Help McCain Win Now!

McCain voted with Bush 92% of the time.

How’s business? Sucks huh? Maybe if Obama lowers 90% of the population’s taxes instead of just the top 10%’s, people will go out and spend.

The Democrats want to stop jobs from going overseas. The Republicans rewarded companies that went overseas. How does anyone think they’ll fix what they purposely created?

They said Bill Clinton would raise taxes and ruin the economy too.

McCain won’t even answer the question; Why are we still spending $10 billion a month in Iraq? That has EVERYTHING to do with our bad economy and inflation.

From 2000-2006, Tom Delay ran Congress and Bush ran the White House. They created this bad economy. Where was the maverick John McCain? He is no leader.

Sarah Palin will make you have your baby if your rapist impregnates you.

John McCain will stop Congress from fixing any of the problems. In fact, until February 08, the Republicans didn’t think there was a problem. They pointed to the stock market an corporate profits to show us that the economy was strong.

Want a war with Iran? Vote for McCain.

Trickle down does not work.

Our founding fathers warned us about Corporations and the Rich getting too powerful. They don’t pay enough in taxes, at least not with all the spending they do. And don’t say it was because of the wars, because the GOP lied us into Iraq for $. Are they sharing the spoils with us?

We have a progressive tax system. That is basically redistribution of wealth. No? So all this talk of socialism is bullcrap.

In Alaska, they take some of the oil companies profits and give it to every Alaskan, for doing NOTHING. Isn’t that socialism?

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