Here You Are, Gutless Republican Congressmen, Brazil has Shown You How to Get the Nerve to Impeach

Jim forgot to take his meds again. Please not - Jim's post are his own and don't represent real Republicans in any way. LOL
Fucktard, I am not and have never claimed to be a Republican.

BTW, what brain dead ass hat made YOU their spokespussy?
If it walks like a duck.

Quacks like a duck.

Then it's a butthead.
What does that have to do with this fag Fang being Spokepussy for the GOP?
Uh, what would we impeach Obama for? Try to compose your answer carefully...
Everything is not an option?
Lol, lets see:

1. Serial liar to the American People about government policies he is implenenting - no transparency, no prosperity no "keep your own doctor" etc.

2. He has allowed guns to be trafficked to Mexican Drug Lords and has allowed them to be sheilded from investigation.

3. He has squandered the public treasury, DOUBLING our national debt.

4. He has crippled our military

5. He has allowed the deadliest of our enemies to not only continue to exist as nations of brigands, but also has crippled our ability to prevent them from entering our nation.

6. He has allowed US Top Secrets to be exposed to every hacking outfit run by every major nation on the planet through his incompetent SecoState.

7. He has refused to enforce the nations laws as his oath and the Constitution mandate that he do as President.

That is just for starters.

Once he leaves office he needs to be investigated for treason and if found guilty put up against a wall and shot.
OK, we have lots of memorized GOP talking points.

Now, tell us something true.
Another demonstration of how you cannot stop thinking like a leftwing ideologue, rdean.

You imagine that I got my bullet items from Republican talking points then dismiss them without even reading them.

Did you get to keep your own doctor? A lot of people did not and they regard that as having been lied to, even a lot of Democrats.

Wake up, dude.
Of course you could keep your own doctor. As long as the policy met minimum standards. Some policies only let you see a doctor twice a year and paid for nothing else. Would you buy a policy like that? Would you support a policy like that being sold?

Just stop being a butthead.
It would only be illegal if it were taxpayer money. But it was Iran's money. We held Iran's money hostage.
I have seen no proof of that, as we signed an agreement and then released all of that money with the latest Iran agreement, so again, where did the money come from?

And why the fuck pay in cash? So Quds can use it?
Uh, what would we impeach Obama for? Try to compose your answer carefully...
Everything is not an option?
Lol, lets see:

1. Serial liar to the American People about government policies he is implementing - no transparency, no prosperity no "keep your own doctor" etc.

2. He has allowed guns to be trafficked to Mexican Drug Lords and has allowed them to be sheilded from investigation.

3. He has squandered the public treasury, DOUBLING our national debt.

4. He has crippled our military

5. He has allowed the deadliest of our enemies to not only continue to exist as nations of brigands, but also has crippled our ability to prevent them from entering our nation.

6. He has allowed US Top Secrets to be exposed to every hacking outfit run by every major nation on the planet through his incompetent SecoState.

7. He has refused to enforce the nations laws as his oath and the Constitution mandate that he do as President.

That is just for starters.

Once he leaves office he needs to be investigated for treason and if found guilty put up against a wall and shot.

Now this is how you create REAL Damage. Real concrete and long lasting damage:

Bush Tax cuts losing 3.4 trillion in revenue.

Two unpaid for wars.

Medicare part D - drugs for votes another 3 trillion.

Tens of thousands maimed for life from Iraq cost an unknown trillions into the future.

From 2001 to 2008 losing millions of jobs costing all that revenue and the subsidies to move jobs overseas.

Closing over 42,000 factories from 2001 to 2008.

The disaster after Katrina buying tens of thousands of carcenogenic trailers rotting out in a field costing an unknown amount.

There was not arm of the government Republicans didn't mess up.

But it's ALL Obama's fault.

Even when he extended the Bush tax cuts. Republicans said they would cut unemployment for millions who lost their jobs under Bush if Obama didn't sign the Bush Tax Cut extension, but, of course, that's also Obama's fault.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

I agree that George W Bush was a bad President. You are preaching to the choir, dude.

Hussein Obama has been worse by at least one order of magnitude.
Never. When you remove 42,000 factories and their revenue from the economy, you can't blame that on Obama with Republicans blocking everything he tried to do. Grow up and learn something.
Of course you could keep your own doctor. As long as the policy met minimum standards.


You really dont see the problem there, do you?

Some policies only let you see a doctor twice a year and paid for nothing else. Would you buy a policy like that? Would you support a policy like that being sold?

Just stop being a butthead.

Lol, you are such a brainwashed moron, rdean, but I like that because you make an excellent punching bag to practice on.
Uh, what would we impeach Obama for? Try to compose your answer carefully...
Everything is not an option?
Lol, lets see:

1. Serial liar to the American People about government policies he is implementing - no transparency, no prosperity no "keep your own doctor" etc.

2. He has allowed guns to be trafficked to Mexican Drug Lords and has allowed them to be sheilded from investigation.

3. He has squandered the public treasury, DOUBLING our national debt.

4. He has crippled our military

5. He has allowed the deadliest of our enemies to not only continue to exist as nations of brigands, but also has crippled our ability to prevent them from entering our nation.

6. He has allowed US Top Secrets to be exposed to every hacking outfit run by every major nation on the planet through his incompetent SecoState.

7. He has refused to enforce the nations laws as his oath and the Constitution mandate that he do as President.

That is just for starters.

