Hello! from Sunni Man

I see you did not answer ....a simple question...would you take arms up against americans if your religioin called for it?

a simple yes or no will do.

you are no longer an american...anyone who watched the wtc towers fall and people jumping from the top floors to their deaths or heard the impact of the bodies hitting cars and roof tops....and yet stays with those of that religion is nothing but a traitor and really needs to considering relocating to a moral muslim country. lol....you dont go there cause you know damn well you couldnt live there ..they would still hate you. that is irony..
It depends on the context and situation in which they were given to the people.

Just as some verses in the Old Testament (Torah) were directed to the Jewish people about certain events and specific situations. Some verses apply to today, and other verses address historical situations or events that no longer exist.

The same is true about the Quran and it's revelations.

Mohamed was married to a 9 year old girl. How do you explain that one away?

Are you a self hating American liberal who would like nothing more than the U.S to live under Sharia law?

and it's "KORAN". when speaking English you should spell in English...

Islam is evil.
I'll give you that:

And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.
And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of his brethren.

Genesis 16:11-12

Spoken of the first Arab.

how true.
hhmmmm...interesting thread. A dude comes on here, in a friendly manner. No insults, no hate-filled posts, just a dude with a different POV of the world and religion from the norm. What does he get? Interest? Maybe partake in a little conversation about different religions and values in a civil manner? Why, no. The USMB redneck brigade get in full swing.

Ya know, just starting to read this thread, if I didn't know a lot of you folk like I do, I'd swear I've come across a Redneck's Anonymous site. From Bone and Allie I expect this. They are ignorant. But Gunny? You too, brother? C'mon.....The only person posting on this thread who looks civil and intelligent is the new guy who believes in Allah.... You other ijits make America look sooooo bad....
hhmmmm...interesting thread. A dude comes on here, in a friendly manner. No insults, no hate-filled posts, just a dude with a different POV of the world and religion from the norm. What does he get? Interest? Maybe partake in a little conversation about different religions and values in a civil manner? Why, no. The USMB redneck brigade get in full swing.

Ya know, just starting to read this thread, if I didn't know a lot of you folk like I do, I'd swear I've come across a Redneck's Anonymous site. From Bone and Allie I expect this. They are ignorant. But Gunny? You too, brother? C'mon.....The only person posting on this thread who looks civil and intelligent is the new guy who believes in Allah.... You other ijits make America look sooooo bad....

Some people just have to have someone to hate. :cuckoo: Please don't take that away from them.:(
i still see no answer to my question about would you fight against the united states if a jihad was declared. You seem to have problems answering very easy questions. I consider you a traitor to your country due to the fact you converted to a religion that hates the united states. I am an American. I do not welcome the enemy. and until you answer that one question, in my opinion you are the enemy.
hhmmmm...interesting thread. A dude comes on here, in a friendly manner. No insults, no hate-filled posts, just a dude with a different POV of the world and religion from the norm. What does he get? Interest? Maybe partake in a little conversation about different religions and values in a civil manner? Why, no. The USMB redneck brigade get in full swing.

Ya know, just starting to read this thread, if I didn't know a lot of you folk like I do, I'd swear I've come across a Redneck's Anonymous site. From Bone and Allie I expect this. They are ignorant. But Gunny? You too, brother? C'mon.....The only person posting on this thread who looks civil and intelligent is the new guy who believes in Allah.... You other ijits make America look sooooo bad....

if being a redneck means i object to muslims ...especially so called americans who convert to a religion that hates us...so be it...i will more than proud to be called a redneck. I do enjoy the name calling that goes on..why, tell me..should we welcome people who hate us.
Thanks for responding, S'man. I apologize for the rude behavior the hateful bigots on this board. Not all of us who may disagree with you are like that.

I agree with you that Jesus is not divine. As far as what the Bible, the Torah or the Koran says, I've only read snippets and find them interesting but not particularly inspiring. In my own amateur study of religion I've come to the conclusion that they all came about as a means to help reinforce the mores of civilized society. Since human are all the same species and are social animals, the more you examine different human societies, the more you can see how they resemble each other. To my mind, all religions are just variations of each other. They aim to keep order within society, reinforce the need for individuals to sacrifice for the greater good of the community, provide solace during times of grief and an outlet for joy and gratitude. I think history has demonstrated how often religion is perverted by groups or individuals with ulterior and anti social motives. But for me, an atheist and an outsider, all mainstream religions seem to have just about the same amount of good in them as bad.

