HELP: ICE question, thinking about calling ice on the illegals at my job

By all means, call the authorities. Your job is menial and unimportant...don't worry about losing it. They can get a drop out to replace you tomorrow.
Lol it’s a high end restaurant I made 700 in 3 hours tonight..

So Extort the greasy little scumbags . $20 a week each and your friend won't call "La migre". If they refuse call. If you have to work with them at least get paid. The greaser can collect from the others and take a cut for himself. Good old fashion extortion would probably be best. They got here by paying extortionists that's what they understand exploit it.
If they spoke English I would
You won’t turn them in because you think they are all rapists and murderers.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking I’m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell he’s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. I’m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..

Why are you hiring them? You said every few days WE hire a new one. Why are you doing that?
Put your thinking cap on
Are your employers liberals? I bet they aren’t. I bet they are fiscally conservative. They would tell you to go work for someone else. Or start your own business. How dare you tell them who they can hire. Do you want them to pass the cost on to consumers?

You can’t even get yourself to blame the employer because employers are gods to you. They provide jobs so they shouldn’t pay taxes.

And that means if you owned your own business you would probably hire illegals too.

You’re just a pawn. If you want better go to school, start your own business or organize into a union. Lol
It’s not there job to to create immigration laws.. it’s rhe obstructionist democrats
It’s their job to follow the laws already on the books. They know they’re accepting fake ids. You seem to know it.

Perhaps you are wrong. You don’t seem to have any power at this corporation
Why are they here?? Congress needs to protect Americans
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking I’m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell he’s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. I’m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
How are you sure they are illegal? Did you see their work visas or are you assuming they are illegal? Or is it illegal to be Latino?
These are caravan scum

Hey, here’s an idea. Give them the embarrassment of their lives! Shame them and force those greasy lizards back across the border. Best way to shame a greasy caravaner is to out work their ass. Do your shit ass job really fast, and then go do their shit ass job faster than them. Push them out of the way and show those lazy caravan lizards how awesome Americans like you work. Show them they aren’t worthy. Do it dude, you alone can force them back, and all you have to do is work harder than them.
We do when they don’t lower the wages we do the job 100 times better

You average 1000 posts a month here alone. When you spend as much time on the computer as you do, how do you figure you could be more productive than a third worlder that has only known work all their life?
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking I’m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell he’s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. I’m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
How are you sure they are illegal? Did you see their work visas or are you assuming they are illegal? Or is it illegal to be Latino?
These are caravan scum

Hey, here’s an idea. Give them the embarrassment of their lives! Shame them and force those greasy lizards back across the border. Best way to shame a greasy caravaner is to out work their ass. Do your shit ass job really fast, and then go do their shit ass job faster than them. Push them out of the way and show those lazy caravan lizards how awesome Americans like you work. Show them they aren’t worthy. Do it dude, you alone can force them back, and all you have to do is work harder than them.
We do when they don’t lower the wages we do the job 100 times better

You average 1000 posts a month here alone. When you spend as much time on the computer as you do, how do you figure you could be more productive than a third worlder that has only known work all their life?
This is education.. different views, looking up history..
I guess I get no answers

For the record, iCE knows me by name...I report the wetback mowing my neighbors lawn if he can’t speak English.
So what will I expect when I contact them?

They will run your criminal history too. If you are comfortable with that….go for it. LOL
Are you saying I can be prosecuted for reporting something ?? You are a corrupt democrat

No. But they will likely run your criminal history and likely all who are present. You can't be prosecuted for reporting something. If you're comfortable with the cops poking around your background feel free.
I guess I get no answers

For the record, iCE knows me by name...I report the wetback mowing my neighbors lawn if he can’t speak English.
So what will I expect when I contact them?

They will run your criminal history too. If you are comfortable with that….go for it. LOL
Are you saying I can be prosecuted for reporting something ?? You are a corrupt democrat

No. But they will likely run your criminal history and likely all who are present. You can't be prosecuted for reporting something. If you're comfortable with the cops poking around your background feel free.
Umm ok
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking I’m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell he’s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. I’m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..

I would suggest you contact a neutral nonprofit such as
Catholic Charities or ACLU that could consult with the owners and workers.
I would give them EVERY CHANCE to resolve their status issues legally
and safely with an organization that knows the laws and their rights and process.

