Here's Everything You Need To Know About I.s.i.s

Great article! Two points to think about though. In the 3 months since the article was published, ISIS has become ultra-rich and secondly, they have been embraced by Hamas and others.
We should have put Allawi in power and kept him there.....he was shia but well-liked by the sunni minority and respected for his fierceness by the Sadr brigades. Maliki was a dick-puppet of Iran....we won the war but lost the peace thanks to Obozo's campaign promise to his moonbat base.. :doubt:
Great article! Two points to think about though. In the 3 months since the article was published, ISIS has become ultra-rich and secondly, they have been embraced by Hamas and others.

Yet they still have faced no real opposition and only succeed like the article says, Where there is a power vacuum.
Great article! Two points to think about though. In the 3 months since the article was published, ISIS has become ultra-rich and secondly, they have been embraced by Hamas and others.

Yet they still have faced no real opposition and only succeed like the article says, Where there is a power vacuum.
That's true and at this point I believe they could be eradicated by one U.S. Army division. And that's only if the campaign was managed by the Army and not by Obamessiah and his hordes of "yes men."
Great article! Two points to think about though. In the 3 months since the article was published, ISIS has become ultra-rich and secondly, they have been embraced by Hamas and others.

Yet they still have faced no real opposition and only succeed like the article says, Where there is a power vacuum.
That's true and at this point I believe they could be eradicated by one U.S. Army division. And that's only if the campaign was managed by the Army and not by Obamessiah and his hordes of "yes men."

Put 1st Cav on their asses......30 days max.

Garry Owen! :badgrin:
I was going to post this as a separate thread but it appears to fit here as a reply to the OP

Islamic State – How Can It NOT Be Islamic?

I wish someone would answer that question. Why do I ask? Simple. We have:

Videos of IS “officials” going through marketplaces and shops telling merchants they must shut down to attend prayers.

IS “officials” gathering up books, magazines, pamphlets, and other periodicals and tossing them into piles in the street and burning them. [Shades of Nazi Germany and Communist Europe]

Women and men wearing western clothing are ordered to remove and destroy them. Failure to do so to results in horrible punishments. Same clothing torn to shreds and tossed into piles for rags.

Public punishment such as throwing acid in a woman's face for looking at a man other than her husband. Removal of hands for stealing. Public rapine of women and girls considered to be “loose”.

Destruction of entire legal systems to be replaced by religious leaders handing out unappeasable decisions based upon “Islamic [Sharia] Law”

If this isn't “Islamic” than what is?

According to Repsac3, Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing, No Matter the Circumstances, Makes You Guilty of 'Bigotry' @ American Power According to Repsac3 Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing No Matter the Circumstances Makes You Guilty of Bigotry

The Pillars of Arab Despotism @ The Pillars of Arab Despotism by Robert F. Worth The New York Review of Books
Great article! Two points to think about though. In the 3 months since the article was published, ISIS has become ultra-rich and secondly, they have been embraced by Hamas and others.

Yet they still have faced no real opposition and only succeed like the article says, Where there is a power vacuum.
That's true and at this point I believe they could be eradicated by one U.S. Army division. And that's only if the campaign was managed by the Army and not by Obamessiah and his hordes of "yes men."
Eradicated only to see a 'new' group take their place after the US, once again, leaves. This article makes me think if its even worth it anymore. It's like fighting a cock roach infestation with a broom. Sure you can kill thousands but thousands more will take their place.

Here is my opinion/observation. If the US puts boots on the ground (which I think will happen) we will have to stay there indefinitely after we 'eradicate' them otherwise we'll be back at square one a year or two down the road fighting the same nutters under a different name (ISIS 1.1)
In my opinion, any time we fight a war with no clear idea of what victory will look like and with no will to fight to an absolute conclusion, we are going to leave things worse than they had to be. President Bush made that mistake and President Obama is making that mistake as has every other President going all the way back to WWII.

Unless we have the political will to fight with overwhelming force and bludgeon the enemy into complete submission and unconditional surrender and then act like victors and set the terms for what the people have to do to get their country back, we will leave enemies, not friends, in our wake. And since we seem to have no such political will, I don't thing we should invest any more precious blood and treasure into making things worse for other countries.
In my opinion, any time we fight a war with no clear idea of what victory will look like and with no will to fight to an absolute conclusion, we are going to leave things worse than they had to be. President Bush made that mistake and President Obama is making that mistake as has every other President going all the way back to WWII.

Unless we have the political will to fight with overwhelming force and bludgeon the enemy into complete submission and unconditional surrender and then act like victors and set the terms for what the people have to do to get their country back, we will leave enemies, not friends, in our wake. And since we seem to have no such political will, I don't thing we should invest any more precious blood and treasure into making things worse for other countries.
That's why letting the military conduct war is the only solution to defeating an enemy. Ever since Truman started micro-managing in Korea, the US has been pissing into the wind.
Great article! Two points to think about though. In the 3 months since the article was published, ISIS has become ultra-rich and secondly, they have been embraced by Hamas and others.

Yet they still have faced no real opposition and only succeed like the article says, Where there is a power vacuum.
That's true and at this point I believe they could be eradicated by one U.S. Army division. And that's only if the campaign was managed by the Army and not by Obamessiah and his hordes of "yes men."

Put 1st Cav on their asses......30 days max.

Garry Owen! :badgrin:
Agreed! Garry Owen could use the help of at least a company of Devil Dogs to whup those suckers in no time flat. Semper Fi! :tank:
All the Iraqi army needs is our strategic/signal intel and air cover....and to rid the brigades of shia cowards. Sell them 100 Apache Longbows for oil and keep them operational by US air maintenance. And nape and snake.....these beheaders should experience napalm and snake-eyed ordnance. Screw the UN and their "rules".....pig entrails on their corpses.....only one thing these punks understand.....TERROR! :ack-1:
Great article! Two points to think about though. In the 3 months since the article was published, ISIS has become ultra-rich and secondly, they have been embraced by Hamas and others.

