Hegseth confirmation hearings C Capan

he wants to make a real audit of the DoD a priority. By someone other than the DoD. Dead man walking

That’s a sad old gimmick.

He’s hardly the first to make such a proposal.

Even if he gets something, it will take over a year to put the deal to conduct the audit together, and it will still be a work in progress after he is out the door.

The probability of him making it though four years is small anyway.

His ever fickle, and thoroughly incompetent boss went through five people in that role in four years.

Hegsgeth will bein so far over his head that he won’t be able to see daylight.
Simple question for those opposing Hegseth’s confirmation: should Trump have chosen an experienced general, even if that general had declared President Trump unfit for office? What about a former secretary who said the same?

Not necessarily.

Nor does it have to follow the false either/or premise that you posit.

Captains of industry normally lead the DoD. People with deep experience leading large corporate or government entities.

The only qualification Hegsgeth really has is mouthing off on an afternoon gig on Fox, reinforcing the misogynistic theme that is popular with Trump and his more deplorable elements.

Just the man to deal with complex managerial issues.
Not necessarily.
Really? That’s your answer? Do you think there’s some universe in which it would be a good strategy for any president to appoint senior leadership that has already declared that president to be unfit for office?

You really think that would be good for the country? I’ll answer the rest later when I can type a while.
Not necessarily.
The answer is no, of course he should not choose a candidate that believes he is unfit for office. No present would ever deliberately do that.
Nor does it have to follow the false either/or premise that you posit.
Unfortunately, the Democrats and their previous nominees have made it so.
Captains of industry normally lead the DoD. People with deep experience leading large corporate or government entities.
Because President Trump spent so much time and energy playing whack a mole with people in government that hated him and would do anything to stop him from doing what he was elected to do, he now feels that the first qualification for nomination is loyalty to Donald Trump.

In an ideal world, that should not be a qualification. In fact, it should not even be in question. Because what does it matter if you like the particular president in the White House or not? The idea is to do your job as best as you can and hope your side wins the next election.

No matter how an experienced captain of industry or government leader feels personally about the president, when they accept his appointment, they do so with the understanding that they will not spend the four years fighting that president.
But that is not what happened 2017 through 2020. Trump didn’t ask every single person he nominated about their loyalty and no surprise found out. They were not loyal. Not to him and especially not to the voters that put him in office. They hated the voters worse than they hated the president they voted for.

The same applies for people who continue to serve in government at high levels, medium levels and low levels. If the newly elected president is such an anathema to them that they will spend four years, trying to undermine them, the ethical thing to do is resign and spend four years campaign for, someone that they will like.

The country has spoken. They don’t want four more years of team Biden being in charge of the economy, the border, the military, and the justice system.

The lesson your side taught Trump is that elections don’t matter to you, and you will fight as dirty as you can to overturn the results by preventing the newly elected president from carrying out his agenda.

It won’t work this time, because fool me once shame on you…
The only qualification Hegsgeth really has is mouthing off on an afternoon gig on Fox, reinforcing the misogynistic theme that is popular with Trump and his more deplorable elements.

Just the man to deal with complex managerial issues.
Pete Hegseth is far, far, less qualified than many people already working in government. But, you brought this last qualified appointment on yourselves by the actions I described above.
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Really? That’s your answer? Do you think there’s some universe in which it would be a good strategy for any president to appoint senior leadership that has already declared that president to be unfit for office?

You really think that would be good for the country? I’ll answer the rest later when I can type a while.

You set up an either/or fallacy, and you’re trying to make me argue it.

I’m not going to play your dishonest little game.

As I noted, Secretaries of Defense have been captains of industry (Charles E Wilson. Robert McNamara, Robert Lovett) people with long histories in government service (Rumsfeld and Cheney, Clark Clifford, Elliot Richardson)

Hegseth is so vastly inferior to his predecessors as to make his nomination little more than a cynical joke.
The answer is no, of course he should not choose a candidate that believes he is unfit for office. No present would ever deliberately do that.

Unfortunately, the Democrats and their previous nominees have made it so.

Because he spent so much time at energy playing whack a mole with people in government that hated him and would do anything to stop him from doing what he was elected to do, he now feels that the first qualification for nomination is loyalty to Donald Trump.

In an ideal world, that should not be a qualification. In fact, it should not even be in question. Because what does it matter if you like the particular president in the White House or not? The idea is to do your job as best as you can and hope your side wins the next election.

But that is not what happened 2017 through 2020.

No matter how an experienced captain of industry or government leader feels personally about the president, when they accept his appointment, they do so with the understanding that they will not spend the four years fighting that president.

The same applies for people who continue to serve in government at high levels, medium levels and low levels. If the newly elected president is such an anathema to them that they will spend four years, trying to undermine them, the ethical thing to do is resign and spend four years campaign for, someone that they will like.

The country has spoken. They don’t want four more years of team Biden, being in charge of the economy, the border, the military, and the justice system.

