Heraldo Rivera Admits Libya Attack May Have Been Caused By Anti-Muslim Video

No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

No one has been able to prove it did either yet those on the left were more than willing to say it did rather than to dare to admit they might dropped the ball here.
Attack on Benghazi Consulate 'Unprecedented,' State Department Official Says - ABC News
muslims must be clairvoyant cause they were blowing holes in walls and making the place dangerous enough that the british and the red cross both left
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

No one has been able to prove it did either yet those on the left were more than willing to say it did rather than to dare to admit they might dropped the ball here.
Attack on Benghazi Consulate 'Unprecedented,' State Department Official Says - ABC News

I cannot figure out why it's such a big deal to you people to prove that the movie had nothing to do with it.
No one has been able to demonstrate that the video did not play a role in precipitating the attack, but,

no one on the right seems capable of that teeny tiny bit of extra thought and that gram or two of objectivity that might be able to lead them to the most reasonable and logical conclusion,

that it might not, and probably does not, boil down to an overly simplistic, got to be black or white, either/or, situation where the video either caused the attack or it didn't.

No one has been able to prove it did either yet those on the left were more than willing to say it did rather than to dare to admit they might dropped the ball here.
Attack on Benghazi Consulate 'Unprecedented,' State Department Official Says - ABC News

I cannot figure out why it's such a big deal to you people to prove that the movie had nothing to do with it.
Really because I can figure out exactly why it is such a big deal for you people to prove it did. Because Obama and the left were out touting because OBL was dead Al-Qaeda was decimated and basically finished a well planned attack that kills our ambassador and three other's puts a fair sized dent in that talking point where a spontaneous attack by a mob angry over a video does not.

are you really this stupid? a link about how someone is hiding is fox admitting it was because of the video?

IF Fox news admits it why didn't you link us directly to FOX News instead of unthinking stupidity?

Filmmaker Sam Bacile in hiding after anti-Muslim film sparks violence in which American diplomat was killed | Fox News

There you go, you foul mouthed old bag.

are you really this stupid? a link about how someone is hiding is fox admitting it was because of the video?


Let's start by having you re-read the headline, slowly.
My favorite Horaldo Moment is when he was drawing logistic information in the sand, second, when he opened Capone's Vault. :lol:
The video had been out since June and planned the attack for 9-11. Why did the Obama Administration try and sell the US on the notion that this 9-11 attack was not pre-meditated?

What is political asshattery ? Alex for $500
My favorite Horaldo Moment is when he was drawing logistic information in the sand, second, when he opened Capone's Vault. :lol:

I think my favorite Geraldo moment was when a fight broke out on his show, and a skinhead broke Geraldo's nose.
It had to be a video that made AQ go crazy and made them attack Benghazi?

How crazy is everyone?

It's already known that the leader of the attack was a terrorist who had been returned to Libya under the *cough* promise that Ghaddafi would keep him under wraps. He was at Gitmo. And transferred by the doves under Bush.

Oh and it must be the video. :lol:

Not that Obama and Biden have been crowing about asassinating Bin Laden in every speech.

Oh no. And it couldn't have anything to do with 9/11. It must have been a video.

And lordy lordy here comes gordy, the attack could not possibly be a revenge for the death of AQ leader #2 who just happened to be Libyan.

Oh it had to be the video.

Not that AQ#1 asked Libyans to take revenge for the drone attack that killed AQ#2.

It had to be a video. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
There are 100's of videos mocking Mohammed but this particular one sparked the violence? Don't buy it never will.

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