Once he leaves office he needs to be investigated for treason and if found guilty put up against a wall and shot.

Now this is how you create REAL Damage. Real concrete and long lasting damage:

Bush Tax cuts losing 3.4 trillion in revenue.

Two unpaid for wars.

Medicare part D - drugs for votes another 3 trillion.

Tens of thousands maimed for life from Iraq cost an unknown trillions into the future.

From 2001 to 2008 losing millions of jobs costing all that revenue and the subsidies to move jobs overseas.

Closing over 42,000 factories from 2001 to 2008.

The disaster after Katrina buying tens of thousands of carcenogenic trailers rotting out in a field costing an unknown amount.

There was not arm of the government Republicans didn't mess up.

But it's ALL Obama's fault.

Even when he extended the Bush tax cuts. Republicans said they would cut unemployment for millions who lost their jobs under Bush if Obama didn't sign the Bush Tax Cut extension, but, of course, that's also Obama's fault.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

I agree that George W Bush was a bad President. You are preaching to the choir, dude.

Hussein Obama has been worse by at least one order of magnitude.
Never. When you remove 42,000 factories and their revenue from the economy, you can't blame that on Obama with Republicans blocking everything he tried to do. Grow up and learn something.

Lol, yes you can when much of that industrial exit was during Obamas tenure, dude.

Maybe yo should go read a book or something.

You are getting kind of pissy tonight.
Yet Congress has been in control of the GOP for almost 2 years, yet, no tax reform.............

Could it be...nah....but could it be that the GOP Congressional leaders are just as big a bunch of liars and swindlers as Obama and Hillary are?

Could that be true?

Nah...but then again......
For cash to Iran? (in secret but got caught).
Wasnt that actually illegal?

Not that that actually matters to Hussein Obama, but....
It would only be illegal if it were taxpayer money. But it was Iran's money. We held Iran's money hostage.

Nice story, nice try. When I find a wallet on street....after 90 days with Police it is mine. Statute of limitations. I'm the big dog, I tell them what I want and when. They say only, yes sir or they pay price. To the holder goes the reward.

Even if they could show some sort of proof....I don't buy it. Too late, it is mine.
Of course you could keep your own doctor. As long as the policy met minimum standards.


You really dont see the problem there, do you?

Some policies only let you see a doctor twice a year and paid for nothing else. Would you buy a policy like that? Would you support a policy like that being sold?

Just stop being a butthead.

Lol, you are such a brainwashed moron, rdean, but I like that because you make an excellent punching bag to practice on.
Go ahead. Explain it.

Tell us why you have no standards.
Uh, what would we impeach Obama for? Try to compose your answer carefully...

they know there's nothing. it enrages them.
I was wondering how long the pooch door would have to stay open for you to make an appearance.

Whats wrong Shillian, all the cars have left the neighborhood and there's nothing left for you to chase?

what's the matter, dear? only your fellow rightwingnuts are supposed to respond.

it would probably be helpful if you understood that the basis for impeaching a president is high crimes and misdemeanors. the basis for impeachment is not some wing nut's hatred for a duly elected president
Of course you could keep your own doctor. As long as the policy met minimum standards.


You really dont see the problem there, do you?

Some policies only let you see a doctor twice a year and paid for nothing else. Would you buy a policy like that? Would you support a policy like that being sold?

Just stop being a butthead.

Lol, you are such a brainwashed moron, rdean, but I like that because you make an excellent punching bag to practice on.

and yet you're flailing wildly and being wholly ineffective.

go figure.
Uh, what would we impeach Obama for? Try to compose your answer carefully...

they know there's nothing. it enrages them.
I was wondering how long the pooch door would have to stay open for you to make an appearance.

Whats wrong Shillian, all the cars have left the neighborhood and there's nothing left for you to chase?

what's the matter, dear? only your fellow rightwingnuts are supposed to respond.

it would probably be helpful if you understood that the basis for impeaching a president is high crimes and misdemeanors. the basis for impeachment is not some wing nut's hatred for a duly elected president

Mr. Bowie doesn't care about pesky facts like that. Like all conservatives who operate on emotion rather than logic, seething hatred is enough to justify impeachment.
Go ahead. Explain it.

Tell us why you have no standards.
I have standards and they dont let me support criminals who have sold state secrets to our enemies as I suspect that Hillary Clinton has done.
NEW REPORT on Obama corruption has even liberals stunned - Allen B. West -

The jury is in: the Obama administration will go down as the biggest criminal presidential administration in U.S. history. Laundering $400 million cash into Swiss francs and Euros, palletizing, and shipping off to Iran. Illegally wiring billions to Iran — and these two incidents are just in the last three weeks or so. But there is clear proof, to go along with Hillary Clinton’s pay for play scheme at the State Department — which also occurred under the Obama purview.

As reported by the Daily Caller, “The Obama administration has quietly funneled millions (and potentially billions) of dollars to leftist organizations and politicians that promote liberal policies and win political elections at the entry-level of government, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The funneling mechanism for these funds is the Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group (RMBS), a collaborative effort by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice (including many United States Attorneys Offices), the New York State Attorney General’s Office, and many others.
It was Iran's own money. Maybe you should try reading some of those "newspapers" you mentioned earlier.
We had already given them back their money, and it wasnt the Mullahs money anyway , and they are the ones that got it, not the people of Iran.

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