Have You Noticed All The Self Confessed Usmb Racists Recently?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Have You Noticed All The Self Confessed USMB Racists Recently?

I have.

I think it is because the braintrust of the Muslims has gotten word from the Jihadi in America that they are losing support from young mush-for-brains American (primarily) Liberals who shy away from Muslims now in greater numbers than ever before. The reason for this is because Islam's own history and existing culture, to this very day, is racist and that is being recognized by more and more Americans who used to bend over backwards to befriend Muslims without knowing anything about their beliefs
beyond superficial impressions, perfunctory Google searches and outward appearances.

But, the plan for conquering the USA from within depends on moderate Muslims lulling us into believing Islam is no different than any of the Judeo-Christian religions.

This strategy is temporarily weakened when non-Muslims realize just how much like the hated and reviled KKK and Islam are alike when it comes to hatred and racial bigotry and race based killings.

So what are the Muslim muckety mucks instructing the Jihadi in America to do to offset or neutralize the potentially game changing response to the growing wave of criticisms of Muslim bigotry?

They are trying to make it seem like racial bigotry is not that infrequent.

"After all, take a look at all the racists coming out of the woodwork these days! They are not acknowledged Muslims (such as the poster, Mr. Ofo Oao, who says he isn't) and some say they are non-Muslims.

So it's NOT JUST Muslims who are racists, okay?"

-- Hypothetical Muslim Poster

I've never SEEN so many self avowed racists (who'd managed to successfully hide their bigotry until now...why now?) come out of the closet all at once, almost on cue.

Well, Ladies and Gents, they might have tipped their hand. And if something like this causes them to tip their hand then we might have stumbled onto a hidden weakness we can exploit.

Every newly boastful racist poster you see here or at the other forums you may have knowledge of, may very well be Muslims who have been keeping their Muslim orientation a Taqiyya secret until they were called upon to take action for Allah.

The 'action' in this case? To flood the board with racists so the rest of the Muslim posters won't be made uncomfortable by accusations of racism and bigotry. And so their postings wmight stiill have some influence on dhimmis. See, If EVERYONE (presumably non-Muslims) are just as likely to be bigots no one can single out any one Muslim for THEIR bigotry.

So, what am I going to do?

I intend to let everyone see the other side of Islam that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't want US to see.

Islam is the home of anti-Jewish hatred and bigotry. It is a murderous and everlasting hatred of Jews which leaves an indelible stain on any clean garment any Muslim might wear.

We have no room in America for racists of ANY ilk.

Muslims, you think about that!

Non-Muslim posters, whenever you can, try and remind them of that indelible stain in hopes they will move to change their belief system and become welcomed among the family of man.
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The simpler answer is that what people classify as racism is an age-old outlook on life and that it never went away, it was simply kept private by liberal imposed thought control. Look at white liberal residential choices. Portland is overflowing with liberals and it's the whitest city in America. Birmingham is chock full of racial diversity and liberals flee the area. People have always lived their racism, they just refrained from speaking of it. Besides, these days when people scream "racist" most people feel that the accusation packs the punch of someone screaming "witch" or :"heretic."
The simpler answer is that what people classify as racism is an age-old outlook on life and that it never went away, it was simply kept private by liberal imposed thought control. Look at white liberal residential choices. Portland is overflowing with liberals and it's the whitest city in America. Birmingham is chock full of racial diversity and liberals flee the area. People have always lived their racism, they just refrained from speaking of it. Besides, these days when people scream "racist" most people feel that the accusation packs the punch of someone screaming "witch" or :"heretic."

Rik, you are my USMB Bro, but I'm not sure on what side you landed in that post.

Are you saying that being called a 'witch' or a 'heretic' is or isn't a big deal to the average person today in America?

I'm sure it isn't, so I'll address this to the dear reader.

It used to be and may still be (I hope it is) that being called a racist is the absolutely worst social stigma one could imagine. Well, that is where Muslims have been concealing their 'baggage' from our view.

They are deadly bigots against Jews and we need to make them address this terrible trait.

