Here's an honest republican white man

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.
Thank you!
Your proud your people have been turned into ignorant voting cows?
Are you referring to Jews who overwhelmingly vote Democratic?
Yep them too. it is funny because you use a avatar of a man who called all black people who voted democrat chumps
LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.
Thank you!
Your proud your people have been turned into ignorant voting cows?
Are you referring to Jews who overwhelmingly vote Democratic?

that is a mystery since the GOP supports Israel and the Dems do not

but eliminating that , demographic groups tend to vote for their own interests.

It's only white GOPers that are considered bigots.

thanks for exposing your double standards
Many Dems support Israel, yes, and a few GOP don't, which is confusing.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.

When Dems get caught for voter fraud in Philly, you have to wonder if most of their support is manufactured
Hilarious when the party of Tuskegee Experiments, planned Parenthood's black Eugenics, and Grand Kleagle Senate Majority leader talk about race

If any of the people implementing or supporting any of the things you mentioned are running for office, they will be found in the GOP.

Look how you racist fucks treated Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

OK. I get it now. You are one of those idiots who thinks Obama was elected because he is black, and you think those two should have been given a pass on their laughable ignorance because they are black too. It doesn't work like that. If Obama was as pathetically ill equipped to be president as they are, then he would have been treated the same way they were. If they were as good as him, they would be treated as he is.
Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. ....

Drug dealers are such great nutritionists that people of all races will literally kill to consume their product. Aren't they just wonderful humanitarians?
You said: What do you mean? Lots of black Americans vote democrat.

I say: Right. So why do you vote for the racist republican hate mongers?
Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. ....

Drug dealers are such great nutritionists that people of all races will literally kill to consume their product. Aren't they just wonderful humanitarians?

OK tell you what: You vote for the racist republicans. The rest of us will vote for the non-racist democratic party.
Hilarious when the party of Tuskegee Experiments, planned Parenthood's black Eugenics, and Grand Kleagle Senate Majority leader talk about race

If any of the people implementing or supporting any of the things you mentioned are running for office, they will be found in the GOP.

Look how you racist fucks treated Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

LOL, Herman Cain molested white women. And Ben Carson thinks people coming out gay from prison proves homosexuality is a choice. Listen up buddy: Dems get votes from ALL ethnic minority groups. ALL! Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians. Also dems get majority of women, gays, catholics. The only votes dems don't get are from southern con baptist whites. Bye!
Hilarious when the party of Tuskegee Experiments, planned Parenthood's black Eugenics, and Grand Kleagle Senate Majority leader talk about race

If any of the people implementing or supporting any of the things you mentioned are running for office, they will be found in the GOP.

Look how you racist fucks treated Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

LOL, Herman Cain molested white women. And Ben Carson thinks people coming out gay from prison proves homosexuality is a choice. Listen up buddy: Dems get votes from ALL ethnic minority groups. ALL! Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians. Also dems get majority of women, gays, catholics. The only votes dems don't get are from southern con baptist whites. Bye!
You have no proof about Cain and homosexuality is a choice.
Hilarious when the party of Tuskegee Experiments, planned Parenthood's black Eugenics, and Grand Kleagle Senate Majority leader talk about race

If any of the people implementing or supporting any of the things you mentioned are running for office, they will be found in the GOP.

Look how you racist fucks treated Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

LOL, Herman Cain molested white women. And Ben Carson thinks people coming out gay from prison proves homosexuality is a choice. Listen up buddy: Dems get votes from ALL ethnic minority groups. ALL! Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians. Also dems get majority of women, gays, catholics. The only votes dems don't get are from southern con baptist whites. Bye!
You have no proof about Cain and homosexuality is a choice.

No need for proof about Cain. He drifted from sight four years ago. You are free to believe anything you want about homosexuality being a choice. Of course you are wrong, but that never stopped you before.
Hilarious when the party of Tuskegee Experiments, planned Parenthood's black Eugenics, and Grand Kleagle Senate Majority leader talk about race

If any of the people implementing or supporting any of the things you mentioned are running for office, they will be found in the GOP.

Look how you racist fucks treated Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

LOL, Herman Cain molested white women. And Ben Carson thinks people coming out gay from prison proves homosexuality is a choice. Listen up buddy: Dems get votes from ALL ethnic minority groups. ALL! Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians. Also dems get majority of women, gays, catholics. The only votes dems don't get are from southern con baptist whites. Bye!
You have no proof about Cain and homosexuality is a choice.

No need for proof about Cain. He drifted from sight four years ago. You are free to believe anything you want about homosexuality being a choice. Of course you are wrong, but that never stopped you before.
Harassment is why he dropped from the race
If any of the people implementing or supporting any of the things you mentioned are running for office, they will be found in the GOP.

Look how you racist fucks treated Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

LOL, Herman Cain molested white women. And Ben Carson thinks people coming out gay from prison proves homosexuality is a choice. Listen up buddy: Dems get votes from ALL ethnic minority groups. ALL! Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians. Also dems get majority of women, gays, catholics. The only votes dems don't get are from southern con baptist whites. Bye!
You have no proof about Cain and homosexuality is a choice.

No need for proof about Cain. He drifted from sight four years ago. You are free to believe anything you want about homosexuality being a choice. Of course you are wrong, but that never stopped you before.
Harassment is why he dropped from the race

He dropped from the race because he was shown to be an idiot, and nobody would give him any more money.
Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. ....

Drug dealers are such great nutritionists that people of all races will literally kill to consume their product. Aren't they just wonderful humanitarians?

OK tell you what: You vote for the racist republicans. The rest of us will vote for the non-racist democratic party.

Tell you what, you go on being a completely mindless partisan drone, and responsible citizens will think for ourselves and vote accordingly.

You're a brainless fucking clown.
Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. ....

Drug dealers are such great nutritionists that people of all races will literally kill to consume their product. Aren't they just wonderful humanitarians?

OK tell you what: You vote for the racist republicans. The rest of us will vote for the non-racist democratic party.

Tell you what, you go on being a completely mindless partisan drone, and responsible citizens will think for ourselves and vote accordingly.

You're a brainless fucking clown.

Just be sure to check with rush before you do that.
Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. ....

Drug dealers are such great nutritionists that people of all races will literally kill to consume their product. Aren't they just wonderful humanitarians?

OK tell you what: You vote for the racist republicans. The rest of us will vote for the non-racist democratic party.

Tell you what, you go on being a completely mindless partisan drone, and responsible citizens will think for ourselves and vote accordingly.

You're a brainless fucking clown.

Just be sure to check with rush before you do that.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. ....

Drug dealers are such great nutritionists that people of all races will literally kill to consume their product. Aren't they just wonderful humanitarians?

OK tell you what: You vote for the racist republicans. The rest of us will vote for the non-racist democratic party.

Tell you what, you go on being a completely mindless partisan drone, and responsible citizens will think for ourselves and vote accordingly.

You're a brainless fucking clown.

Sorry dipshit, you don't think for yourselves. You are fed BS by Fucks Nuse. Try to use a brain once in a while.

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