If there is no chapter near you, can you contact a probono legal hotline, through the local Bar Association,
and ask for a referral. If a group like that can intervene, this can help separate any trafficking or sweatshop labor victims
that need help to be rescued from the ringleaders that are exploiting them, and are the criminals that need to be
reported to authorities. If they all flee, the victims that are willing to act as witnesses can't work with authorities
to track the rings. So it's critical to find the family members that need help from authorities to stop the trafficking going on.

The antitrafficking groups know how to protect the whistleblowers.
I would contact them for advice and help to intervene safely.
How are you sure they are illegal? Did you see their work visas or are you assuming they are illegal? Or is it illegal to be Latino?
These are caravan scum

Hey, here’s an idea. Give them the embarrassment of their lives! Shame them and force those greasy lizards back across the border. Best way to shame a greasy caravaner is to out work their ass. Do your shit ass job really fast, and then go do their shit ass job faster than them. Push them out of the way and show those lazy caravan lizards how awesome Americans like you work. Show them they aren’t worthy. Do it dude, you alone can force them back, and all you have to do is work harder than them.
We do when they don’t lower the wages we do the job 100 times better

You average 1000 posts a month here alone. When you spend as much time on the computer as you do, how do you figure you could be more productive than a third worlder that has only known work all their life?
This is education.. different views, looking up history..

This should be an education for you:

I am a hard core constitutionalist with a view that is frowned on now that there is no longer a pro-Constitution organization worthy of mention left.

PART of the problem I have is with members of my own race. They have built a religion around hating people from south of the border and, in the same breath, claim they have no problem with them if they come here all "legal" like. That is a crock.

Members of my race like to sit on their ass, gobble up neo-nazi propaganda as if those losers hung the moon. The average white kid was brought up on Adderall and Ritalin; opioids and then pot; other drugs whether legal or illegal. It's pretty natural to see white males in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond living in mommy's house, dependent on mommy while playing their video games, eating junk food, blowing their money on drugs and whining about so - called "illegal aliens."

I have to go out and work with - many times hire foreigners because they show up for work and can work circles around the lazy ass whites. While the average 20 something year old white guy has no education, no job skills, no initiative, no driver's license, a drug habit and a welfare check, and a criminal record. your average south of the border blue collar worker has a wife, a car, a couple of kids, and a mortgage payment by the age of 25.

I'm embarrassed by it; frustrated by it; and have little patience with the class of whites who puff their weed and think they're a match for the foreigners. We cannot draft these white guys into civilian militias; can't get them involved in the ministry; can't get them out of mommy's house; can't get them to learn a skill; can't get to hold themselves accountable. They're as worthless as tits on a boar hog. I think they should set the bar high for themselves and then live up to it... then talk their Internet smack. Where I am, we're always looking for those guys to show us they can walk that walk - or jump in and learn how to be a man. So, your post count suggests the worst. I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong. I got your number; it's reflected in your post count.
The fact that you are even asking us....


you know perfectly what to do with the scum!..ok?
I do! But I don’t want to not work for 2 months, and I’m not trying to be murdered by because of a dish washer..
I just want this fcuk to be deported
He’ll find new hires. He doesn’t want to be out of business anymore than you do.
It would take months to find help,, and he would have to pay higher wages

Join the military. You’ll get hooked up with a career if you’re smart and make bank when you get out.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking I’m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell he’s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. I’m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
I don't understand, if you are already working there, why do you need work? Aren't you both working there, and don't you have seniority?
If they arrest the entire kitchen we will be closed for months

. . . and this restaurant is probably, knowingly hiring illegals with fake documentation? And they will be shut down?


That will teach them a lesson. As for you, stop being a hypocrite like the internationalists and "progressives." Do your beliefs mean anything, or do they only go as far as your wallet is concerned? Stand up for your principals.

Maybe before you blow the whistle, update your resume, save up a month's rent, and bills, etc., get a letter of recommendation from your immediate supervisor, and alert any friendly folks in the restaurant that feel the same as you about this issue, before you go and drop the dime. Strategize this move.

It is employers like this that are part of the problem, and the only way they ever learn and the nation can have the corruption rooted out is if the change STARTS with the grass roots.

