Hegseth confirmation hearings C Capan

he wants to make a real audit of the DoD a priority. By someone other than the DoD. Dead man walking

Well, one interesting fact I heard Pete quote was that during WWII, we had a total of 7 generals.
The DOJ currently has 44, in peacetime.
And 3 million employees.
I'm a real good judge of people and character.
I want this guy running the DOJ, I can't wait to see his audit.
Well, one interesting fact I heard Pete quote was that during WWII, we had a total of 7 generals.
The DOJ currently has 44, in peacetime.
And 3 million employees.
I'm a real good judge of people and character.
I want this guy running the DOJ, I can't wait to see his audit.
I assume he means Four Stars which are called “Generals,” and not Brigadier Generals, Major Generals, and Lieutenant Generals.

For what it’s worth, he seemed to walk back his often repeated statement that women shouldn’t serve in combat. He should stick with that.

Military combat is no place for a woman. It’s no place for a man for that matter. But someone has to do it and the shortest way to invite an attack is to not be prepared for one.

Leave the women at home I say. Men have an instinct to protect women, even though it has been beaten out of a lot of them by the feminist.
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Hegseth is not qualified to run our entire military. This man is a threat to our security. He will carry out any order Trump gives him no matter how unconstitutional. Hegseth doesn't know anything about the Constitution, so making him Sec Def would just add more to the great mistake.
It's what racists say when thy want to complain, but have no facts and aren't bright enough to understand what's actually happening.
No, is it what Hegseth is and what you are.
For what it’s worth, he seemed to walk back his often repeated statement that women shouldn’t serve in combat. He should stick with that.
Military combat is no place for a woman. It’s no place for a man for that matter. Leave the women at home I say.

Well, if a woman can pass the physical requirements that men must meet, then I have no problem, it is their choice. Then the only question is how much of a distraction it is having women around. And women are a distraction, or at least they should be.

But I'm guessing most gals tough enough to pass the basic requirement might not be as much of a distraction as a Playboy model.
Ahhh the old fallback of the mentally weak, Name calling. Have at it brother.
You fell back on the name calling son.

It's what racists say when thy want to complain, but have no facts and aren't bright enough to understand what's actually happening.
Your mental weakness was already known.

Hegseth is unqualified for this job. He was picked because he is a white male. Not because of merit.
You fell back on the name calling son.

Your mental weakness was already known.

Hegseth is unqualified for this job. He was picked because he is a white male. Not because of merit.
Wrong again. I called your no names. I did comment on your lack of mental acuity, but facts are facts. It is interesting that you believe it is wrong to name someone to a post because he is white, but didn't seem to complain when Biden appointed unqualified people to positions because they were black. That would seem to indicate you are the racist. You apparently believe in one rule for thee and another for me.
Well, one interesting fact I heard Pete quote was that during WWII, we had a total of 7 generals.
The DOJ currently has 44, in peacetime.
And 3 million employees.
I'm a real good judge of people and character.
I want this guy running the DOJ, I can't wait to see his audit.

Your character judgement from afar appears to ignore his meager record and his sorry personal behavior.

Once upon a time, Secretaries of Defense were heads of global corporations and other similarly large institutions.

They knew what it was to manage a large institution.

Hegseth was a non com, and had a weekend gig on the Fox Noise network.

That is the total su of his qualifications. All of it.

A right wing TV clown, that’s all.
Well, one interesting fact I heard Pete quote was that during WWII, we had a total of 7 generals.
The DOJ currently has 44, in peacetime.
And 3 million employees.
I'm a real good judge of people and character.
I want this guy running the DOJ, I can't wait to see his audit.

Anyone who can Google will quickly see that Hegsgeth’s claim is ridiculously false.
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