Hello Spammers.

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Oh look, another addition to the psychward. :clap:

When was the last time you washed your socks.........? :eusa_whistle:

Did I say something in my introduction thread that you disagree with? Or am I just like a new frisbee to a dog to you.
Just another addition to the online insane asylum called the USMB........ Looks like you'll fit right in. Hope you brought your own straight jacket. :thup:

I doubt it. Do you know what the insane do to the sane at forums? They ban them. Their insanity is like a cult. Out in the world, there are people who have to kidnap cultists to de-brainwash them from their cult. What do you think a cult member who has their finger hovering above the "ban" button is going to do. Allow themselves to be kidnapped? Or press that button.
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Oh look, another addition to the psychward. :clap:

When was the last time you washed your socks.........? :eusa_whistle:

Did I say something in my introduction thread that you disagree with? Or am I just like a new frisbee to a dog to you.
Just another addition to the online insane asylum called the USMB........ Looks like you'll fit right in. Hope you brought your own straight jacket. :thup:

I doubt it. Do you know what the insane do to the sane at forums? They ban them. Their insanity is like a cult. Out in the world, there are people who have to kidnap people to de-brainwash them from their cult. What do you think a cult member who has their finger hovering above the "ban" button is going to do. Allow themselves to be kidnapped? Or press that button.
Yup, you qualify...... Fifth padded room on the left is yours.
Let me guess stampede, you are a friend of cult smasher from another forum? :lol:
Why vote at all? Jill Stein as a outside ghost of a choice. Its becoming self obvious that we need to reform the election system. Money shouldn't be the major determine factor of candidacy. We all know that, so why is it the case?
The system is broken as of right now, Jill Stein is not the person to fix it, and even if she did fix it, she'd proceed to break the economy, and the government structure as a whole if allowed.
Right, and the other candidates are MUCH better?

From my reading of the American Presidential Election candidates, the best candidate is Gary Johnson, but he's not got a snowball's chance of winning the election.

America is going to get either The Donald or Hillary.

Let's hope it is Trump. And he flops again and deports all the illegals. Then maybe we can get universal health care like the rest of the civilized world. Instead of having such a thing be even more of a draw to overpopulating third world lowlife illegals who hate gringos. Though another draw will be the amnesty Hillary is planning on handing out to millions of them. Which will make universal health care even less likely.
Look at the spammer defending his position on trump :lmao:

I didn't say I wasn't a spammer. I just don't do anything any different from the rest of you. Also, Trump is small potatoes. Republican and democrat are just two sides of the same coin. If I tried to defend the positions that I really wanted to defend, the positions that are at the root of all other problems, I would surely get banned. Why? Because being a highschool dropout, I could defend them to a degree far beyond anything any of you could think up to try and refute my positions.
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Don't forget greasy. But I would vote for Trump before "globalization, give another amnesty" Hillary.
Does that mean you disagree with something in my introduction thread?

Well calling the majority of the people at this forum Spammers, you didn't go to charm school did you darling?

Perhaps you would have preferred it if I started out by telling lies. But i don't do that. Or maybe you would have preferred it if I talked about things that don't matter. But if I was forced to do that, I wouldn't even bother.

You could have just posted your stuff without calling everyone Spammers. We don't have that many Spammers, except that MegaBot one, but it's not posted for days and days, it must have had a malfunction and is now somewhere adrift in the Ether.

But you ARE spammers. I pointed out in my thread what makes you spammers. Do you disagree with anything my thread said?
You have a deep dark hidden point I am missing? Perhaps we differ on the meaning of spam.

I couldn't make my point any clearer than I did in my thread.
Who would you vote for, then?

Adolf Hitler. But he isn't running. So I will settle for Trump. If you are ready to hop on the democratic band wagon, look at what another democrat had to say and the results of his actions.

View attachment 87501 View attachment 87502
A newbee mistake, understandable. I am not a Democrat by any stretch of the imagination. I wouldn't support Hillary even if she were the only candidate running. I was only asking if you had someone you preferred over Trump. Who did you support in the primaries?

Trump is who I supported. Normally, I just vote the green party ticket.
Why did you support trump?
I'm more curious as to why anyone would support the Green Party, at all, ever. You'd have to get pretty high first.