For I have said it before, and I will say it again. The establishment left AND right have no plans to solve this, quite the reverse actually. This place is a corporate police state democracy, the candidate are pre-ordained and "democracy," is an illusion. They have made it known since the 90's that they want to create an economic and political union in North America, just like the EU in Europe. If this doesn't appeal to you? What are YOU going to do?

If you think a wall is going to be built with the current representation, and with the current judiciary? You are nuts. They will have their NAU, whether the folks want it or not, it is just a matter of if it happens in 25, 50 or 100 years time.
I can't believe you swallowed OP's bait.
He's making up the whole thing, Mister Beale. Nothing in jits' story makes any sense whatever. It's just trolling for hatred. He lives on it.
Right. I definatly agree with you there. Everyone could probably not be who they say they are. You could be lying about who you are. Good point.

What even is the point of posting here?

OTH, I have actually WORKED in the hotel and restuarant industry for over a decade of my life when I was younger, I have seen this first hand. These folks DO take jobs away from high school and college aged Americans, AND they lower the prevailing wages. As a liberal, I would think you care about this issue.

Have you ever actually worked in the restaurant industry yourself?

I have, for many many years.

I have seen this first hand myself.

The Jamaicans, if unattached, will often tell you they have no plans of going home. Also, the natives get paid two to three times what the Jamaicans get paid, b/c the employers pay their airfare at the Grand Hotel.

Jamaicans in Mackinac

Perhaps you are familiar with this place, it was featured in the movie, Somewhere in Time, with Christopher Reeves, it is where the elites go to make policy in MI.

This article is a VERY biased article toward the corporate side, b/c, obviously they want to keep the pay-rate down and screw the average employee keeping the profits high and the prices down. But, it just confirms what we are telling you, the hospitality industry is over-run with illegals, pushing the market wages down, and pushing out native born employees.

How Restaurants Hire Undocumented Workers
The hospitality industry’s staffing methods remain shadowy, but it’s not as tough as you think
How Restaurants Hire Undocumented Workers

"Why is hiring undocumented workers so common in the restaurant industry?

According to a 2008 Pew report, undocumented workers make up at least 10 percent of the hospitality industry and 13 percent of the agriculture industry (though these are estimates and are likely underrepresented — as Eater reported last year, over 20 percent of all cooks could be undocumented). Just one day without immigrants cost the restaurant industry a huge hit to its profits, and some experts predict that without undocumented labor, the price of food will increase up to six percent... or worse, that there won’t be enough food for us all to eat due to labor shortages.

“Immigrants feed this country,” says Noelle Lindsay Stewart, a former D.C. line cook and the communications manager for Define American, a media company focused on immigrant rights and identity. “They cultivate our produce; they cook our food. The food industry wouldn’t be possible in the way it is without them.”

As long as the Trump administration continues to push stricter immigration policies, the food world is going to feel the squeeze. However, it’s unlikely farms or restaurants will change their hiring practices, because most don’t have a choice to begin with. Restaurants have some of the highest turnover rates of any industry (71.2 percent in 2015, compared with 45.9 percent for private-sector employees). Couple that with tight profit margins and fast-paced, physically demanding work, and it’s easy to see why restaurant owners will hire people in a pinch, regardless of immigration status.. . . "

so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking I’m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell he’s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. I’m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
Do your duty and drop the dime.
so I work at a restaurant in Boston, the entire back of the house is illegal,, A new one came in today, he smiled at me cocky, thinking I’m one of the white libs in Boston who will kiss his ass...
I can tell he’s one of the ones from the caravan.
An invader.. I’m sick of it every few days we hire a new one.

This one the cocky smile he gave me has me beyond pissed..

My question is if I call ice on him will they arrest the entire kitchen staff?? Or just him.. I need to work..

Anyone here in the gov or familiar with ice as what will happen if I file a complaint, can I stay Anonymous? Many of them are in ms 13.. not trying to be murdered over a dish washer..
How are you sure they are illegal? Did you see their work visas or are you assuming they are illegal? Or is it illegal to be Latino?
These are caravan scum
How are you sure they are what you say?

Trumps not an idiot. They stamp those caravaners at the border across the forehead. It’s pretty easy to spot one.
What do they stamp them with? A rifle butt I hope.

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