Here’s Every BLM Rioter Arrested Last Night in Portland

View attachment 400355
See anything they have in common?

Now compare these visages to the faces of Manson Family members and/or just about any other cult members' faces throughout history. All of them possess the same vacant, murderous look.
These 3 go to male or female jail ?
The linked article doesn't actually say what they were seen doing and what they were charged with, although it does mention blocking some lanes of some street. The politically loaded language used by the author and statements that "police believed" that they were going to do something raise questions.

#6 looks like she'd have some good poontang. Prolly #17 too. ;)
View attachment 400355
See anything they have in common?
theyre all white and antifa not BLM,,,
thats why BLM snitched on them to cops because they were white and only out to start trouble,,,

The linked article doesn't actually say what they were seen doing and what they were charged with, although it does mention blocking some lanes of some street. The politically loaded language used by the author and statements that "police believed" that they were going to do something raise questions.
They were blocking traffic. That's a crime.
That shit right there is why we have so much repeat crime.
This particular arrest was meant to be a loud message
to future rioters..."We're not playing anymore." And if the feds have to come in again, they will pay a price for sure. Once you're in federal court on these types of charges, they'll stack 5 or 6 on you, make you plead guilty to 1 or 2 and you think you're doing good to get 2 years, or sometime down the road you may be charged with domestic terrorism or any number of serious felonies....arson, destruction of government property.....
Not playing, but let them go, got it.
Wonder how many were actually charged?
They should each be sentenced to about 200 hours of community service cleaning up the mess they made of Portland.
I think they should see prison.
From the looks of these punks, just being cuffed, fingerprinted and spending one night in a holding cell will probably scare some sense into them.
First, charge them reparations for all damage. Then I'd give them all 1 year on a chain gang, raking and cleaning up the forest floors. If they reoffend, I'd put them back on the chain gang, doing maintenance on every policeman's house. I mean landscaping, painting, garbage detail and any other service they can do to make blue lives easier. All complaints will result in another month of servitude. A little time away from the dope that put that spaced out look on their faces might help too.
Wonder how many were actually charged?
They should each be sentenced to about 200 hours of community service cleaning up the mess they made of Portland.
I think they should see prison.
From the looks of these punks, just being cuffed, fingerprinted and spending one night in a holding cell will probably scare some sense into them.
First, charge them reparations for all damage. Then I'd give them all 1 year on a chain gang, raking and cleaning up the forest floors. If they reoffend, I'd put them back on the chain gang, doing maintenance on every policeman's house. I mean landscaping, painting, garbage detail and any other service they can do to make blue lives easier. All complaints will result in another month of servitude. A little time away from the dope that put that spaced out look on their faces might help too.

What they have there is failure to communicate. Some folks you just can't reach. So they get what they had there last week, which is the way they want it. Well, they get it. And I don't like it any more than they do.

I feel so sorry for those individuals shown in the OP.

They are just young idealist and silly youngsters who were indoctrinated by maybe liberal parents or their professors.

When they grow up and start interacting with folks in the real world (apart from the campus at high school & the university), they are going to kick themselves for having been so, well, stupid.

In the coming decades as they see how this country changes for the worse, they are going to apologize to their families.
Those are some of the ugliest women I've ever seen. The one on the top row, second from the right might be serviceable, but I'm hoping the others aren't breeders.

And the dipshit with the purple hair. Is that a guy??
Those are some of the ugliest women I've ever seen. The one on the top row, second from the right might be serviceable, but I'm hoping the others aren't breeders.

And the dipshit with the purple hair. Is that a guy??
Why is it always fat, ugly white women? When was the last time you actually saw a babe at one of the protests?

The answer is you never do.
This I believe gets to the heart of why most of them are out in the street marching....they are unsatisfied with their own self-image and reaching for something in another way.
As far as that collection of icons go in the OP...since they're all liberals I just assumed that the entire lot of them were women of one kind or another....:)

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