Why green? Because if you are young enough to live past the next 50 years, don't make any plans. Because you'll be DEAD! It could happen in about 20 years. I was watching a TV show about the global meltdown. It was hosted by Bill Nye, the science guy. He was talking to a college professor who had been studying the problem for at least the last 15 years. The professor quit his tenured professorship to prepare for doomsday. Which he figured was going to happen in about 20 years. But I figure that in 50 years at the outside, most of the life on earth will be extinct.

Shall I serve up a little spam with that? I know for the mods, telling the truth is unforgivable. But here I go! The earth can't handle the number of people it already has. There are food wars going on. The basis for most of the conflict going on around the world has its roots in the lack of food. Every day about 21,000 people starve to death. Every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. But the population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. Despite what the mods may like, you can't solve that problem without being "racist." Destroying White people isn't the answer.
...If you support either Trump or Hillary and defend that position, you are a spammer. If you either support or deny human caused global warming and defend that position, you are a spammer. But I guess that the only way to get away with "spamming" is to avoid talking about the root cause of any problem. But I will do so. And cause.

Sooo, anyone who takes a position and has the temerity to defend it is a spammer?

Adolf Hitler. But he isn't running. So I will settle for Trump. If you are ready to hop on the democratic band wagon, look at what another democrat had to say and the results of his actions.

You can write in Hitler if it makes you feel better. Do you really find Trump to be a suitable replacement for your Fuehrer?

If I gave you what you seem to be looking for, I would be banned out of hand. I know because it has happened at other forums.

I'm guessing it has happened here and recently. So what was your previous SN here and how long ago did you get tossed?
BTW, USMB frowns on those who sneak back in and will ban you shortly (and permanently) so go ahead and shoot your hateful load ... you'll soon be gone again anyway.

I had many reasons {to vote for Trump). Most of which telling you would likely get me banned.

The USMB World wants to know your reasons.

Do you know what the insane do to the sane at forums? They ban them. Their insanity is like a cult...

Yeah ... and yours is...?

I didn't say I wasn't a spammer. I just don't do anything any different from the rest of you... If I tried to defend the positions that I really wanted to defend, the positions that are at the root of all other problems, I would surely get banned. Why? Because being a highschool dropout, I could defend then to a degree far beyond anything any of you could think up to try and refute my positions.

So your brilliance is steeped in your failure to get even a high school education? Lemme guess ... you would have finished high school but the local community college was too far to attend without a car and you didn't want to add to global air pollution so why bother getting the diploma.

Conclusion: What we have here is a recently dumped USMB Nazi retread whose blames everyone but himself for the miserable nature of his pathetic life. Here's the same advice I gave you a few weeks ago ... get out of mommy's basement and get a life! Maybe even kiss a girl! WooHoo!
Adolf Hitler. But he isn't running. So I will settle for Trump. If you are ready to hop on the democratic band wagon, look at what another democrat had to say and the results of his actions.

View attachment 87501 View attachment 87502
A newbee mistake, understandable. I am not a Democrat by any stretch of the imagination. I wouldn't support Hillary even if she were the only candidate running. I was only asking if you had someone you preferred over Trump. Who did you support in the primaries?

Trump is who I supported. Normally, I just vote the green party ticket.
Why did you support trump?
I'm more curious as to why anyone would support the Green Party, at all, ever. You'd have to get pretty high first.

Why green? Because if you are young enough to live past the next 50 years, don't make any plans. Because you'll be DEAD! It could happen in about 20 years. I was watching a TV show about the global meltdown. It was hosted by Bill Nye, the science guy. He was talking to a college professor who had been studying the problem for at least the last 15 years. The professor quit his tenured professorship to prepare for doomsday. Which he figured was going to happen in about 20 years. But I figure that in 50 years at the outside, most of the life on earth will be extinct.

Shall I serve up a little spam with that? I know for the mods, telling the truth is unforgivable. But here I go! The earth can't handle the number of people it already has. There are food wars going on. The basis for most of the conflict going on around the world has its roots in the lack of food. Every day about 21,000 people starve to death. Every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. But the population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. Despite what the mods may like, you can't solve that problem without being "racist." Destroying White people isn't the answer.
Ohhh, you're one of those. That's adorable.
You know what Hell is for a brain cell? Chemical alteration by drugs, alcohol or smoking and finally being forced to do service in a conspiracy theory. True story.

Oh, and here, have a bagel.
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