Thanks for sharing your religious history. I was raised in a family that has been atheist on one side for several generations and on the other, lapsed Lutheran at my grandparent's level. Religion was such a non issue in my house that as a little kid I had no idea that Jesus Christ was actually a person, not a word that meant my dad was mad that us kids had forgotten again not to slam the screen door. My parents had the attitude that religion served no purpose for them but if we kids wanted to join one they would support our choices. I've never had any reason to doubt the non existence of God and I'm happy and comfortable in my non faith. However, being an atheist is really kind of dull when it comes to ritual and liturgy. We miss out on the pomp and circumstance. My artistic endeavors have made me familiar with Islamic design and architecture and I am in awe of them. I also think that Islamic ritual is very beautiful and know a bit about Sufism and other Muslim philosophy from my various Muslim friends. Years ago I got in a heated discussion with an ex Catholic friend who asked me what faith I would choose if forced to do so. I said Islam because even though I believe in none of the faiths, I think all of them are flexible enough to be adapted to my morals and Islam being the the most aesthetically pleasing, Arabic being a beautiful sounding language, it would be my choice.

So anyway, I'm glad you have stopped by and are willing to discuss Islam in a calm and informative manner. I've been told by certain posters here that Muslims kill atheists but, strangely enough, my Muslim friends have spared my life and I hope you will too. ;)

you would be the first to lose his head if we were overrun by Jihadists.

they call your type, useful idiots.
if being a redneck means i object to muslims ...especially so called americans who convert to a religion that hates us...so be it...i will more than proud to be called a redneck. I do enjoy the name calling that goes on..why, tell me..should we welcome people who hate us.

No, you are are redneck because you are ignorant. To lump all muslims into one basket is not only ignorant, it's stupid. As for namecalling, see your first couple of posts on this thread. If you want civil discourse, be civil. If not, take your lumps and stop whining or I'll have to name you Allie Mk II...
hhmmmm...interesting thread. A dude comes on here, in a friendly manner. No insults, no hate-filled posts, just a dude with a different POV of the world and religion from the norm. What does he get? Interest? Maybe partake in a little conversation about different religions and values in a civil manner? Why, no. The USMB redneck brigade get in full swing.

Ya know, just starting to read this thread, if I didn't know a lot of you folk like I do, I'd swear I've come across a Redneck's Anonymous site. From Bone and Allie I expect this. They are ignorant. But Gunny? You too, brother? C'mon.....The only person posting on this thread who looks civil and intelligent is the new guy who believes in Allah.... You other ijits make America look sooooo bad....
Thanks for the welcome Dr. Grump!! :eusa_angel:
if being a redneck means i object to muslims ...especially so called americans who convert to a religion that hates us...so be it...i will more than proud to be called a redneck. I do enjoy the name calling that goes on..why, tell me..should we welcome people who hate us.
I grew up in Oklahoma and lived many years in Texas. So I can also claim the Redneck label.

I recon that makes us Redneck brothers Strollingbones!! Yee haww!!!
i see you never addressed the question of jihad either....if you were given told by you inman (sp) to take up arms against americans ...would you...would you follow your faith or would you follow your country....

given the command by the inman would you take up arms against americans?
Islam is a personal and individualistic religion. It is up to each Muslim to follow what they believe the Quran says to them.

You make it sound like Muslim people are some kind of Robots that Imams can turn Off and On with a switch to do their bidding.

You really make me laugh. Do you even know any Muslims??

As for me, I am a loyal and patriotic American, plus a Vietnam Era Vet. I have paid my dues. Have You?
Thanks for the welcome Dr. Grump!! :eusa_angel:

Don't be too thankful. I don't believe in any religion, and you'd do well to stay clear of the "jew's did it" with regard to 9-11 with me. Don't fall into the trap of a knee-jerk reaction to people blaming all Muslims for what happened that day. The fact that it was Muslims that did it is irrelevent. The fact they were murdering arseholes is...
Don't be too thankful. I don't believe in any religion, and you'd do well to stay clear of the "jew's did it" with regard to 9-11 with me. Don't fall into the trap of a knee-jerk reaction to people blaming all Muslims for what happened that day. The fact that it was Muslims that did it is irrelevent. The fact they were murdering arseholes is...

Well put, Doc.
i guess you yall have missed the thread where he refers to a woman author as a "slut". real moral guy here. How many of you call women sluts when you disagree with her? How many of you lecture on morality while referring to women as sluts? dont let sunni man fool ya...he aint nothing but a cardboard man.
I grew up in Oklahoma and lived many years in Texas. So I can also claim the Redneck label.

I recon that makes us Redneck brothers Strollingbones!! Yee haww!!!

I don't think so, Tim. You can claim the label of being a big f-ing joke though. Hezbollah and Hamas are tools of the Russians?

Doesn't matter where you're from. You're obviously dumber'n a stick.

I like the absurdity section:

God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). 1:3-5

Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11

if the big bang occured in one day, (an enormous amount of light in the vast darkness), before the sun's existence in the milkyway, then the passage could actually be correct....we are just not understanding genesis, and have put our own, humanly understanding to it, which has deceived us....?

is my best guess! :)

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