Help us understand. Where is Leftist Democrat policy/ideology working? Where does it help the citizenry thrive, prosper and improve societal workings?

When the mainstream media becomes the propaganda arm of the democrat party there is no way to determine if the policies are working. So far the media seems more intent on attacking the former president than to tell us much about the seemingly incoherent policies of the current administration.

Where is Leftist Democrat policy/ideology working? Where does it help the citizenry thrive, prosper and improve societal workings?​

Apparently the question above is one that is very difficult to answer. One would think that any Leftist Democrat could enlighten us on what compels them to vote for their city to become the next Portland, Los Angeles, St Louis, Baltimore, NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, Minneapolis....etc etc
Just look at the successes in America.

Actually, the success of America can be chalked up to capitalist entrepreneurs that were largely free of government interference and regulations. Leftists, of course, are opposed to that practice and want government to have their hand in everything. While we're at it, tell me how leftist ideology has helped inner-city blacks.
it depends...for Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Obama, Xi, Harris, Castro, Xiden and their families or worked out well...they became rich, and lived well

for the citizens not so much
it depends...for Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Obama, Xi, Harris, Castro, Xiden and their families or worked out well...they became rich, and lived well

for the citizens not so much
Mao and Stalin ended up being state capitalists.
Hilter is on the far right.
Obama, BIden and Harris are are capitalists.
Pol Pot was a communist, but never rich.
it depends...for Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Obama, Xi, Harris, Castro, Xiden and their families or worked out well...they became rich, and lived well

for the citizens not so much
Mao and Stalin ended up being state capitalists.
Hilter is on the far right.
Obama, BIden and Harris are are capitalists.
Pol Pot was a communist, but never rich.
they were are leftwingers Mao and Stalin were not capitalist! haha

hitler was a national socialists...they had leftist policies, look at the exonomic policies!

pol pot lived good
it depends...for Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Obama, Xi, Harris, Castro, Xiden and their families or worked out well...they became rich, and lived well

for the citizens not so much
Mao and Stalin ended up being state capitalists.
Hilter is on the far right.
Obama, BIden and Harris are are capitalists.
Pol Pot was a communist, but never rich.
they were are leftwingers Mao and Stalin were not capitalist! haha

hitler was a national socialists...they had leftist policies, look at the exonomic policies!

pol pot lived good
The countries of Mao and Stalin were state capitalism, where you have the capitalist enterprise owned by the state. in other words, the employee - employer relationship with the state as the employer.

yes, look at nazi economy policies. Hostile to social welfare on principle. The first who were sent to Dachau were the leftists.
Which Leftist Democrat policies / ideologies have America and American society on the right path / trajectory?
Well let's see here I guess all the economic output is basically coming from democrat run areas so there is that. Meanwhile ysll sit and weep. Cast retarded conspiracy theories around like crazy. Not only are democrat controlled areas the center of commerce but also the centers of art and culture. Your areas are good at killing tin solders though . Ypu do have that. Then yall have Nascar.

it depends...for Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Obama, Xi, Harris, Castro, Xiden and their families or worked out well...they became rich, and lived well

for the citizens not so much
Mao and Stalin ended up being state capitalists.
Hilter is on the far right.
Obama, BIden and Harris are are capitalists.
Pol Pot was a communist, but never rich.
they were are leftwingers Mao and Stalin were not capitalist! haha

hitler was a national socialists...they had leftist policies, look at the exonomic policies!

pol pot lived good
The countries of Mao and Stalin were state capitalism, where you have the capitalist enterprise owned by the state. in other words, the employee - employer relationship with the state as the employer.

yes, look at nazi economy policies. Hostile to social welfare on principle. The first who were sent to Dachau were the leftists.
yeh socialist....

not at all hostile to social welfare...the increased social welfare

only leftist that were a threat to hitler’s leadership. Stalin purged leftist too
Which Leftist Democrat policies / ideologies have America and American society on the right path / trajectory?
Well let's see here I guess all the economic output is basically coming from democrat run areas so there is that. Meanwhile ysll sit and weep. Cast retarded conspiracy theories around like crazy. Not only are democrat controlled areas the center of commerce but also the centers of art and culture. Your areas are good at killing tin solders though . Ypu do have that. Then yall have Nascar.

So you’re saying commerce and GDP are paramount to a high quality of life for Americans?
I thought you hate those greedy capitals riding the backs of the poor?
Not today?
What is the quality of life like in those dangerous, homeless infested Dem shitholes where all that raw capitalism is yielding huge returns?
Remember, nothing is more important to Americans than is quality of life.
Speaking for the Democrats as would be the most sane Democrat here, Orange man bad.

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