Here We Go Again. Wall St. Billionaires Demanding Bailouts Of Big Banks

That still doesn't justify bad banking decisions. They ignored that possibility and were irresponsible. Unfortunately these crooks get to hide behind 'limited liability' laws that shield the money they steal from the bankruptcy courts and victims. Of course none of the 'free market morons' here ever snivel about that, because corporate officers and shareholders are always completely blameless and should never ever pay for their bad judgment and thievery. that's what the little people are for.

Look up the 'mark to market' rule these so-called 'financial experts' all completely ignore.

This is supposed to make the swindlers more prudent, but then the limited liability laws mean they don't have to care what happens down the road, and neither do shareholders. They rake in while the market bubbles then leave the wreckage for others to pay for.
Elect the right government and allow them to do the people's business on behalf of the citizen's in this COUNTRY, but nooooooooo the leftist agenda focusing on total ridiculousness was front and center while the banker was making time with the regulators wife and laughing about it.

Golden parachutes anyone ?
This one time I agree 100%.

If Billionaire Bill Ackerman thinks they need a bailout...he can help by using HIS money to do it.

Time to put up or shut up Bill.
In a Biden economy and government ? I'd be shaking in my boot's in a Biden led government with my money or investment's.
Elect the right government and allow them to do the people's business on behalf of the citizen's in this COUNTRY, but nooooooooo the leftist agenda focusing on total ridiculousness was front and center while the banker was making time with the regulators wife and laughing about it.

Golden parachutes anyone ?

Golden parchutes are what republicans hand out to to thier rich donors, true. And again the regulators come from the industries they regulate. You seem to really avoid that fact.
I'm not going to try to decipher your moronic claims.

If you have evidence from a specific post, show it.

Or run away again. Pussy.

You're idiot. Nobody runs away from you they just ignore your pathetic inability to follow discussions and then post one liners as if you think you're smart. You're not, you're clueless. It's you who keeps running away. lol
Looking at this chart, one realizes how addicted to QE our economy has become and why winding it down will be damn difficult. What sitting leader - group of leaders - wants to be the one to walk into a wedding reception and tell them they have to leave after only their first 3 drinks? Let's face it: everyone came *for* the free booze. And they intend to get hammered for free.

The fact that Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has been seized by federal regulators is a big deal and will have a huge impact on Silicon Valley’s startup scene. They are the financial institution for every new tech company in Northern California.

Something is really rotten at SVB. The bank has $209 billion in assets and $175.4 billion in deposits, yet it collapsed because it failed to raise a mere $1.75 billion in new financing. The consequences should ripple across a significant segment of the economy, particularly in the San Francisco-San Jose region.

But whatever, shit happens, right? Economic sectors are disrupted all the time, and this one, at least, should hit a more affluent crowd. We’re not talking the destruction of manufacturing in small towns all across America, and Silicon Valley is resilient enough to bounce back. It always does.

Except this isn’t small-town America. This is some of the wealthiest, most powerful interests in our country. And if there’s one thing wealthy financial interests love more than anything else, it’s privatizing profits but socializing the risks. So like clockwork …

No. Hell no. Fuck no. Eat shit and fucking die no.
Done in by raising interest rates in response to Biden’s hyperinflation
Yes, we see you can't refute anything, and are desperate now. lYou're the one crying about deregulation all of a sudden. Now you pretend you aren't. You can't cover your ideological rubbish arguments so roll out the strawmen. lol

Different situations with different players call for different responses.

Mark Cuban, billionaire Tech guy, only had 7-10 million dollars in SVB.
He had to know that they weren't the brightest bank bulb in the Tech sector, otherwise he would've had alot more!!
But he's still gonna bitch 10 ways to Sunday about losing money.

SVB turns out to be a foul, but no major harm, even tho' the very rich will go through the motions tomorrow to find a fainting couch.

Don't fall for it!!
Done in by raising interest rates in response to Biden’s hyperinflation

Different situations with different players call for different responses.

Mark Cuban, billionaire Tech guy, only had 7-10 million dollars in SVB.
He had to know that they weren't the brightest bank bulb in the Tech sector, otherwise he would've had alot more!!
But he's still gonna bitch 10 ways to Sunday about losing money.

SVB turns out to be a foul, but no major harm, even tho' the very rich will go through the motions tomorrow to find a fainting couch.

Don't fall for it!!

I'm not. I'm against bailouts for any of them. Always have been. I think Federal Deposit Insurance should only apply to individuals personal accounts as well. This goes for a major collapse, not just this one bank.
This quickly turned into a dumb thread that has nothing to do with the original topic. SVB wasn't doomed by bad mortgages or credit default swaps, so let's stop talking about 2008.

This is a mostly corporate big account bank that got so much in deposits during the pandemic that it didn't couldn't lend it all, so it had to put it into treasuries. That worked when interest rates were near zero, but in a rapidly changing higher rate environment? Not so much. The bonds weren't appreciating fast enough. The account holders wanted better yields on the amount they had in the bank. They weren't getting it, so Thiel and some of the bigger plays began withdrawing - a lot. All at once. They may actually have the assets to repay a lot of their account holders and investors, but not now. They have a liquidity problem.
In essence SVB was running a quasi Ponzi scheme
Any time you feel like asking relevant questions on a topic go ahead. Until then just keep proving you don't even know what anybody is talking about, like Beagle does.

How does someone "leverage those tranches in CDO's at 35 to 50 times the averages values in the overnight markets"?

Spell it out. Don't use gibberish, use English.
In essence SVB was running a quasi Ponzi scheme

I wouldn't characterize it that way -- at least not yet based on what I've seeb. There was not, as far as I can tell, an intent to defraud account holders or investors, but time will tell. Will be interesting to see if their banking practices conflicted with any reports they might have filed.

Terrible, terrible optics of the CEO selling shares before the implosion. He will definitely face scrutiny, and should.

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