Heather Heyer Did Not Die From Getting Hit By Field's Car, But From A Heart Attack

Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
No her death is a direct result of poor health, and, bad lifestyle decisions. She may have had that heart attack, at that very moment, no matter where she was.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
No her death is a direct result of poor health, and, bad lifestyle decisions. She may have had that heart attack, at that very moment, no matter where she was.

He has some responsibility in it obviously, I just don't think they'll get a murder conviction out of this, manslaughter is probably what he will get charged with and that charge won't be hard for the prosecution to get a conviction on.
THIS part I agree with. The other is influenced by your politics.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Not really. You have to prove his intent first. I believe everyone deserves their day in court and go with the evidence...not the political climate.
All of those people that were actually hit by the vehicle lived, so it's just a matter of fact she died from being morbidly obese and having a weak heart....plus being dumb and climbing on vehicles in the middle of the road.
How do you know this? I've only seen face shots. Her mom is obese, but I can't tell about her from the pics I've seen.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
No her death is a direct result of poor health, and, bad lifestyle decisions. She may have had that heart attack, at that very moment, no matter where she was.
Exactly. Leftists are too busy jockeying for who can seem the most sympathetic... They don't let silly things like facts and evidence get in the way of their lynching party.
All of those people that were actually hit by the vehicle lived, so it's just a matter of fact she died from being morbidly obese and having a weak heart....plus being dumb and climbing on vehicles in the middle of the road.
How do you know this? I've only seen face shots. Her mom is obese, but I can't tell about her from the pics I've seen.
There's recent pictures of her and she was a Biggun alright.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Not really. You have to prove his intent first. I believe everyone deserves their day in court and ho with the evidence...not the political climate.

Prove it? The dude just marched as a White Supremacist... then took off down a street into a crowd of people he knew were marching there.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
No her death is a direct result of poor health, and, bad lifestyle decisions. She may have had that heart attack, at that very moment, no matter where she was.

So... You going post that evidence of most people dying from fear as they fall? Or are you just gonna keep posting mindless emoticons, and hope no one notices how ill informed, and poorly educated you are?
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Not really. You have to prove his intent first. I believe everyone deserves their day in court and ho with the evidence...not the political climate.

Prove it? The dude just marched as a White Supremacist... then took off down a street into a crowd of people he knew were marching there.
Marching as a white supremacist does not prove a damn thing as far as the case goes. There are multiple reasons to doubt his intent was to kill the people in the crowd. We will see what happens when the court case starts either way. I do think he should get a manslaughter charge and serve time, regardless if he just panicked or not, but murder doesn't seem very likely to me. If he meant to kill all of the protestors, he sure fucked that all up.

There's also video of him turning himself in on the side of the road only a couple blocks away. He didn't actually try to get away from the cops. That doesn't sound like someone who intended to do what he did or planned to do it.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.

Bad crisis acting...........
Source: Her mother.

Heather Heyer's mom delivers message about karma to white nationalists.

Going to be hard to get Fields on a murder rap, they prosecutor would probably lose that, the best bet for them is to go for manslaughter charges.

So the woman actually died because she was way out of shape & morbidly obese, not from any impact from the car.

You think because she had a heart attack after being hit by a car he isn't responsible? Please tell me you aren't serious.
The worse part is he is serious......... Clueless but serious.

Seriously clueless
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
No her death is a direct result of poor health, and, bad lifestyle decisions. She may have had that heart attack, at that very moment, no matter where she was.

HOLY shit was there EVER some fat motherfuckers that needed the 25 bucks an hour to participate in this badly done hoax.
Everyone please join me in a moment of silence for Vastator and OffensivelyOpenMinded's brains. Unfortunately they've passed on to hopefully a better place.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Not really. You have to prove his intent first. I believe everyone deserves their day in court and ho with the evidence...not the political climate.

Prove it? The dude just marched as a White Supremacist... then took off down a street into a crowd of people he knew were marching there.
Marching as a white supremacist does not prove a damn thing as far as the case goes. There are multiple reasons to doubt his intent was to kill the people in the crowd. We will see what happens when the court case starts either way. I do think he should get a manslaughter charge and serve time, regardless if he just panicked or not, but murder doesn't seem very likely to me. If he meant to kill all of the protestors, he sure fucked that all up.

