Heraldo Rivera Admits Libya Attack May Have Been Caused By Anti-Muslim Video

No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

Common sense killed the video theory.
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

No one has been able to prove it did either yet those on the left were more than willing to say it did rather than to dare to admit they might dropped the ball here.
Attack on Benghazi Consulate 'Unprecedented,' State Department Official Says - ABC News

I cannot figure out why it's such a big deal to you people to prove that the movie had nothing to do with it.

I can't believe anyone thinks it did.
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack

Only the truly stupid ask for proof that something DIDN'T cause something...

Your teachers must be banging their heads against a wall...
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

No one has been able to prove it did either yet those on the left were more than willing to say it did rather than to dare to admit they might dropped the ball here.
Attack on Benghazi Consulate 'Unprecedented,' State Department Official Says - ABC News

I cannot figure out why it's such a big deal to you people to prove that the movie had nothing to do with it.


truthmattersish [trooth-máttərz-ish]
1. Repeatedly calling for proof of a negative
2. A post of immense stupidity​
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

Senators Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham debate US foreign policy in Middle East - Interviews - Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

GRAHAM: Chris, Chris, this was not a spontaneous riot. There was never a mob. There is a video of the conflict. Nobody was there.

Ambassador Stevens met the Turkish ambassador. There was an assault around the compound. There were 125 people using heavy mortars. It was a seven-hour planned attack, preplanned in the making.

The intel was Al Qaeda is on the rise in Benghazi, Libya. Everybody else left but us, the CIA chief said this was a militia attack within 24 hours. The president of Libya said it was an Al Qaeda attack. There was no mob, there was no riot.

Iraq is falling apart.

Bin Laden may be dead. Al Qaeda is on the rise. If you don't believe me, go to the training camps in Iraq that have come up after we have left.

Syria is a contagion affecting the region -- 32,000 people have been killed while we are doing nothing. Islamic extremists are beginning to infiltrate Syria.

And as to Iran, they've got quadruple the amount of enriched uranium to make a bomb they had before Obama got into office.

Nothing is working. The whole region is falling apart.
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No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

Play a role? The video was BLAMED for the attack on the embassy, Carbineer. This Administration tried their best to put out a narrative that it wasn't terrorists that attacked and killed our Ambassador but a spontaneous attack by a mob reacting to the YouTube video even though it was obvious from streaming video that was never the case. The Obama people tried to make what REALLY happened fit their own narrative that Al Queda was back on it's heels because of the actions of Barack Obama. They lied to us.
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack

Only the truly stupid ask for proof that something DIDN'T cause something...

Your teachers must be banging their heads against a wall...

Then why are people talking about this on the assumption the movie didn't have anything to do with it?

Because there is no PROOF that it DID...

Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else today?
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack

Only the truly stupid ask for proof that something DIDN'T cause something...

Your teachers must be banging their heads against a wall...

Then why are people talking about this on the assumption the movie didn't have anything to do with it?

You might find this interesting.

Stunning Historical Discovery - By Peter Kirsanow - The Corner - National Review Online

Cambridge, Mass. — Celebrated historian Bertram Oxley has uncovered a memorandum from former Japanese Emperor Hirohito to Admiral Yamamoto dated December 6, 1941, showing that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was motivated by an offensive film made by Charlie Chaplin ridiculing Japanese cuisine.

“Contrary to historical accounts over the last seventy years,” Professor Oxley said in an interview today with the BBC, “What appeared to be a meticulously planned surprise attack was actually a spontaneous demonstration by moderate sushi connoisseurs in the Imperial Navy in response to a hateful and offensive movie. Thereafter, extremist elements within the Japanese military co-opted the spontaneous attack, transforming it into the overseas contingency operation sometimes referred to as ‘World War II.’”............
Now progressives are grasping at any straw it seems.....Our schools are a disgrace that they make people so fucking stupid.

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