Hello all


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here),
We don't 'vote people out', as long as they mind themselves.

USMB Rules and Guidelines
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here),
We don't 'vote people out', as long as they mind themselves.

USMB Rules and Guidelines

USMB allows you to discuss many/''all'' subjects
...most other sites I have been on you can't even post facts/etc without them going crazy
I'm serious--
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

You googled Nazi, eh?

Speaking of which, did you know that the Nazi regime passed the most Progressive legislation in the world when it comes to animal rights? In fact, Hitler loved animal rights so much he was a vegetarian. Anyone so much as spat on a dog was sent to the Russian front.

As for abortion, the Dims now seem to want to advocate letting viable infants die if the mother wanted it aborted. It's really hard to reach democrats on this issue. I do it by asking a liberal what they would do if a baby puppy was born and I snapped it's neck to kill it or tell them that I want to smash an endangered eagle's egg to bits. Once the look of horror reaches their face I then compare that to what is done to an infant, after which they get the cold glossy stare in their eyes once again and then tune me out.
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

You googled Nazi, eh?

Speaking of which, did you know that the Nazi regime passed the most Progressive legislation in the world when it comes to animal rights? In fact, Hitler loved animal rights so much he was a vegetarian. Anyone so much as spat on a dog was sent to the Russian front.

As for abortion, the Dims now seem to want to advocate letting viable infants die if the mother wanted it aborted. It's really hard to reach democrats on this issue. I do it by asking a liberal what they would do if a baby puppy was born and I snapped it's neck to kill it or tell them that I want to smash an endangered eagle's egg to bits. Once the look of horror reaches their face I then compare that to what is done to an infant, after which they get the cold glossy stare in their eyes once again and then tune me out.

.....I'm sure he knew he could trust Blondi, his German Shep, more than he could trust anyone else
To verify the capsules' contents, Hitler—who already intended to have Blondi killed so that she did not fall into the hands of the Russians[25]—ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test one on Blondi, and the dog died as a result.[26]Hitler became completely inconsolable
Blondi - Wikipedia
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

You googled Nazi, eh?

Speaking of which, did you know that the Nazi regime passed the most Progressive legislation in the world when it comes to animal rights? In fact, Hitler loved animal rights so much he was a vegetarian. Anyone so much as spat on a dog was sent to the Russian front.

As for abortion, the Dims now seem to want to advocate letting viable infants die if the mother wanted it aborted. It's really hard to reach democrats on this issue. I do it by asking a liberal what they would do if a baby puppy was born and I snapped it's neck to kill it or tell them that I want to smash an endangered eagle's egg to bits. Once the look of horror reaches their face I then compare that to what is done to an infant, after which they get the cold glossy stare in their eyes once again and then tune me out.

All good points but my agreeing with the dems on the need for stronger animal rights laws does not make me a nazi. The dems walking in lockstep, sending brownshirt goons to disrupt peoples dinners as well as punching them in the face on college campuses, allowing no dissent to whatever policy issue they claim superiority on (which is all of them), corporate/political collusion and propaganda "news" mouthpieces DOES make the democrats nazis (did I mention they're not to keen on the jews?).
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

You googled Nazi, eh?

Speaking of which, did you know that the Nazi regime passed the most Progressive legislation in the world when it comes to animal rights? In fact, Hitler loved animal rights so much he was a vegetarian. Anyone so much as spat on a dog was sent to the Russian front.

As for abortion, the Dims now seem to want to advocate letting viable infants die if the mother wanted it aborted. It's really hard to reach democrats on this issue. I do it by asking a liberal what they would do if a baby puppy was born and I snapped it's neck to kill it or tell them that I want to smash an endangered eagle's egg to bits. Once the look of horror reaches their face I then compare that to what is done to an infant, after which they get the cold glossy stare in their eyes once again and then tune me out.

All good points but my agreeing with the dems on the need for stronger animal rights laws does not make me a nazi. The dems walking in lockstep, sending brownshirt goons to disrupt peoples dinners as well as punching them in the face on college campuses, allowing no dissent to whatever policy issue they claim superiority on (which is all of them), corporate/political collusion and propaganda "news" mouthpieces DOES make the democrats nazis (did I mention they're not to keen on the jews?).

I am not calling you a Nazi, but I find it troubling that they, like the democrats, value animal life more than human life.

It also is alarming that both the Nazi regime and democrat party are so preoccupied with the environment more than human life. Both are also ardent socialists.

There is a common theme here, and I don't think it a coincidence.
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

You googled Nazi, eh?

Speaking of which, did you know that the Nazi regime passed the most Progressive legislation in the world when it comes to animal rights? In fact, Hitler loved animal rights so much he was a vegetarian. Anyone so much as spat on a dog was sent to the Russian front.

As for abortion, the Dims now seem to want to advocate letting viable infants die if the mother wanted it aborted. It's really hard to reach democrats on this issue. I do it by asking a liberal what they would do if a baby puppy was born and I snapped it's neck to kill it or tell them that I want to smash an endangered eagle's egg to bits. Once the look of horror reaches their face I then compare that to what is done to an infant, after which they get the cold glossy stare in their eyes once again and then tune me out.

