Everyone thinks that the US is spinning out of control.

From my point of view. Most of the country is quite peaceful, with folks going about their lives and actually being polite to strangers.

Perhaps more folks need to dump the poisonous media, that has been fanning the flames of conflict on both sides.

Perhaps a lot of people just need to lighten up and enjoy life.

Well said.

Reminds me of the Civil War movie that just came out not long ago. One of the main characters said her parents were just sitting on their farm in Missouri pretending nothing was going on.
I think the problem is too many people now......In 1970 there were a solid 33% less people in the US than there is today and by and large things were pretty good.....Not great mind you (pollution, Vietnam war, and such) but pretty darn good. We were the envy of the world.....Even the dems of the time were not batshit crazy.
Does that assume that we were under 'control' at some point in time, or does it mean that we want another kind of 'control'? Many Americans Think Country Is Spiraling Out Of Control After Trump Shooting: Poll | ZeroHedge

I see it more as a ride down the hill from the "peak" as a society. Sometimes the ride down the hill is a bit bumpy.

It happens to all world powers, one can only stay at the top for so long.

The powers that be are trying desperately to hold on, but our demise in inevitable. But it will be ok, most every other great world power is still around, just no longer the preeminent power on the planet, and they are doing just fine with life as just one more country in the world.

This is what America needs to accept.
Oh don't start pretending you didn't participate in the madness that nearly destroyed our nation. We have the receipts
Who said I'm not in pain or didn't participate....?

I said they are growing pains.... birthing, labor PAINS and we will survive this contentious period as we had others.

Like when JF Kennedy was assassinated,

Or the terrible period where the protesters were killed at Kent State U

Or the protesters and protests against the Viet Nam war everywhere

Or the civil unrest that lead to Martin Luther King assassination and Robert Kennedy assassination back to back....

Or the contentious Burr- Hamilton duel.....

Or the really contentious Civil War, or the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln...

I've never in my life been someone to give up because the going gets tough,

I've never been a Debbie Downer!

Sorry to disappoint you!
Once we start jailing these Democrat criminals people like you empower and provide cover for
Sooo, YOU think that's the solution eh? To make things better, to make America GREAT AGAIN....?

YOU have little ability to for see how non great that would be, for America!
Who said I'm not in pain or didn't participate....?

I said they are growing pains.... birthing, labor PAINS and we will survive this contentious period as we had others.

Like when JF Kennedy was assassinated,

Or the terrible period where the protesters were killed at Kent State U

Or the protesters and protests against the Viet Nam war everywhere

Or the civil unrest that lead to Martin Luther King assassination and Robert Kennedy assassination back to back....

Or the contentious Burr- Hamilton duel.....

Or the really contentious Civil War, or the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln...

I've never in my life been someone to give up because the going gets tough,

I've never been a Debbie Downer!

Sorry to disappoint you!

You can't go around kicking people's kneecaps and then saying oh hey these are growing pains.

You understand that right?
You can't go around kicking people's kneecaps and then saying oh hey these are growing pains.

You understand that right?
Totally understand! And I haven't kicked anyone's knee caps! Having an opinion or even disagreement, is NOT kicking other peoples knee caps in....surely you know the difference, don't you?
Does that assume that we were under 'control' at some point in time

Yes, and we were, individually and collectively. Self-control was expected when I was a kid, and whatever you did in your bedroom and whoever you did it with was nobody else's business and nobody else cared. We trusted our political leaders and institutions, and we didn't have people filling up a shopping cart and walkingout without paying for it.

does it mean that we want another kind of 'control'

Yeh, I think so. A lotta people want more authoritarian control but also want freedom to chose and liberty to do as they please. They don't see to realize those 2 things are antithetical to each other.

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