racial slur against the children of this family. Mother immediately burst into loud snorting tears at my racism. I told the clerk to just ring up my stuff and I'll leave. The line was now winding around the store. Oh no. The clerk called the manager over to "deal with me". The manager came over and launched into a lengthy lecture on respecting other cultures and gave the wounded family a 10% discount for their suffering. Then he threw my pitiful purchases into a bag and told me to leave and never come back.

I was in my car when I realized that I got thrown out with my stuff without paying. Six months later the whole store was closed.

I'm guessing you ere more upset about the language than you were about the time.
I was most upset about the chatting. Although you are correct, taking up everyone's time while you indulge socially is mostly blacks or hispanics.
I forgot about the WORST I've ever done. My son and I were ddriving back from Florida to Toledo, Ohio. We stopped for gas and we were on our way! Except... you got it, I nor my son paid for the gas. I got a call from a SHERIFF in Dayton that I didn't pay for my gas. I told him my son paid for it while I went to the bathroom. Except,,,he went to the bathroom, too. After he heard my conversation with my son, he laughed and said, "Just send the credit card number to this address and all will be fine. I was so shocked, I said I was on the way back (150 miles) to pay in person so I could apologize. It does something to you when you hear SHERIFF!
You know, in the spring of 2002 (and 9/11 was fresh in everyone's mind), when I had to go to Clovis AFB to get my TAP training (Transition Assistance Program, helps military people transition back to civilian life), I didn't walk out of a store without paying, I did something much worse.........................

Well, TAP training was 2 weeks, and during that time, I met a lady who seemed to like me a bit. Well, on the last night I was there, I asked her if she would like to come back to my place and she accepted. I signed her in at the gate, and got her a pass, and was told by the base police to make sure she returned the pass when she left.

Well, she left around 5:00 am that morning and she forgot to return the pass to the base office.

At 7:00 am, I got a phone call in my room, asking me if my guest was still on base. When I said no, they called me into the base police office and stuck me in a little room by myself. A short while later, I saw her go past the door and she was put in a little room by herself. They questioned us for about half an hour each, and then when they figured out it was an honest mistake, they took the pass back and released us.

They also called NRD San Antonio (my boss) as well as the commander at MEPS Amarillo to let them know what I had done.

Caught hell for the next week because of it from my co workers. Never ever made that mistake again.
You know, in the spring of 2002 (and 9/11 was fresh in everyone's mind), when I had to go to Clovis AFB to get my TAP training (Transition Assistance Program, helps military people transition back to civilian life), I didn't walk out of a store without paying, I did something much worse.........................

Well, TAP training was 2 weeks, and during that time, I met a lady who seemed to like me a bit. Well, on the last night I was there, I asked her if she would like to come back to my place and she accepted. I signed her in at the gate, and got her a pass, and was told by the base police to make sure she returned the pass when she left.

Well, she left around 5:00 am that morning and she forgot to return the pass to the base office.

At 7:00 am, I got a phone call in my room, asking me if my guest was still on base. When I said no, they called me into the base police office and stuck me in a little room by myself. A short while later, I saw her go past the door and she was put in a little room by herself. They questioned us for about half an hour each, and then when they figured out it was an honest mistake, they took the pass back and released us.

They also called NRD San Antonio (my boss) as well as the commander at MEPS Amarillo to let them know what I had done.

Caught hell for the next week because of it from my co workers. Never ever made that mistake again.
That's what happens when you are thinking with the wrong head....
I don’t know but the other day they overcharged me. By about 15 bucks. So if that happens I would think about all the times I have been overcharged and didn’t notice and evening the score! A battle of the conscience.
But you have proof of shorting the grocer but no proof that you were shorted. That's handy, lol.
WillowTree reminded me of another situation. I was stopped for speeding. The officer said I was going 53 mph in a 40. I said I looked ar the speedometer when I saw you behind me, I was going 38. But, I admitted there were times when I was speeding and no one was there to stop me. I think you guys usually give a ticket for going over 10 mph over the limit. I 'll just imagine this was one of those times and I stuck out my hand for the ticket. He laughed and said, I'll be looking out for you and make up for it them. He tipped his hat tp me and told me to have a good day. How about that?
I don’t know but the other day they overcharged me. By about 15 bucks. So if that happens I would think about all the times I have been overcharged and didn’t notice and evening the score! A battle of the conscience.
But you have proof of shorting the grocer but no proof that you were shorted. That's handy, lol.
Read my sentence again.
I walk out of stores without paying all the time...

...if I don't get anything.
As an 8 year old, I used to filch pinup magazines from the corner drug store.
i did that yesterday at a grocery store.

After stopping to pick up a couple of items, I went to the self checkout. One of the items scanned at a higher price than advertised, and the girl working that area adjusted the price. That’s when I promptly bagged the items and walked out. lol

After realizing I didn’t pay, I went back in and saw the girl talking with another employee. She smiled as I walked up and said “hey... I don’t think I paid for this”. Still smiling, she said “you didn’t”.
We rescanned the items and all was now good.

I later thought about how I could have been accused of shoplifting.

Has anyone here ever done something like that?

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