And unless you'd be proud to have been pals with Hitler or you enjoy weekend KKK cross-burnings you just MIGHT want to let the next Muslim wanting your support for one thing or another just tell them this: "I don't support racism or racists!"

Hopefully, one day they will be motivated to change their belief system and stop the hating and persecution and killing of Jews because of their race. Hopefully, they wouldn't be killing ANYONE for ANY REASON!!!
No, but I've noticed a lot of race-baiting assholes like yourself, mojo. If I were king of the world, and I had to start cleansing the earth of insidious scum, race-baiters would be the first group to line up against the wall.
No, but I've noticed a lot of race-baiting assholes like yourself, mojo. If I were king of the world, and I had to start cleansing the earth of insidious scum, race-baiters would be the first group to line up against the wall.

You leave me perplexed.

Am I better off to try to share with you what I know which, upon some reflection by you, would leave you with a totally different paradigm to consider and maybe, eventually, live by. And live longer in the process and with less violence or drama.

Or should I simply conclude you are a Muslim Jihadi trying to throw off suspicion by trying to paint me as the race-baiting asshole.


Or am I the guy who, by revealing the truth to my fellow countrymen about the true nature of Islam (There ARE moderate Muslims, but Islam is NOT moderate!), ruins your chances of keeping your moderate Muslim head down and riding out all of this anti-Muslim mess until things get better for you? While you care little or nothing for what your American hosts have to endure or suffer because of the Muslim influx into the USA (to whatever extent it occurs). Just as long as YOU are safe, to hell with America!

No matter.

I'm thinking of doing what is best for the most number of my fellow Americans.

If you get caught in the middle, tell us how that can be so.

Despite watching that absolutely chilling event there are Americans who will say, with all seriousness, that Christian RWers are the greatest threat to America, to Gay rights, to legalized drugs and prostitution and to their continued personal happiness.

The Jihadi are heading this way. And to hell with our laws!

Despite watching that absolutely chilling event there are Americans who will say, with all seriousness, that Christian RWers are the greatest threat to America, to Gay rights, to legalized drugs and prostitution and to their continued personal happiness.

The Jihadi are heading this way. And to hell with our laws!

Because liberals are waging a white civil war and they use other groups as allies in the war against the wrong kind of white, conservatives. Look at the only group that they permit themselves to criticize - RW whites who they see as trailer trash. Even the billionaires are trailer trash.
No, but I've noticed a lot of race-baiting assholes like yourself, mojo. If I were king of the world, and I had to start cleansing the earth of insidious scum, race-baiters would be the first group to line up against the wall.

You leave me perplexed.

Am I better off to try to share with you what I know which, upon some reflection by you, would leave you with a totally different paradigm to consider and maybe, eventually, live by. And live longer in the process and with less violence or drama.

Or should I simply conclude you are a Muslim Jihadi trying to throw off suspicion by trying to paint me as the race-baiting asshole.


Or am I the guy who, by revealing the truth to my fellow countrymen about the true nature of Islam (There ARE moderate Muslims, but Islam is NOT moderate!), ruins your chances of keeping your moderate Muslim head down and riding out all of this anti-Muslim mess until things get better for you? While you care little or nothing for what your American hosts have to endure or suffer because of the Muslim influx into the USA (to whatever extent it occurs). Just as long as YOU are safe, to hell with America!

No matter.

I'm thinking of doing what is best for the most number of my fellow Americans.

If you get caught in the middle, tell us how that can be so.


Despite watching that absolutely chilling event there are Americans who will say, with all seriousness, that Christian RWers are the greatest threat to America, to Gay rights, to legalized drugs and prostitution and to their continued personal happiness.

The Jihadi are heading this way. And to hell with our laws!

Because liberals are waging a white civil war and they use other groups as allies in the war against the wrong kind of white, conservatives. Look at the only group that they permit themselves to criticize - RW whites who they see as trailer trash. Even the billionaires are trailer trash.

I wouldn't call the Walton's or Tyson's trailer trash along with JB Hunt and other rich men in the community. You see the rich around here at least give back to the community...and provide work
This has the potential to become one of the greatest threads in USMB history.