There's also video of him turning himself in on the side of the road only a couple blocks away. He didn't actually try to get away from the cops. That doesn't sound like someone who intended to do what he did or planned to do it.

Yeah major things to doubt his intent... like speeding down hill into a large group of people he knew were there, and rear ending vehicles that were at a dead stop. Yep.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Not really. You have to prove his intent first. I believe everyone deserves their day in court and ho with the evidence...not the political climate.

Prove it? The dude just marched as a White Supremacist... then took off down a street into a crowd of people he knew were marching there.
Marching as a white supremacist does not prove a damn thing as far as the case goes. There are multiple reasons to doubt his intent was to kill the people in the crowd. We will see what happens when the court case starts either way. I do think he should get a manslaughter charge and serve time, regardless if he just panicked or not, but murder doesn't seem very likely to me. If he meant to kill all of the protestors, he sure fucked that all up.

There's also video of him turning himself in on the side of the road only a couple blocks away. He didn't actually try to get away from the cops. That doesn't sound like someone who intended to do what he did or planned to do it.

Yeah major things to doubt his intent... like speeding down hill into a large group of people he knew were there, and rear ending vehicles that were at a dead stop. Yep.
Now it was down a hill huh? This just keeps getting better... Lemme guess... Down hill, both ways, while it was snowing? You're a fucking idiot. Just accept the fact that the media that you so dutifully worship, mislead you yet again. Accept the truth and, move on
on. No need to keep abusing yourself. You act like someone with battered women's syndrome... You just keep going back. Pathetic.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Not really. You have to prove his intent first. I believe everyone deserves their day in court and ho with the evidence...not the political climate.

Prove it? The dude just marched as a White Supremacist... then took off down a street into a crowd of people he knew were marching there.
Marching as a white supremacist does not prove a damn thing as far as the case goes. There are multiple reasons to doubt his intent was to kill the people in the crowd. We will see what happens when the court case starts either way. I do think he should get a manslaughter charge and serve time, regardless if he just panicked or not, but murder doesn't seem very likely to me. If he meant to kill all of the protestors, he sure fucked that all up.

There's also video of him turning himself in on the side of the road only a couple blocks away. He didn't actually try to get away from the cops. That doesn't sound like someone who intended to do what he did or planned to do it.

Yeah major things to doubt his intent... like speeding down hill into a large group of people he knew were there, and rear ending vehicles that were at a dead stop. Yep.

It was staged, Lewd-dog.......and poorly done one at that........very pathetically done.
You're letting your emotions control your thoughts, bud. I never said he doesn't bare any responsibility in what happened, so get off your high horse already. Facts are he didn't hit her with the car and no car hit her, she died of a heart attack...so how the heck can the hit him with a murder rap? They can't and if they decide to go full on with the murder charges, instead of charging him with manslaughter...then Fields will be a free man sooner than you think.

You have no way to read the guy's mind, you don't know if he deliberately meant to run into the crowd. In most cases where someone uses a vehicle to run down people, the attacker doesn't drive straight into other cars, they swerve on the sidewalks so they can inflict maximum damage. I think he got scared and his survival instinct kicked in and he just hit the gas. So in my opinion, that may call for manslaughter charges, but not murder. Especially when she didn't get hit by the vehicle, but had a heart attack.

Her death is a direct result of his purposeful actions. It is the definition of murder.
Not really. You have to prove his intent first. I believe everyone deserves their day in court and ho with the evidence...not the political climate.

Prove it? The dude just marched as a White Supremacist... then took off down a street into a crowd of people he knew were marching there.
Marching as a white supremacist does not prove a damn thing as far as the case goes. There are multiple reasons to doubt his intent was to kill the people in the crowd. We will see what happens when the court case starts either way. I do think he should get a manslaughter charge and serve time, regardless if he just panicked or not, but murder doesn't seem very likely to me. If he meant to kill all of the protestors, he sure fucked that all up.

There's also video of him turning himself in on the side of the road only a couple blocks away. He didn't actually try to get away from the cops. That doesn't sound like someone who intended to do what he did or planned to do it.

Yeah major things to doubt his intent... like speeding down hill into a large group of people he knew were there, and rear ending vehicles that were at a dead stop. Yep.
Speeding Down hill? He didn't even hit the gas until after some idiot hit the back of his car with a bat. It was a straight shot. You obviously haven't done your research on this.

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