All good points but my agreeing with the dems on the need for stronger animal rights laws does not make me a nazi. The dems walking in lockstep, sending brownshirt goons to disrupt peoples dinners as well as punching them in the face on college campuses, allowing no dissent to whatever policy issue they claim superiority on (which is all of them), corporate/political collusion and propaganda "news" mouthpieces DOES make the democrats nazis (did I mention they're not to keen on the jews?).

You can't judge all "dems" by what a few have done.

Anyway, sorry it took me so long, but WELCOME! It's good to have you here and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Have a donut on me.
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

You googled Nazi, eh?

Speaking of which, did you know that the Nazi regime passed the most Progressive legislation in the world when it comes to animal rights? In fact, Hitler loved animal rights so much he was a vegetarian. Anyone so much as spat on a dog was sent to the Russian front.

As for abortion, the Dims now seem to want to advocate letting viable infants die if the mother wanted it aborted. It's really hard to reach democrats on this issue. I do it by asking a liberal what they would do if a baby puppy was born and I snapped it's neck to kill it or tell them that I want to smash an endangered eagle's egg to bits. Once the look of horror reaches their face I then compare that to what is done to an infant, after which they get the cold glossy stare in their eyes once again and then tune me out.

All good points but my agreeing with the dems on the need for stronger animal rights laws does not make me a nazi. The dems walking in lockstep, sending brownshirt goons to disrupt peoples dinners as well as punching them in the face on college campuses, allowing no dissent to whatever policy issue they claim superiority on (which is all of them), corporate/political collusion and propaganda "news" mouthpieces DOES make the democrats nazis (did I mention they're not to keen on the jews?).

You can't judge all "dems" by what a few have done.

Anyway, sorry it took me so long, but WELCOME! It's good to have you here and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Have a donut on me.
View attachment 253035

I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

Fit and proper nickname.
I'm a newby here but not a newby to this, the last site I frequented had a heart attack or something because it is just gone for like 5 days now so I Nazi'd (Googled, but they sure are acting like Nazi's these days deciding who does and doesn't get results in searches).

Anyway I nazi'd "political discussion forums" and this was at the top of the list so I thought I'd inflict my brand of conservatism over here for a while until I'm voted out (if you have juries here), or this site drops dead for whatever reason too.

I side with the democrats when it comes to animal rights and the war on drugs however, but otherwise I'm generally libertarian except abortion keeps me republican, if all that makes sense.

I'm Christian even though I believe we should be turning over tables as well as turning the other cheek, which liberals tell us is our only option. They seem to know all about the bible in that area and point out to others how they are supposed to live the Christian life even though they themselves dont go to church or believe in God, which is kind of odd.

"I used to trust the media to tell me the truth"

You googled Nazi, eh?

Speaking of which, did you know that the Nazi regime passed the most Progressive legislation in the world when it comes to animal rights? In fact, Hitler loved animal rights so much he was a vegetarian. Anyone so much as spat on a dog was sent to the Russian front.

As for abortion, the Dims now seem to want to advocate letting viable infants die if the mother wanted it aborted. It's really hard to reach democrats on this issue. I do it by asking a liberal what they would do if a baby puppy was born and I snapped it's neck to kill it or tell them that I want to smash an endangered eagle's egg to bits. Once the look of horror reaches their face I then compare that to what is done to an infant, after which they get the cold glossy stare in their eyes once again and then tune me out.

All good points but my agreeing with the dems on the need for stronger animal rights laws does not make me a nazi. The dems walking in lockstep, sending brownshirt goons to disrupt peoples dinners as well as punching them in the face on college campuses, allowing no dissent to whatever policy issue they claim superiority on (which is all of them), corporate/political collusion and propaganda "news" mouthpieces DOES make the democrats nazis (did I mention they're not to keen on the jews?).

I am not calling you a Nazi, but I find it troubling that they, like the democrats, value animal life more than human life.

It also is alarming that both the Nazi regime and democrat party are so preoccupied with the environment more than human life. Both are also ardent socialists.

There is a common theme here, and I don't think it a coincidence.

It's generally a "go to" argument for anyone who needs a quick rebuttal to anyone valuing animal life over human life that Adolph Hitler felt the same, I'm not sure of what his reasoning would have been, as for me what I have found through life is I can trust my dog, I cant trust people.

Further from that animals are innocent, they dont ask to be put in a cage and left out in the hot sun or a sub zero night, they dont ask to be fought for our enjoyment and monetary gain, they run on instinct and built in traits that we have bred into them which is a desire to please us, and they don't deserve the abuse and torture that comes thier way by human hands.

Those people themselves that fight the dogs and whatever I generally dont wish bad ill on people, that's God's job, but I hope, I do hope and I'm sure you know what I mean.

So animals are innocent in thier lot in life, they dont deserve what is inflicted on them by us, humans however tend to dig our own graves over time and get exactly what we deserve.

That's why I have so much more sympathy for animals than people, and it's not like I turn a cold shoulder to humans in need because of those vices, I am one of them, was a homeless bum living in my car for the better part of a year and into one cold MF-ing january that pushed me into the Salvation Army, so I've been on the receiving end of payment due for life choices and because of that I will give money from time to time and steer them where to go but only once, if I see them again too bad, they aint felt enough pain yet.

I just put a 10 dollar gift certificate for pizza in the food box yesterday, I try to do that once a week because I know how something hot is so much better than the rice and beans everyone so "generously" puts in there.

So I'm not totally non sympathetic to the plight of the humans, I just err on the plight of the animals for who I care more about.

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