A certifiable nutcase is disgusted by an influx of racists.....thinks hard on it....and decides that it is a jihadi plot to destroy America.

And......we get the residual joy of watching the racist fuckers defend themselves against the allegation that they are secret Muslims....just like our president!

Joyous Monday indeed!

Thanks for the video of the race baiting white, therefore obviously Christian, prostitute who is trying to seduce Muslim men.

Funny that no matter how much the Muslims sound like Fred Phelps the left just refuses to say one word of condemnation. Survival instinct?
Have You Noticed All The Self Confessed USMB Racists Recently?

I have.

I think it is because the braintrust of the Muslims has gotten word from the Jihadi in America that they are losing support from young mush-for-brains American (primarily) Liberals who shy away from Muslims now in greater numbers than ever before. The reason for this is because Islam's own history and existing culture, to this very day, is racist and that is being recognized by more and more Americans who used to bend over backwards to befriend Muslims without knowing anything about their beliefs
beyond superficial impressions, perfunctory Google searches and outward appearances.

But, the plan for conquering the USA from within depends on moderate Muslims lulling us into believing Islam is no different than any of the Judeo-Christian religions.

This strategy is temporarily weakened when non-Muslims realize just how much like the hated and reviled KKK and Islam are alike when it comes to hatred and racial bigotry and race based killings.

So what are the Muslim muckety mucks instructing the Jihadi in America to do to offset or neutralize the potentially game changing response to the growing wave of criticisms of Muslim bigotry?

They are trying to make it seem like racial bigotry is not that infrequent.

"After all, take a look at all the racists coming out of the woodwork these days! They are not acknowledged Muslims (such as the poster, Mr. Ofo Oao, who says he isn't) and some say they are non-Muslims.

So it's NOT JUST Muslims who are racists, okay?"

-- Hypothetical Muslim Poster

I've never SEEN so many self avowed racists (who'd managed to successfully hide their bigotry until now...why now?) come out of the closet all at once, almost on cue.

Well, Ladies and Gents, they might have tipped their hand. And if something like this causes them to tip their hand then we might have stumbled onto a hidden weakness we can exploit.

Every newly boastful racist poster you see here or at the other forums you may have knowledge of, may very well be Muslims who have been keeping their Muslim orientation a Taqiyya secret until they were called upon to take action for Allah.

The 'action' in this case? To flood the board with racists so the rest of the Muslim posters won't be made uncomfortable by accusations of racism and bigotry. And so their postings wmight stiill have some influence on dhimmis. See, If EVERYONE (presumably non-Muslims) are just as likely to be bigots no one can single out any one Muslim for THEIR bigotry.

So, what am I going to do?

I intend to let everyone see the other side of Islam that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't want US to see.

Islam is the home of anti-Jewish hatred and bigotry. It is a murderous and everlasting hatred of Jews which leaves an indelible stain on any clean garment any Muslim might wear.

We have no room in America for racists of ANY ilk.

Muslims, you think about that!

Non-Muslim posters, whenever you can, try and remind them of that indelible stain in hopes they will move to change their belief system and become welcomed among the family of man.

Sorry, your OP is really dumb. Youre one paranoid mother fucker.
No, but I've noticed a lot of race-baiting assholes like yourself, mojo. If I were king of the world, and I had to start cleansing the earth of insidious scum, race-baiters would be the first group to line up against the wall.

You leave me perplexed.

Am I better off to try to share with you what I know which, upon some reflection by you, would leave you with a totally different paradigm to consider and maybe, eventually, live by. And live longer in the process and with less violence or drama.

Or should I simply conclude you are a Muslim Jihadi trying to throw off suspicion by trying to paint me as the race-baiting asshole.


Or am I the guy who, by revealing the truth to my fellow countrymen about the true nature of Islam (There ARE moderate Muslims, but Islam is NOT moderate!), ruins your chances of keeping your moderate Muslim head down and riding out all of this anti-Muslim mess until things get better for you? While you care little or nothing for what your American hosts have to endure or suffer because of the Muslim influx into the USA (to whatever extent it occurs). Just as long as YOU are safe, to hell with America!

