Here's My Assessment.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Colin POwell appeared on the Factor last night. He's totally a Demon Crap. I suspect he will leave the Republican party and run for 2016 as a demon crap and Hilary will be screwed over again. Mark it down.
Colin POwell appeared on the Factor last night. He's totally a Demon Crap. I suspect he will leave the Republican party and run for 2016 as a demon crap and Hilary will be screwed over again. Mark it down.

He's a moderate Republican. I'd vote for Hillary over him.
Shew! I would vote for Colin over her any day. Did anyone watch her CNN interview about 2016? I missed it
Colin Powell wont run and if he did he wouldnt get the gop nod and if he switched parties he wouldnt beat hillary in a primary.
Colin POwell appeared on the Factor last night. He's totally a Demon Crap. I suspect he will leave the Republican party and run for 2016 as a demon crap and Hilary will be screwed over again. Mark it down.

He's a moderate Republican. I'd vote for Hillary over him.

shame on ewe, he hit every single NOTE in the obama talking points memo.
Colin powel lied to the nation about WMDs.

That will make his elections impossible.

Bush ruined the best republican goings chances of getting eleceted.

He ruined Jebs chances too
Colin powel lied to the nation about WMDs.

That will make his elections impossible.

Bush ruined the best republican goings chances of getting eleceted.

He ruined Jebs chances too

As I recall, he was very much against an Iraq conflict.
[ame=]Colin Powell in the security council - YouTube[/ame]
You can thank the Bush admin for the fact that so many otherwise possible R candidates are dead in the water
Yeah ok. Well from what I've read, he regretted the speech.
Anyhow hindsight is 20/20 innit?
Colin POwell appeared on the Factor last night. He's totally a Demon Crap. I suspect he will leave the Republican party and run for 2016 as a demon crap and Hilary will be screwed over again. Mark it down.

You think dem voters are just going to forget his key testimony in getting authorization for the Iraq invasion?
Colin POwell appeared on the Factor last night. He's totally a Demon Crap. I suspect he will leave the Republican party and run for 2016 as a demon crap and Hilary will be screwed over again. Mark it down.

You think dem voters are just going to forget his key testimony in getting authorization for the Iraq invasion?

did you listen to the interview?
If her health doesn't prevent it, Hillary will run as a "moderate" alternative to the liberal excesses of the Obama presidency. Her stint as Secretary of State has given her foreign policy credentials while at the same time insulating her from Obama's economic agenda. Colin Powell would be a perfect addition for pandering to the female and minority vote.

The Republicans will counter with Paul Ryan as the fiscally responsible candidate with Marco Rubio as VP to appeal to Hispanic voters. Should be interesting.
I bet the GOPers are kicking themselves for running Mitten instead of Powell last time around.

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