The lesson your side taught Trump is that elections don’t matter to you, and you will fight as dirty as you can to overturn the results by preventing the newly elected president from carrying out his agenda.

It won’t work this time, because fool me once shame on you…

Pete Hegseth is far, far, less qualified than many people already working in government. But, you brought this last qualified appointment on yourselves by the actions I described above.

“Because he spent so much time at energy playing whack a mole with people in government that hated him and would do anything to stop him from doing what he was elected to do, he now feels that the first qualification for nomination is loyalty to Donald Trump.”

I assume that you’re talking about Trump, not Hegseth.

If you’rre trying to pretend that Trump’s insistence on personal loyalty above all else is a product of his victimhood, you don’t know anything about Trump.

He has always surrounded himself with yes me. And bag men. His campaigns were riddled with them,as was his business. Elevating unqualified and incompetent people to senior roles they have no qualifications for or experience with has been Trump’s way all his life.

And he like to play the off against one another and watch them make fools of themselves trying to curry his favor.

There are real candidates out there for the real job of managing the nation’s armed forces.

Pete Hegseth is NOT one of them, and never will be.

E makes a mockery of the ‘very best people” Trump boast.
Hegseth had his confirmation hearing today. I watched part of it. He did well. I knew that he is a smart guy and an excellent communicator. What I wasn’t sure of was his grasp of all the defense issues he’d be dealing with.

He demonstrated that he has a good grasp of the issues from nuclear weapons development and upgrades to building our naval and air forces.

He also did an excellent job of dealing with the hyperbolic attacks from Democrats. He didn’t get flustered or angered by their attacks which sometimes were over the top. He handled them with relative ease.

The Democrats on the committee did not come off looking good.They asked questions and would not allow him to respond. At times they didn’t ask questions, but just leveled personal attacks
He's a WEI candidate. He shouldn't even be there.
How can you vote for democrats given that your Tuskegee Airmen were there thanks to democrat Franklin Roosevelt?

Your site says!!

The picture used in my avatar is of an American hero, Airman Captain John Daniels. Airman Captain Daniels was a member of the legendary Tuskegee Airmen. After serving his country with great honor, Daniels, along with close to a dozen other high-ranking officers died in a plane crash while attempting to return to Moten field in Tuskegee AFTER the war had ended. There was a severe thunderstorm in the area that covered the airport and their requests to divert to an alternative airport to avoid the thunderstorm were denied because Moten Field was the only place in the segregated South where they, as African Americans, were allowed to be.
“Because he spent so much time at energy playing whack a mole with people in government that hated him and would do anything to stop him from doing what he was elected to do, he now feels that the first qualification for nomination is loyalty to Donald Trump.”

I assume that you’re talking about Trump, not Hegseth.

If you’rre trying to pretend that Trump’s insistence on personal loyalty above all else is a product of his victimhood, you don’t know anything about Trump.

He has always surrounded himself with yes me. And bag men. His campaigns were riddled with them,as was his business. Elevating unqualified and incompetent people to senior roles they have no qualifications for or experience with has been Trump’s way all his life.

And he like to play the off against one another and watch them make fools of themselves trying to curry his favor.

There are real candidates out there for the real job of managing the nation’s armed forces.

Pete Hegseth is NOT one of them, and never will be.

E makes a mockery of the ‘very best people” Trump boast.
Pete's not so bad. Equally as qualified for SecDef as Lawyer Becerra is for Sec HHS, and you never squawked about that.

Your claim to believe a president might should appoint leaders so disloyal that they openly state that the man who appointed them is unfit tells me you are completely dishonest.

My question was not dishonest. You could have said “No, but . . .” and not thrown away all integrity.

None of Joe Biden's appointees ever said he was unfit for office. Not even when the DNC and the Democrat media said he was.
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The last holdout is going to vote in favor of Hegseth....
Your character judgement from afar appears to ignore his meager record and his sorry personal behavior.

That is cute. By meager record, what you really mean is his relative lack of connection to the very people whom most bear close examination and reassessment. You won't get this kind of willingness for a top/down restructuring of a fat, bloated institution from the inside by a glad-hander.
Anyone who can Google will quickly see that Hegsgeth’s claim is ridiculously false.

Damn, Hegseth tripped up yet again. Google never lies or is wrong, you know what Hegseth was talking about despite not even watching the hearing, and of course, Hegseth didn't count on people having access to computers. Shucks. :smoke:

No one can pull a fast one over you, Mr. Fizz.
Look how angry Elizabeth "Woo-woo" Warren is:

This is not a natural reaction to someone from the other party winning the White House. It is not about Pete Hegseth being a way-out choice for the job. Warrent said nothing when Biden appointed this dude:


as an undersecretary.

This is deep-seated anger and hostility towards the voters that rejected her party.

All the Democrats are furious. At least the ones I've seen clips of so far, which have only been two, admittedly.

This is Tammy Duckworth, decorated and wounded combat pilot. Look how irrational she sounds. If she got that emotional when she was flying, she might have flown right into enemy fire.

My advice: When you get this angry, just walk away.
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