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Have You Taken the Muslim Quiz?


Jul 20, 2012
Who leads the world in Beheadings? Muslims do!
Who are world leaders in amputations? Muslims are!
Who leads the world in stoning women? Muslims of course!
Who leads the world in war and violent conflicts? Muslims do!
31 of the 33 conflicts and wars in the world involve Muslims

BantheQuran . com / BanIslamNow . com
TheZoo . com / TheDEVIL . com

Unless one religion is full of truth & light, (Christianity is the greatest provider of Health Care, Charity & Education in the World) & the other, Islam, incites institutionalized murder & terror in imitation of its founder Mohammad.

Christ didn't kill, but raised the dead :)

Sure, men will always murder - but in great contradiction to Jesus' example & in great similitude to Mohammad's.

TheAngel . org ~ IslamisWAR . com
TheDevil . com ~ TheAngel . com
~~Allah Says Muslims can Rape Prisoners of War~~

Quran 33:50 "We have made lawful to thee sex with the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and with your blood nieces and with any women who wishes to have sex with thee Oh Mohammad, if the Prophet wants to sex her; - this only for thee, and not for other Muslims for Allah is Merciful."

Wikkiislam . net ~~ ProphetofDoom . net
~~The Quran Commands Amputation? You bet!!~~

Quran 5:38 If a man or woman steals something, cut off their hands for it is an excellent punishment from Allah Mighty and Wise.

I think amputation for stealing a loaf of bread is barbaric. How about you?

TheDevil . com ~~ BantheQuran . com
~~The Quran is VERY CLEAR: BEAT your Wives~~

Quran 4:34 Men are the keepers of women because Allah made men more excellent and women spend men's property. Good women are obedient but if you fear disobedience, scold them, put them out of your bedroom and beat them. If they obey then cease beating them for Allah is High & Great.

BanIslamNow . com ~~ ProphetofDoom . net
~~We know what Islam is about~~

Quran 65.4 “If you divorce your child wife before she reaches menstruation age her idda is three months”.

“A muslim man can have sexual pleasure with a little girl as young as a baby. But he should not penetrate her vaginally, however he can sodomize her”. (Tehriro vasyleh, fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990) - Imam Khomeini

ProphetofDoom . net ~~ Wikiislam . net
~~Before the cancer of Muslim immigration, Sweden was crime free~~

Because Swedes felt sorry for Muslims living in typically war torn impoverished Islamic states, they mistakenly welcomed Muslims.

Now the 25% Muslim population live off welfare in Sweden bankrupting the country and making Sweden the RAPE CAPITAL of the world.

Statistically, Muslims lead the world in pedophilia & rape in Western Polities because Mohammad practiced rape & pedophilia.

TheAngel . com ~~ ProphetofDoom . net
--- Young girls (12,13,14) are being Beheaded and Lashed to Death ---

Every day in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Darfur, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc, there is MORE human HORROR IN THE NAME OF ISLAM THAN CAN BE TRACKED.

But a tiny fraction of it is chronicled and caught on film and video here:

TheReligionofPeace . com
BantheQuran . com / BanIslamNow . com
TheDevil . com / TheAngel . com
~~Once Upon a Time, there were Two Religions~~

One was very ancient. Its rose bloomed in a sea of might makes right barbarity. It taught men should not repay evil with evil, but to love those who hate us saying, "Love does no harm to its neighbor." The more men followed the very first love-centric sinless Rose, the better off the entire world was.

The other religion, a black carnation, came much later and was a fake. Even though the True Rose of Love had already bloomed, the leader of this plagiaristic religion embraced violence and was indistinguishable from the war lords around him. He began crucifying, beheading, assassinating, amputating and robbing like all the rest. The more men followed this man, the worse off the world was.

The End

TheAngel . com / TheDevil . com / BanIslamNow . com / BantheQuran . com ~ IslamisWar . com ~ TheAngel . org
~~Mosques are where Muslims plot to overthrow United States Constitutional ~~

Freedoms & Impose the Caliphate, the Dar al Islam & filthy Sharia FULL OF INSTITUTIONALIZED RELIGIOUS MURDER, beheadings, amputation & stoning & beating of women, which will make America a human rights cesspool exactly like every other oppressed censored tyrannical Muslim country pregnant with coercive terroristic barbarism of men robed in piety.

GentleIslam . com ~~ TheReligionofPeace . com ~~ ProphetofDoom . net

after rigorous examination of its role in 1400 years of history, inciting stoning, terror, amputations, tyranny, honor rape, honor killings, widespread murder, beheadings, civil? unrest, Jihadi war, death penalty for: criticism, atheism, gays, adultery & apostasy. It is unique in the modern world: no other book presently incites people to kill like the Koran does. Sadly, it is unalterable, un-reformable, a model for all Muslims for all time.

BantheKoran . com
~~Has the Muslim world of 57 countries produced a David Bowie?~~

or a Scarface or any artistry that lights the world, besides the light from suicide bomb blasts?

Bowie is a product of Western Freedom that simply does not exist in totalitarian theocracies where merely disagreeing with Mohammad or having sex carries a death penalty.

10,000 women a year, IN PAKISTAN ALONE, are lashed & stoned to death.