No matter.

I'm thinking of doing what is best for the most number of my fellow Americans.

If you get caught in the middle, tell us how that can be so.


The way I see it, you are not doing your civic duty, Tom.

So, now your question is, "What's my civic duty?"

Answer: To know what you are talking about with regard to Islam and Muslims before trying to persuade your fellow Americans that Islam is no threat to the free world.

Your misguided comments may cost someone their life or their freedom some day.

Words have meaning.
Have You Noticed All The Self Confessed USMB Racists Recently?

I have.

I think it is because the braintrust of the Muslims has gotten word from the Jihadi in America that they are losing support from young mush-for-brains American (primarily) Liberals who shy away from Muslims now in greater numbers than ever before. The reason for this is because Islam's own history and existing culture, to this very day, is racist and that is being recognized by more and more Americans who used to bend over backwards to befriend Muslims without knowing anything about their beliefs
beyond superficial impressions, perfunctory Google searches and outward appearances.

But, the plan for conquering the USA from within depends on moderate Muslims lulling us into believing Islam is no different than any of the Judeo-Christian religions.

This strategy is temporarily weakened when non-Muslims realize just how much like the hated and reviled KKK and Islam are alike when it comes to hatred and racial bigotry and race based killings.

So what are the Muslim muckety mucks instructing the Jihadi in America to do to offset or neutralize the potentially game changing response to the growing wave of criticisms of Muslim bigotry?

They are trying to make it seem like racial bigotry is not that infrequent.

"After all, take a look at all the racists coming out of the woodwork these days! They are not acknowledged Muslims (such as the poster, Mr. Ofo Oao, who says he isn't) and some say they are non-Muslims.

So it's NOT JUST Muslims who are racists, okay?"

-- Hypothetical Muslim Poster

I've never SEEN so many self avowed racists (who'd managed to successfully hide their bigotry until now...why now?) come out of the closet all at once, almost on cue.

Well, Ladies and Gents, they might have tipped their hand. And if something like this causes them to tip their hand then we might have stumbled onto a hidden weakness we can exploit.

Every newly boastful racist poster you see here or at the other forums you may have knowledge of, may very well be Muslims who have been keeping their Muslim orientation a Taqiyya secret until they were called upon to take action for Allah.

The 'action' in this case? To flood the board with racists so the rest of the Muslim posters won't be made uncomfortable by accusations of racism and bigotry. And so their postings wmight stiill have some influence on dhimmis. See, If EVERYONE (presumably non-Muslims) are just as likely to be bigots no one can single out any one Muslim for THEIR bigotry.

So, what am I going to do?

I intend to let everyone see the other side of Islam that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't want US to see.

Islam is the home of anti-Jewish hatred and bigotry. It is a murderous and everlasting hatred of Jews which leaves an indelible stain on any clean garment any Muslim might wear.

We have no room in America for racists of ANY ilk.

Muslims, you think about that!

Non-Muslim posters, whenever you can, try and remind them of that indelible stain in hopes they will move to change their belief system and become welcomed among the family of man.

Sorry, your OP is really dumb. Youre one paranoid mother fucker.


Go back to focusing on the Bills. I'll keep watch here and you'll be notified when your assistance is needed.


The simpler answer is that what people classify as racism is an age-old outlook on life and that it never went away, it was simply kept private by liberal imposed thought control. Look at white liberal residential choices. Portland is overflowing with liberals and it's the whitest city in America. Birmingham is chock full of racial diversity and liberals flee the area. People have always lived their racism, they just refrained from speaking of it. Besides, these days when people scream "racist" most people feel that the accusation packs the punch of someone screaming "witch" or :"heretic."

Geez do "liberals" control every aspect of life. I heard they are ruining the NFL, ESPN is liberal, liberals hate competitive sports (like football), liberals destroyed Detroit, Now they are controlling your thoughts and actions too?

Its almost as if Republicans arent responsible for anything...Anywhere at any time

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