Here We Go. Food Supply Chain Collapsing

lol. you are using worse tactics than the tactics you are whining about. i will laugh at you long time
You're a moron. A billion people won't starve but when all the grocery shelves are empty maybe then your little monkey brain will see the wisdom is getting people back to work and the idiocy in keeping all these healthy people sitting at home doing nothing. What a fucking dope!

You think people horded toilet paper and masks? Wait until the prospect of going without food becomes real.

with the reduction of food intake....toilet paper ought to make a might comeback eh? LOL.....
Meat is murder.

Well, it hasn't come to that yet. Though, just the other day I would have killed for a nice porterhouse.
I've got a couple of large freezers full of elk/moose/woodland caribou cuts and another freezer full of lingcod and 'chicken' halibut fillets. If I ever start running low I'll take my 180 up north with some family/ friends and we will harvest what we need.
IMO the best red meat on earth is a young Woodland caribou that's been hung in the meat locker for about 28 days.
And the idiots whoo think we are going to bounce back lmfao.
Everyone will horde meat now and shelves will be empty for months, maybe years.

Please don't believe democrats. There might well be temporary shortages of some items. The democrats have not yet stopped all production. Thank God we have Trump in the white house who won't let the democrats stop all food production.

There never was a paper shortage. There was a temporary crazy until people figured out that there was no shortage. The same might happen with meat for a few days.
and some will still never see it coming cause it's jusut a mmmmmmmmmmmm. --------------- conspiracyeeeeeeeeeeee . lmfao!!!!

We will starve to death it is being said and we are the one country that can self sustain in every way there is!!
THIS IS HOW YOU GET THE NWO THE GREEN DEALL AND EVERYTHING YOU POS MOTHER FKRS WANTED now that you will live it a.holes watch how much you begin to hate what YOU CREATED PRICKS!!
Everything is such a gawd dam joke to you idiots who seem to think ( if thinking is what you call it) , because here is a news flash taking down the west has been throwing to you u morons for years all you trained UNINFORMED PARROTING LOSERS created what your going to live........ YOU WILL DESERVE EVERY FKD UP SECOND YOU LIVE IN IT!!

We aren't user what it takes to show you lower informed freaks whats' coming but there isn't much time loons trust us not much time at all and we aren't talking abouut some fkn rapture bs.

Some should listen to this farmer

He trying to tell the world and oh watch how fast this video gets taken down.

HOw many even know about our meat coming over from over seas----- lol not many.



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You think it is only beef, but Conagra announced recently that with farmers plowing under crops, there won't be enough veggies to fill all the demand for canned goods.

They just planted a couple weeks ago ... we plow crops under in the fall, not spring ... getting a little ahead of yourself? ...

Yeah, I want to know why you would do this at all? I am keeping several farmers employed eating vegetables.
You think it is only beef, but Conagra announced recently that with farmers plowing under crops, there won't be enough veggies to fill all the demand for canned goods.

They just planted a couple weeks ago ... we plow crops under in the fall, not spring ... getting a little ahead of yourself? ...

You've clearly never planted any vegetables. It's May 1. Much of California and southern areas of the country have been frost free for 2 months - that's 60 days for those on the left. Seed to picking, many varieties of lettuce are 40 to 60 days. Carrots, as soon as 30 to 40 days for baby carrots.
They just planted a couple weeks ago ... we plow crops under in the fall, not spring ... getting a little ahead of yourself? ...
You've clearly never planted any vegetables. It's May 1. Much of California and southern areas of the country have been frost free for 2 months - that's 60 days for those on the left. Seed to picking, many varieties of lettuce are 40 to 60 days. Carrots, as soon as 30 to 40 days for baby carrots.

Peaches, grapes, almonds, cherries and walnuts take 5 to 10 years to start producing ... and these orchards produce for up to 50 years ... tomatoes, cucumbers, corn all have many months yet to harvest ... if you've lived in the California Central Valley, then you know the wide variety of things that are grown there ...

There's a little part of California called the Imperial Valley ... this is year-round growing conditions for lettuce and the like and where we get some of our fresh vegetables during the winter months (there and Chile) ... farmers there would have already plowed just as an after-harvest chore, the concern is whether it's worth planting again if there's no market in 60 days ... remember the lyrics?:

Call any vegetable
Call it by name
Call one today
When you get off the train
Call any vegetable
And the chances are good
Ooooh! The vegetable
Will respond to you
They just planted a couple weeks ago ... we plow crops under in the fall, not spring ... getting a little ahead of yourself? ...
You've clearly never planted any vegetables. It's May 1. Much of California and southern areas of the country have been frost free for 2 months - that's 60 days for those on the left. Seed to picking, many varieties of lettuce are 40 to 60 days. Carrots, as soon as 30 to 40 days for baby carrots.

Peaches, grapes, almonds, cherries and walnuts take 5 to 10 years to start producing ... and these orchards produce for up to 50 years ... tomatoes, cucumbers, corn all have many months yet to harvest ... if you've lived in the California Central Valley, then you know the wide variety of things that are grown there ...

There's a little part of California called the Imperial Valley ... this is year-round growing conditions for lettuce and the like and where we get some of our fresh vegetables during the winter months (there and Chile) ... farmers there would have already plowed just as an after-harvest chore, the concern is whether it's worth planting again if there's no market in 60 days ... remember the lyrics?:

Call any vegetable
Call it by name
Call one today
When you get off the train
Call any vegetable
And the chances are good
Ooooh! The vegetable
Will respond to you


They just planted a couple weeks ago ... we plow crops under in the fall, not spring ... getting a little ahead of yourself?

You changed the game. We were talking about vegetables planted in the spring. And I went to high school for 9th to 11th grade in Stockton, California - or was supposed to; I didn't go much. I was poor and lived a significant amount of the time living on the streets. I made money to feed myself by showing up downtown Stockton at 4:00 in the morning and taking the buses into the fields to pick tomatoes and cucumbers, top onions, etc. I know plenty about how vegetables are grown in the San Joaquin Valley.

I also spent years living in San Diego, Ventura, and other areas of California. Luckily, by then, I no longer had to do slave labor to feed myself but I certainly watched fields plowed and replanted several times in the course of the year.

So, they just planted trees a few weeks ago and will be plowing under in the fall? Or did they just plant vegetables and will be plowing under in 50 years? Or, instead of the defenseless change of argument on your part, should we stick with the fact that you were wrong; vegetables planted already have grown to the stage where it is time to pick or plow under because the next crop needs planting?

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