Here's My Summary on the GOP Folks

Illya. K. Makrus

Silver Member
Feb 11, 2016
Okay, I will try to make it short, and it's only for the remaining ones at this point (2/12/16)
Carson: Nice, smart, fair sense of humor, an outsider of the political realm, drifting away and away...
Kasich: Zen in his heart, mist in his future.
Bush, oh no, it's Jeb: Once upon a time, that playbook worked. Now I'm depressed, out of energy...
Rubio: Too young to fight, too charming to hate. Working in the Senate where absence is great.
Cruz: Crusader for some, phony clown for others.
Trump: You, ruined the game!!! Now it's so fun!
My younger daughter who knows nothing about politics or the candidates.

Recently saw Carson speaking on TV and commented, "there is something mentally wrong with that guy". ..... :lol:
Okay, I will try to make it short, and it's only for the remaining ones at this point (2/12/16)
Carson: Nice, smart, fair sense of humor, an outsider of the political realm, drifting away and away...
Kasich: Zen in his heart, mist in his future.
Bush, oh no, it's Jeb: Once upon a time, that playbook worked. Now I'm depressed, out of energy...
Rubio: Too young to fight, too charming to hate. Working in the Senate where absence is great.
Cruz: Crusader for some, phony clown for others.
Trump: You, ruined the game!!! Now it's so fun!
Couldn't you categorize Barry Hussein as "too young to fight, too charming to hate. Working in the Senate where absence is great" but sadly for us he is already the president. Hey, now that I am on a roll, how about Hussein "crusader for some, phony clown for others"? It works for me. Sadly, Barry Hussein ruined the game and now it's so fun to see the old commie and the abused wife self destruct.
I don't know that it's the subject of the day. Look, we have two candidates on the other side: one is an admitted Socialist who's ideas drift more Communist, and the other is a multi-millionaire who is under investigation by the FBI, has demonstrated severe incompetency, admittedly has discussions with dead people, and thinks people are shooting at her as she exits airplanes.

Sorry, but given the choices, I'd take my chances with Carson although he's not my candidate. Actually I'd choose anybody on the Republican side.
I cannot vote for any candidate who is very wealthy as they do not know what hard work and sacrifice are and they cannot relate to working class folk.
Okay, I will try to make it short, and it's only for the remaining ones at this point (2/12/16)
Carson: Nice, smart, fair sense of humor, an outsider of the political realm, drifting away and away...
Kasich: Zen in his heart, mist in his future.
Bush, oh no, it's Jeb: Once upon a time, that playbook worked. Now I'm depressed, out of energy...
Rubio: Too young to fight, too charming to hate. Working in the Senate where absence is great.
Cruz: Crusader for some, phony clown for others.
Trump: You, ruined the game!!! Now it's so fun!
Couldn't you categorize Barry Hussein as "too young to fight, too charming to hate. Working in the Senate where absence is great" but sadly for us he is already the president. Hey, now that I am on a roll, how about Hussein "crusader for some, phony clown for others"? It works for me. Sadly, Barry Hussein ruined the game and now it's so fun to see the old commie and the abused wife self destruct.
Hey, I plea not guilty for the eight years of Obama. Four years ago? I was just a little bit too young to vote.
I cannot vote for any candidate who is very wealthy as they do not know what hard work and sacrifice are and they cannot relate to working class folk.
Hmm... I happen to believe that there is a reason to be wealthy and be able to keep it that way. In many cases, it requires intelligence, courage, and yes, hard work and sacrifice! However, sadly, even if I say it's NOT just the janitors who struggle for their dream and work their tail off. You wouldn't believe me, would you?
I don't know that it's the subject of the day. Look, we have two candidates on the other side: one is an admitted Socialist who's ideas drift more Communist, and the other is a multi-millionaire who is under investigation by the FBI, has demonstrated severe incompetency, admittedly has discussions with dead people, and thinks people are shooting at her as she exits airplanes.

Sorry, but given the choices, I'd take my chances with Carson although he's not my candidate. Actually I'd choose anybody on the Republican side.
Oh, I like the guy who ruins this corrupt game, so we probably can agree on quite a few things.
Okay, I will try to make it short, and it's only for the remaining ones at this point (2/12/16)
Carson: Nice, smart, fair sense of humor, an outsider of the political realm, drifting away and away...
Kasich: Zen in his heart, mist in his future.
Bush, oh no, it's Jeb: Once upon a time, that playbook worked. Now I'm depressed, out of energy...
Rubio: Too young to fight, too charming to hate. Working in the Senate where absence is great.
Cruz: Crusader for some, phony clown for others.
Trump: You, ruined the game!!! Now it's so fun!
Not all of Bernie's proposals work (though most do), but his integrity is what this country needs. He has more of it in spades than any other candidate in the race.

Of course the republicans make Hillary look like Bernie so I would take either one.
Okay, I will try to make it short, and it's only for the remaining ones at this point (2/12/16)
Carson: Nice, smart, fair sense of humor, an outsider of the political realm, drifting away and away...
Kasich: Zen in his heart, mist in his future.
Bush, oh no, it's Jeb: Once upon a time, that playbook worked. Now I'm depressed, out of energy...
Rubio: Too young to fight, too charming to hate. Working in the Senate where absence is great.
Cruz: Crusader for some, phony clown for others.
Trump: You, ruined the game!!! Now it's so fun!
Not all of Bernie's proposals work (though most do), but his integrity is what this country needs. He has more of it in spades than any other candidate in the race.

Of course the republicans make Hillary look like Bernie so I would take either one.

Bernie is not honest and he has no integrity. Bernie is a dishonest crackpot. He can't deliver on his bullshit promises and he knows it. Only economic illiterates buy his bullshit. the only reason he has any traction at all is because hiLIARy is such a train wreck.......

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