Yet they still have faced no real opposition and only succeed like the article says, Where there is a power vacuum.
That's true and at this point I believe they could be eradicated by one U.S. Army division. And that's only if the campaign was managed by the Army and not by Obamessiah and his hordes of "yes men."

Put 1st Cav on their asses......30 days max.

Garry Owen! :badgrin:
All the Iraqi army needs is our strategic/signal intel and air cover....and to rid the brigades of shia cowards. Sell them 100 Apache Longbows for oil and keep them operational by US air maintenance. And nape and snake.....these beheaders should experience napalm and snake-eyed ordnance. Screw the UN and their "rules".....pig entrails on their corpses.....only one thing these punks understand.....TERROR! :ack-1:

Bacon is already high enough without wasting any pig parts on the terrorists...Just throw used tampons on them...
The roots of ISIS can be found in the fundamentalist Wahabbist movement that began in Saudi Arabia around the time the British were partitioning the middle east. Essentially they are no different to any of the other extremist groups like Al Queda that are also based in Wahabbism.

It is a fallacy to believe that you can "defeat" a religion by warmongering. You cannot kill an idea. To this day there are still those who believe that Nazism is the only way the world should be. However they are marginalized and treated with the scorn and derision they deserve.

That is not as easy with those who are willing to die for their extreme fundamentalist beliefs and kill innocent women and children in the process. So there needs to be a two pronged approach to dealing with them. One is definitely based in the military but that must be composed of those who have the most to lose under an extremist cult. If they won't fight for their freedom then there is no reason why anyone else should do so on their behalf in my opinion.

The second prong is the 'war" for the hearts and minds of normal average Muslims. This is a propaganda war and it needs to be funded by governments and it must use the talents of normal average Muslims to demonstrate that life does not need to be one of constant strife. Your neighbor might not be Shiia or Sunni like you but he is still your neighbor. You both live in the same town, buy food and clothes in the same shops and read the same books. Your children will play soccer together. What divides you is not as important as what you share as humans. The internet is the tool to use to spread this message and we know it works because it helped in the Arab Spring.

Using both approaches the extremists like ISIS are seen for what they really are, a threat to the peace and stability of the lives of ordinary people. Once it becomes apparent that they are can be beaten they no longer be allowed to intimidate without repercussions. They will be marginalized and ridiculed and if they commit atrocities tried and jailed.

Failure to use both approaches guarantees that the outcome will be the same as always. Do it right this time or don't do it at all in my opinion.
The roots of ISIS can be found in the fundamentalist Wahabbist movement that began in Saudi Arabia around the time the British were partitioning the middle east. Essentially they are no different to any of the other extremist groups like Al Queda that are also based in Wahabbism.

It is a fallacy to believe that you can "defeat" a religion by warmongering. You cannot kill an idea. To this day there are still those who believe that Nazism is the only way the world should be. However they are marginalized and treated with the scorn and derision they deserve.

That is not as easy with those who are willing to die for their extreme fundamentalist beliefs and kill innocent women and children in the process. So there needs to be a two pronged approach to dealing with them. One is definitely based in the military but that must be composed of those who have the most to lose under an extremist cult. If they won't fight for their freedom then there is no reason why anyone else should do so on their behalf in my opinion.

The second prong is the 'war" for the hearts and minds of normal average Muslims. This is a propaganda war and it needs to be funded by governments and it must use the talents of normal average Muslims to demonstrate that life does not need to be one of constant strife. Your neighbor might not be Shiia or Sunni like you but he is still your neighbor. You both live in the same town, buy food and clothes in the same shops and read the same books. Your children will play soccer together. What divides you is not as important as what you share as humans. The internet is the tool to use to spread this message and we know it works because it helped in the Arab Spring.

Using both approaches the extremists like ISIS are seen for what they really are, a threat to the peace and stability of the lives of ordinary people. Once it becomes apparent that they are can be beaten they no longer be allowed to intimidate without repercussions. They will be marginalized and ridiculed and if they commit atrocities tried and jailed.

Failure to use both approaches guarantees that the outcome will be the same as always. Do it right this time or don't do it at all in my opinion.

You have a good argument, and perhaps it could work.

However I disagree that you cannot defeat a religion by war. We did it in World War II by totally defeating Shinto extremism. Remember the Banzai? The Rape of Nanking? Not too much difference between Shinto extremism and Islamic extremism. We did this by employing total warfare. We leveled entire cities, and used nuclear power.

Then, after we utterly defeated them militarily, we forcefully changed their culture. General MacArthur was effectively the military Governor. For the next five years we had 350,000 soldiers in Japan enforcing General MacArthur's rule. We outlawed their flag, their nationalism, their extremism. We taught western values in their schools. We broke them so badly that they relied upon us to feed them. We jailed any opposition, and we controlled the press.

We could do the same thing with ISIS, and Islamic extremism in general. We could triple the size of our military, invade (again), blow up many mosques, put observers in the rest of the mosques to ensure they only taught "approved" ideology, outlaw extremism, totally disarm the population, make the population totally dependent upon us for food, water, and electricity, take over the schools to ensure that western values are taught, etc.

It would take 5-10 years of hard-core military occupation, followed by another 10-20 years of slow withdrawal, but we COULD defeat their religious extremism.
Hell our president won't even admit that ISIS is Islamic. With that kind of approach we have NO CHANCE of dealing with them.
John Kerry is not receiving much of a reception from either the gop or dems in his combating ISIS hearing today. And he is trying to play with words, just as he always does.

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