Don't take Bowie for granted - he's a blessing from Jesus ;-)

BlamingJesus . com
~~Why does Jesus get Respect but Mohammad Hatred?~~

Jesus fed the poor, welcomed prostitutes, saved adulterers & gave sight, song & ambulation to the blind, dumb & crippled.

Jesus replaced revenge, might makes right & eye for eye w/ grace & forgiveness, paid for our sins & rose from the dead: EARNING OUR LOVE.

Mohammad brought lies, amputation, rape, pedophillia, beheading, war & institutionalized religious murder of women.


WhatChristDid . com ~~TheAngel . com
--To Muslim propagandists smearing lipstick on the PIG OF ISLAM--


We don't need professors from Islamic viper's nests to brainwash us - WE SEE IT WITH OUR OWN EYES!


Nor do the subway bombings, bus bombings, child brides or PEDOPHILIA RAPE AND BEHEADINGS OF MOHAMMAD IN THE Hadith!

TheAngel . com / TheDevil . com / TheReligionofPeace . com
---Islam is Earth's greatest ENEMY---
Muslim Immigrants Would Be Happy To Ruin Your Country Too.

ISLAM is the ENEMY of free speech, religious freedom, women's rights & peace. Islam is the greatest force for barbarism, oppression, censorship, beheading, stoning, amputating, suicide, institutionalized violence against women and dissidents, poverty, terrorism & war. Islam turns countries into dens of poverty, civil strife, and civil war as in:

PAKISTAN, IRAQ, IRAN, INDONESIA, DARFUR, SOMALIA, Ethiopia, CHAD, YEMEN, Rwanda, Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Uganda, Congo, Afghanistan. Islamic countries are the most impoverished war torn countries on the planet despite having more MUSLIM OIL MONEY THAN CAN BE SPENT. IslamisUnlawful . com


TheAngel . org / TheDevil . com / BanIslamNow . com / BantheQuran . com
~~ Immigrants MUST BE ASKED ~~

Do you renounce all forms of totalitarian ideology, especially Islam for mandating repressive theocracy filled with orders to censor, subjugate, beat & kill atheists, homosexuals, dissidents, women, polytheists, Jews & infidels?

Do you agree burning Q'urans, which incite & condone murder, war & civil unrest, is good & right?

If they answer "YES!!!!" & burn a Quran - welcome! If "No," BACK ON THE BOAT for they love tyranny more then freedom.

BanIslamNow . com
~~ Let us test every Muslim heart with this question ~~

Should we kill the adulteress as Mohammad taught or set her free as Jesus taught in John 8?

All who say "kill her!" are self condemned and proof we should

BanIslamNow . com ~~ BantheQuran . com

"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." -John 8
TheAngel . com
~~If I were King, Queen or President of any Western Nation~~

whose freedom and success incontrovertibly stemmed from Christendom, I would have this QA with EVERY SINGLE PERSON APPLYING FOR CITIZENSHIP in our peaceful, free & successful Western polities:

1.) Do you renounce all forms of totalitarian oppressive censoring philosophies, religions & memes, especially those espousing institutionalized religious murder?

2.) Do you specifically and wholeheartedly condemn Islam and Mohammad, the former for being a repressive intolerant theocracy filled with commands to subjugate, beat or behead atheists, homosexuals, dissidents, women, polytheists, Jews and infidels, the latter for being a lying murdering crucifying eye-gouging burning people alive amputating misogynistic illiterate brigand?

TheAngel . org ~~ IslamisUnlawful . com

3.) Do you agree to abide by the Teachings of Jesus Christ to the best of your ability?

4.) Do you agree that burning Q'urans, which incite and condone murder, war, wickedness and unrest, is good & right? Hand them match and Q'uran.

If they light the match and answer "YES!!!!" in a convincing way - WILLKOMMEN!!!! If they answer "No" to any question and I don't see any plumes of Koranic smoke - back on the boat they go. Why? They love murder, wickedness & oppression more then they love light, love and freedom and we don't need Satan's filth merchants bringing the West into filthy similitude to Muslim nations.

BanIslamNow . com ~~ TheDevil . com
Who leads the world in Beheadings? Muslims do!
Who are world leaders in amputations? Muslims are!
Who leads the world in stoning women? Muslims of course!
Who leads the world in war and violent conflicts? Muslims do!
31 of the 33 conflicts and wars in the world involve Muslims

BantheQuran . com / BanIslamNow . com
TheZoo . com / TheDEVIL . com
Very good, Your score is 100%. Word of advice. Be careful, the Jew hating sissies on this board will look for ticky-tack minor violations to get you booted off this board for telling the truth. That's all they really have.
Who leads the world in Beheadings? Muslims do!
Who are world leaders in amputations? Muslims are!
Who leads the world in stoning women? Muslims of course!
Who leads the world in war and violent conflicts? Muslims do!
31 of the 33 conflicts and wars in the world involve Muslims

BantheQuran . com / BanIslamNow . com
TheZoo . com / TheDEVIL . com
Very good, Your score is 100%. Word of advice. Be careful, the Jew hating sissies on this board will look for ticky-tack minor violations to get you booted off this board for telling the truth. That's all they really have.
This is a much better thread than the one about Samer The Hunger Striker.

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