Heckuva job: Michigan union thugs destroyed hot dog vendor’s cart


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Heckuva job: Michigan union thugs destroyed hot dog vendor’s cart​

Michele Malkin

Heckuva job: Michigan union thugs destroyed hot dog vendor’s cart.

This is small business owner Clint Tarver of Lansing, Michigan. He was caught in the violent chaos that erupted when union thugs attacked the Americans for Prosperity tent on the capitol grounds yesterday during the right-to-work debate. His hot dog stand was destroyed.

Velvet Hammer reports that the thugs shouted “Uncle Tom” and “******” at Tarver.
Union Thugs Demolish Clint Tarver’s Iconic Lansing,Michigan Hot Dog Cart [Photo-Donation Link] Update: Thugs Yelled “N*gger Uncle Tom” Update 2: Revenge For Americans For Prosperity Cattering Gig (?) | Ironic Surrealism

Dana Loesch has more on the story and how to help.
Union Thugs Destroy Hot Dog Stand | The Dana Show

Watch Video:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzfwj7Eb8cA]Beyond the Cart: The Story of Clint Tarver - YouTube[/ame]​

Read more:
Michelle Malkin » Heckuva job: Michigan union thugs destroyed hot dog vendor’s cart
And will the Union hacks compensate him for his loss? The forecast calls for a 100% chance of "not in this lifetime".
The shitters did the same thing during the occupy protests. Hot dog vendors own a cart. They are rich.
Cant wait to hear the spin on this........
Sounds like the union thugs screwed with a guy who has stellar reputation in an area chock full of powerful people who like him. And they have no choice but to support him or risk looking like assholes.
This should be interesting.

Can you imagine the out cry if this was a Tea Party event.

"White Thugs Beat up Poor Black Hot Dog Vender"
You'd never hear the fucken end of it....
I was reading where all the alphabet new stations gave a total blackout on all the violence done by the Unions..

the Lamestream media is not your friend folks
and there's a bunch of union people here saying how the Republicans bussed all these people in to ACT like they were union people and causing all the trouble....just trying to make the union look bad! Lol! what a bunch of bs!
and there's a bunch of union people here saying how the Republicans bussed all these people in to ACT like they were union people and causing all the trouble....just trying to make the union look bad! Lol! what a bunch of bs!

Yeah...they bused in a bunch thugs to call the guy a ****** and destroy his hot dog cart.
Stay Classy libs......

You cant make this shit up! Incredible!!!
Where's the out cry?
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Unions have a history of being thugs when they don't get their way.
Hard to disassociate from your reputation when that reputation keeps repeating itself.
I have always been told to learn from history.
#11-And still absolutely true, chump of the greedy, polluting rich. lol

The whole thing is a Koch Bros "Americans for Prosperity"/Pub propaganda machine put up job.

"During Tuesday's mass demonstrations that attracted an estimated 10,000 to the Capitol lawn, protesters of the right-to-work law the Legislature was passing and voting on tore down a tent rented by the Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity. Witnesses and Internet videos show protesters, some wearing union clothes, using knives or box cutters to cut the tent's ropes.
Clint Tarver, owner of Clint's Hot Dog Cart, said he was trapped inside as the tent came down and damaged about $400 in catering equipment. Tarver's hot dog cart, which is usually parked outside Lansing City Hall along Capitol Avenue, was not on the Capitol grounds during the incident.

Images and video of the incident went viral on social media, prompting an aide to state Rep. Al Pscholka of Stevensville to start an online fundraising drive to help replace Tarver's damaged equipment. Lorilea Zabadal initially set a goal of $2,000, but by late Wednesday afternoon more than $15,000 had been donated through an account at Raise Money for YOU! How to raise money on your donation website! after what happened to Tarver spread among state government employees and lobbyists who frequent his stand. Zabadal said Wednesday donations were coming in from across the country.
"I never expected it to get this big," she said.
Tarver, who had to crawl out of the collapsed tent on his knees, was overwhelmed Wednesday by the outpouring of support.
"I had no idea so many people cared about 'the hot dog guy,'" Tarver said.
Tarver, who is black, said the protesters called him an "Uncle Tom" and the n-word for working for Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group supporting the right-to-work law.
"I've been called worse than that," he said."

(Detroit News)
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and there's a bunch of union people here saying how the Republicans bussed all these people in to ACT like they were union people and causing all the trouble....just trying to make the union look bad! Lol! what a bunch of bs!

Like all the rest of this mess, bought and paid for by the Kochs.

Didja all see the fux set up? They've been playing it on a loop all day.

Wake up dupes. You're digging your own graves.
Cant wait to hear the spin on this........
Sounds like the union thugs screwed with a guy who has stellar reputation in an area chock full of powerful people who like him. And they have no choice but to support him or risk looking like assholes.
This should be interesting.

Can you imagine the out cry if this was a Tea Party event.

"White Thugs Beat up Poor Black Hot Dog Vender"
You'd never hear the fucken end of it....

Didn't you know? He trashed his own cart and blamed it on the union thugs. Imagine that those poor innocent Union people blamed for tearing down the tent, trashing this poor guy's business. They just can't get anyone to say anything good about them. They're innocent just like the cross dresser said, after he claimed he killed 20 people.
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and there's a bunch of union people here saying how the Republicans bussed all these people in to ACT like they were union people and causing all the trouble....just trying to make the union look bad! Lol! what a bunch of bs!

Like all the rest of this mess, bought and paid for by the Kochs.

Didja all see the fux set up? They've been playing it on a loop all day.

Wake up dupes. You're digging your own graves.

Frankies older Brother checks in.....
This made-up rightwing propaganda machine story is almost identical to the 2009 made-up story about an alleged assault on Kenneth Gladney by SEIU members.

This shit is standard practice for the rightwing propaganda machine.

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